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tz.cobra strike-第12部分

小说: tz.cobra strike 字数: 每页4000字

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o surprise them; though。〃 He tapped a display whose rolling image showed the gait of a mechanical remote…
 The camera turned a corner and stopped; the blast door and Justin framed in its view。 Justin alone? Corwin thought。 But Almo was there; too。
 The screen flared abruptly and went black。 Corwin shifted his gaze to the fixed…camera monitors just in time to see Pyre drop from the ceiling to land in a crouch beside the disabled remote; hands curled into fingertip laser ready position。 He checked around the corner; then lifted the remote and carried it back to the door。 〃All clear;〃 he whispered to Justin。
 〃Just about ready here;〃 Justin whispered back。
 〃Inside;〃 Sun said; 〃is a key missile control tracking station。〃 He leaned over to touch a switch; and a vacant display came to life with an overhead schematic of the entire test area。 Corwin quickly located the dots representing his brother and Pyre 。。。 and with a stomach…wrenching shock saw that the room they were about to enter was far from unoccupied。 〃You'll note;〃 Sun continued in the same emotionless voice; 〃that there are eight Qasamans on duty in there。 All are armed; but the Cobras ought to have the advantage of surprise。 Let's see。。。。〃
 Justin stood up and pulled on the door 。。。 and an instant before it began its swing the tense silence was shattered by the blare of alarm bells。
 Corwin would later learn that Winward and Link had accidentally triggered the alarm; but for that first instant it seemed horribly obvious that Justin and Pyre had walked into a trap。 The two Cobras seemed to believe that as well and; rather than charging through the open door; they hit the wall on either side。 Beside him; Corwin heard Jonny mutter something vicious 。。。 but by the time it seemed to dawn on the Cobras that they'd make a mistake it was too late。 The remotes in the tracking room were on guard; and when Pyre risked a glance around the door jamb he nearly caught a laser blast for his trouble。
 Corwin's jaw was clenched hard enough to hurt; but the figures on the monitor wasted no time in recriminations。 Pyre sent Justin a half dozen quick hand signals; got an acknowledging nod; and seemed to brace himself。 Both men took a second to fire apparently random fingertip laser shots through the doorway 。。。 and then; gripping the jamb for leverage; Pyre hurled himself into the room。
 Into and up。 The tracking room monitors caught a perfect view of him arcing spinning into the air like an oddly shaped gyroscope ing off a jump board; the antiarmor laser in his left leg carving out a traveling cone of destruction。 He'd just reached the peak of his jump when Justin came in behind him; the younger Cobra's flat dive and somersault landing him on his back in a sort of spinning fetal position 。 。。 and his antiarmor laser; too; began its deadly sweep。
 It was a classic high…low maneuver Corwin recognized from his father's stories of the war。 Between Pyre's sensor…guided air attack and Justin's lower horizontal spray; effective cover simply ceased to exist; and in the space of maybe a second and a half all eight of the remotes〃 displays went dark。
 Corwin suddenly realized he was holding his breath and risked a quick look to see what Winward and Link were up to。 They'd split up since he'd last seen them; with Link at what was obviously an open outside door and Winward standing guard with fingertip lasers ready at the intersection of two hallways。 Between them; the overhead schematic showed an impressive number of disabled remotes。
 A flash and thunderclap jerked Corwin's attention back to the other displays; and he was just in time to
 watch as Justin aimed his right fingertip laser at one of the control panels in the tracking room and triggered his arcthrower。 Corwin's hands curled into tight fists as the second flash and crash came; he had been burned once by a faulty electrical outlet as a child; and the arcthrower with its high…amperage current flowing along an ionized laser path made his skin crawl in a way the far more powerful antiarmor laser never did。 But he forced himself to watch as Pyre and Justin worked methodically around the room; destroying every scrap of electronic equipment in sight。 Pyre paused once before a large shielded display; and a low hum abruptly filled the room。 〃Sonic disruptor;〃 Sun murmured; presumably for the Troft's benefit。 A few seconds later Corwin thought he detected a muffled crack; and the hum disappeared as Pyre moved on。
 Their escape from the room; two arcthrower blasts later; was so straightforward as to be anticlimactic。 Link and Win ward; it now became clear; had spent most of their time clearing the exit route; and Pyre had to take out only two more remotes。 Winward joined them as they passed his crossroads guard post; and by the time all four headed into the woods through Link's door Corwin's heartbeat was almost back to normal。
 〃And that;〃 Sun said; 〃is that。 All remotes; shut down; signal the team to return。〃
 Corwin glanced beyond the central console as; in the darkened areas around the room; displays went uniformly black and the remote operators began to stretch and stand up。 Beside him; Corwin felt his father's hand grip his shoulder。 〃I'd forgotten what it was like to see Cobras in genuine bat situations;〃 Jonny said; his voice showing lingering traces of his tension。
 〃Amazing how much adrenaline the human body can put out;〃 another familiar voice said。 Corwin looked past his father in surprise。 So engrossed had he been in the displays that he'd never even noticed Jonny's old teammate Cally Halloran was among the group Sun had assembled。 Halloran nodded a greeting in Corwin's direction and then shifted his attention to the Troft standing silently beside him。 〃I understand the Baliu'ckha'spmi demesne feels the cost of this initial expedition is too high; Speaker One;〃 he said。 〃Having now seen Cobras in action; do you agree?〃
 Speaker One stirred; its arm membranes stretching out like bat wings for a moment before resettling against its upper arms。 〃The Tlos'khin'fahi demesne has always been aware of koubrah…warrior fighting skill;〃 it said。
 Which wasn't exactly an answer; Corwin realized。 His father wasn't fooled by the evasion; either。 〃But not sufficiently impressed; I gather; to absorb the extra costs the Baliu demesne isn't willing to pay?〃 the elder Moreau suggested。 〃Perhaps your demesne…lord would like to see a tape of this exercise。〃
 〃It would be likely to interest him;〃 the Troft agreed。 〃Presuming the price is reasonable。〃
 〃Quite reasonable;〃 Jonny nodded。 〃Especially as you'll be able to recover some of the cost by selling a copy to the Baliu'ckha'spmi demesne。 I think perhaps your two demesne…lords will be able to e to a new agreement afterwards on how much each is willing to spend to have our services。〃
 〃Yes;〃 Speaker One said; and Corwin imagined he could hear a note of thoughtfulness in the flat translator voice。 〃Yes; I think that likely。〃
 The prediction proved correct; and within two weeks the financial quibbles from the Troft side of the negotiation table suddenly ceased。 It made little difference to the actual planning groups; which had already mitted themselves to the twin goals of not scrimping on vital equipment while simultaneously keeping costs to a bare minimum。 But emotionally; the tacit
 cane blanche was a big boost to all concerned; and politically Corwin found in the action a not…so…subtle enhancement of the Cobra Worlds〃 general reputation。 A good thing; to a point 。。。 but he still had vivid memories of the days when the Trofts considered the Worlds a threat。 The closing of their connection with the Dominion of Man had ended the Troft's fears in that direction; but it was easy to see how a rumor of power could wind up being as disquieting to the aliens as the real thing。 For the first time he began to understand that part of his father's twin…edged reluctance to demonstrate the Cobras〃 true war…making capabilities。 But it was far too late to back out now。
 Three weeks later…barely eleven since the Council's approval of the project…the Cobra Worlds〃 two long…range spacecraft headed out from Aventine。 On the Dewdrop; bound for Qasama; were Justin and Joshua Moreau; aboar

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