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tz.cobra strike-第11部分

小说: tz.cobra strike 字数: 每页4000字

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; and because of his private mitment to keeping his father's workload as light as possible; Corwin wound up spending an amazing amount of time on the phone and the public information net。
 Fortunately; the reaction was generally positive。 Most of the objections raised were along the ethical lines the Moreau family had discussed together in their own first pass by the issue; and even among those dissenters support for the Council ran high。 Virtually no one raised the point Corwin had been most worried about: namely; why the Council had waited nearly two months before soliciting public feedback。 That one he would have found hard to answer。
 But all the public relations work took his attention away from the mission details being hammered out… took enough of it; in fact; that he pletely missed the important part of the proposed survey mission team until the list was made public 。。。 and even then Joshua had to call and tell him about it。
 〃I wondered why you were taking it so calmly;〃 Jonny said when Corwin confronted him a few minutes later。 〃I suppose I should have mentioned it to you。〃
 〃Mentioned; my left eye;〃 Corwin growled。 〃You should have at least discussed it with the rest of us before you went ahead and signed yourselves up。〃
 〃Why?〃 Jonny countered。 〃What your mother and I do with our lives is our business… we are old enough to make these decisions for ourselves。 We decided we wanted a change of scenery; and this seemed a good way to get it。〃 He cocked an eyebrow。 〃Or are you going to suggest neither of us would know how to handle an alien environment?〃
 Corwin clamped his teeth together。 〃You're a lot older than you were when you came to Aventine。 You could die out there。〃
 〃Your brothers could die on Qasama;〃 Jonny reminded him softly。 〃Should we all sit here in safety while they're out risking their lives? This way we're at least in a sense sharing their danger。〃
 A cold shiver rippled up Corwin's back。 〃Only in the most far…fetched sense;〃 he said。 〃Your danger won't diminish theirs。〃
 〃I know。〃 Jonny's smile was wry but clear; without any trace of self…delusion in it。 〃That's one of the most fascinating things about the human psyche…a deep subconscious feeling can be very strong without making any logical sense whatsoever。〃 He sobered。 〃I don't ask you to approve; Corwin; but grant that know enough about myself and my wife to know what I'm doing on this。〃
 Corwin sighed and waved a hand in defeat。 〃All right。 But you'd both darn well better e back safely。 I can't run the Council all by myself; you know。〃
 Jonny chuckled。 〃We'll do our best。〃 Reaching over to his phone; he tapped up something on the display。 〃Let's see 。。。 ah; good…Council's discussing Cobra contingent this afternoon。 That one we can safely skip。 How would you like to see some of your father's practical politics in action?〃
 〃Sure;〃 Corwin said; wondering what the other was talking about。
 〃Good。〃 Jonny tapped a few more keys。 〃This is Jonny Moreau。 Is the special aircar I ordered ready yet? 。。。 Good。 Inform the pilot we'll be lifting in about twenty minutes: myself and two other passengers。〃
 Signing off; he got to his feet and stepped over to the rack where his heated suit was hanging。 〃Go get your coat;〃 he told Corwin。 〃We're about to give a customer the Aventine equivalent of a free sample 。。。 which; with any luck; won't turn out to be exactly free。〃
 The third passenger turned out to be Speaker One。
 Corwin watched the Troft in a sort of surreptitious fascination as they flew high above the Aventinian landscape。 He'd seen plenty of Trofts in his life; but never one so close and for so long a time。 The back…jointed legs and splaytoed feet; the vaguely insectoid torso and abdomen; the arms with their flexible radiator membranes; the oversized head with its double throat bladder and strangely chicken…like face…all the gross anatomical features were as familiar to him as those of human beings or even spine leopards。 But there were fine details which Corwin realized he'd never so much as noticed。 The faint sheen of the
 alien's skin; for example; was a more muted version of the same shimmer shown by its leotard…like outfit。 Even at a meter's distance he could see the tiny lines crisscrossing its skin and the slender hairs growing out of each intersection。 Seated on its specially designed couch; the Troft moved only occasionally during the flight; but whenever it did Corwin caught a glimpse of wiry muscles working beneath the skin and…sometimes…a hint of its skeletal structure as well。 The large main eyes were a different color than the three tiny pound eyes grouped around each one。 The main eyes; he'd once read; were for good binocular vision; the pound eyes permitted both night vision and the detection of polarized sunlight for cloudy…day solar navigation。 The alien's short beak remained closed during the trip; which Corwin regretted: he'd have liked to have seen what Troft tri…cuspid teeth really looked like。
 Jonny said virtually nothing during the 20…minute flight; beyond giving the pilot their destination。 Apparently he and Speaker One had worked this out in advance and neither felt the need to discuss anything further。 Corwin considered pressing his father for information; but decided reluctantly that Jenny's silence was a cue to be followed。 Splitting his attention between the Troft and the view out the window; he cultivated what patience he could muster。
 They landed at last near a large; squarish building nestled inexplicably out in the snowy forest far from any village Corwin was familiar with; A two…man escort was waiting as Jonny led the way out of the aircar 。;。 and it was only then that Corwin began to get an inkling of what his father had in mind。
 High on each man's chest was a patch with the words 〃Training Center〃; beneath it was the stylized hooded…snake emblem of the Cobra Academy。
 〃Governor;〃 one of them nodded at Jonny。 〃You and your guests are cleared for monitor room access。 If you'll all follow me。 。。 。〃
 Together they headed through an armored door and down an exceptionally drab and anonymous corridor; footsteps echoing oddly against the metallic walls。 Their guide led them into an elevator; thirty seconds later they exited into a large; unevenly lit room and a scene of muted tension。 In the darker areas along the wall at least thirty people sat before banks of small display screens; working away at keyboards and joysticks; while in the center a large semicircular console with larger displays was the focus of attention for a half…dozen men in the red and black diamond…patterned tunics of the Cobras; One of them headed over to meet the newers; and as he approached Corwin recognized him as Cobra Coordinator Sun himself。 The royal treatment; indeed; he thought。
 〃Governor;〃 Sun said; inclining his head briefly to Jonny as he neared the group。 〃Speaker One; Mr。 Moreau;〃 he added with similar nods to the Troft and Corwin。 〃If you'll step this way; the team has just penetrated the outer perimeter section。〃
 〃Is there an attack taking place?〃 Speaker One asked as they followed Sun back toward the crescent…shaped console。
 〃In a manner of speaking;〃 Sun told it。 〃The Cobra team who'll be going to Qasama is practicing their building assault techniques。 Let's see how they're doing。〃
 The displays showed various degrees of activity; and Corwin scanned them quickly in an effort to make sense of it all。 Despite the multiple camera angles shown; it was soon apparent that there were actually only a total of four Cobras involved: Almo Pyre; Jus…tin; and two more Corwin knew only from pictures and Council reports; Michael Winward and Dorjay Link。 The latter two were moving stealthily down a corridor; while Pyre and Justin huddled before a formidable…looking door。
 〃Those two;〃 Sun explained; pointing at Pyre and Justin; 〃are blocked by a blast door with an elec…
 Ironic lock。 They could probably force it open with their antiarmor lasers; but at this point there's been no general alarm and it's worth the time to see if they can get through more quietly。 Looks like one of the Qasamans is about to surprise them; though。〃 He tapped a display whose rolling image showed the gait of a mechanical re

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