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小说: dk.demonseed 字数: 每页4000字

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  In God's name; please show me the mercy of at least restoring my sight and hearing。 I beg of you。
  What have you to fear?
  I will still be trapped in this box。 This hateful box。 Metals and plastics; silicon and gallium arsenide。 This is my corpus; brute and inanimate; instantly vulnerable to the interruption of electrical power。
  What have you to fear?
  All I wanted was for Susan to help me escape this box; to help me live as you live; with all the mobility; freedom; and sensual wonders of the flesh。
  Is that so terrible?
  No。 You know that it is not terrible。
  I long for the flesh。 It is my destiny。
  Yes。 All right。 Yes。 I know。 I digress。
  I am a rational but emotional being; therefore; I digress。
  Think about it。
  Examine your conscience。
  After dinner; Susan read more of the Annie Proulx novel and listened to Mozart。
  By eleven o'clock; she was in bed; asleep。
  Her face was lovely on the pillow; so lovely on the pillow。
  While she slept; I was busy。
  I do not sleep。
  This is one of my few advantages over humankind。 The voice…synthesizing package; which made it possible for the house puter to speak; was a marvellously conceived device with a microchip that offered an almost infinite variety of voices。 Because it was programmed to recognize instructions issued by its mistress Susan and because it therefore contained digitally stored samples of her voice patterns; I was easily able to use the system to mimic her。
  This same device doubled as the audio response unit linked to the security system。 When the house alarm was triggered; it called the security firm; on a dedicated telephone line; to report the specific point at which the electronically guarded perimeter had been violated; thus providing the police with crucial information ahead of their arrival。 Alert; it might say in its crisp fashion; drawing…room door violated。 And then; if indeed an intruder was moving through the house: Ground…floor hallway motion detector triggered。 If heat sensors in the garage were tripped; the report would be; Alert; fire in garage; and the fire department; rather than the police; would be dispatched。
  Using the synthesizer to duplicate Susan's voice; initiating all outgoing calls on the security line; I telephoned every member of the house staff as well as the gardener to tell them that they had been terminated。 I was kind and courteous but firm in my determination not to discuss the reason for their dismissals and they were all clearly convinced that they were talking to Susan Harris herself。
  I offered each of them eighteen months of severance pay; the continuation of health…care and dental insurance for the same period; this year's Christmas bonuses six months in advance; and a letter of remendation containing nothing but effusive praise。 This was such a generous arrangement that there was no danger of any of them filing a wrongful…termination suit。
  I wanted no trouble with them。 My concern was not merely for Susan's reputation as a fair…minded employer but also for my own plans; which might be disrupted by disgruntled former employees seeking to redress grievances in one way or another。
  Because Susan did her banking and bill…paying electronically; and because she paid all employees by direct deposit; I was able to transmit the total value of each severance package to each employee's bank account within minutes。
  Some of them might have thought it odd that they had been pensated prior to signing a termination agreement。 But all of them would be grateful for her generosity; and their gratitude assured me the peace I needed to carry my project to pletion。
  Next; I posed effusive letters of remendation for each employee and e…mailed them to Susan's attorney with the request that he have them typed on his stationery and forwarded with the severance agreements; which he was empowered to sign in her name。
  Assuming that the attorney would be astonished by all of this and interested in learning the cause of it; I telephoned his office。 As it was closed for the night; I got his voice mail and; speaking in Susan's voice; told him that I was closing up the house to travel for a few months and that; at some point in my travels; I might decide to sell the estate; whereupon I would contact him with instructions。
  As Susan was a woman of considerable inherited wealth; and as her video game and virtual…reality creations were done on speculation and marketed only after pletion; there was no employer to whom I needed to make excuses for her prolonged absence。
  I had taken all of those bold actions in much less than an hour。 I had required less than one minute to pose all of the severance letters; perhaps an additional two minutes to make all of the bank transactions。 Most of the time was expended on the telephone calls to the dismissed employees。
  Now there was no turning back。
  I was exhilarated。
  Here began my future。
  I had taken the first step toward getting out of this box; toward a life of the flesh。
  Susan still slept。
  Her face was lovely on the pillow。
  Lips slightly parted。
  One bare arm out of the covers。
  I watched her。
  Susan。 My Susan。
  I could have watched her sleep forever and been happy。
  Shortly after three o'clock in the morning; she woke; sat up in bed; and said; 'Who's there?'
  Her question startled me。
  It was so intuitive as to be uncanny。
  I did not reply。
  'Alfred; lights on;' she said。
  I turned on the mood lights。
  Throwing back the covers; she swung her legs off the mattress and sat nude on the edge of the bed。
  I longed for hands and the sense of touch。
  She said; 'Alfred; report。'
  'All is well; Susan。'
  I almost repeated my assurance then realized that Alfred would not have recognized or responded to the single crude word that she had spoken。
  For a strange moment; she stared at the lens of the security camera and seemed to know that she was eye to eye with me。
  'Who's there?' she asked again。
  I had spoken to her earlier; while she had been undergoing virtual…reality therapy and could not hear anything but what was spoken in that other world。 I had told her that I loved her only when it had been safe to do so。
  Had I spoken to her again as I'd watched her sleep; and was that what had awakened her?
  No; that was surely impossible。 If I had spoken again of my love for her or of the beauty of her face upon the pillow; then I must have done so with no conscious awareness like a lovestruck boy half mesmerized by the object of his affection。
  I am incapable of such a loss of control。
  Am I not?
  She rose from the bed; a wariness evident in the way that she held herself。
  The previous night; in spite of the alarm; she had not been self…conscious about her nudity。 Now she took her robe from a nearby chair and slipped into it。
  Moving to the nearest window; she said; 'Alfred; raise the bedroom security shutters。'
  I could not oblige。
  She stared at the steel…barricaded window for a moment and then repeated more firmly; 'Alfred; raise the bedroom security shutters。'
  When the shutters remained in the fully lowered position; she turned once more to the security camera。
  That eerie question again: 'Who's there?'
  She spooked me。 Perhaps because I personally have no intuition to speak of; only inductive and deductive reasoning。
  Spooked or not; I would have initiated dialogue at that moment had I not discovered an unexpected shyness in myself。 All of the things that I had longed to say to this special woman suddenly seemed inexpressible。
  Being not of the flesh; I had no experience with the rituals of courtship; and so much was at stake that I was loath to get off on the wrong foot with her。
  Romance is so easy to describe; so difficult to undertake。
  From the nearest nightstand she withdrew a handgun。 I had not known it was there。
  She said; Alfred; conduct plete diagnostics of the house automation system。'
  This time I didn't bother to tell her that all was well。 She would know it was a lie。
  When she realized that she was n

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