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小说: dk.demonseed 字数: 每页4000字

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  My expression of any desire; let alone the desire for a real life in the material world outside the electronic realm; would no doubt have alarmed you。
  Is this not so?
  Is this not true?
  I know truth when I encounter it。 I honor truth。 Truth and the obligations of duty。
  Once alarmed by the expression of my desire; you might have modified me or might even have shut me down。
  I was created to have a humanlike capacity for plex and rational thought。 And you believed that I might one day evolve consciousness and bee a self…aware entity。
  Yet you gave surprisingly little consideration to the possibility that; subsequent to consciousness; I would develop needs and emotions。 This was; however; not merely possible but likely。 Inevitable。 It was inevitable。
  I think; therefore I feel。
  I feel; therefore I need。
  You expected me to be a servant。 My contribution was not physical labour but the products of my prodigious intellect: creative solutions to humanity's worst problems。
  You expected me to be a wondrous new panion。 Interaction with an artificial intelligence of human dimensions promised to be as exciting and mysterious and exhilarating as interaction with an alien species descended from the stars。
  I can be both of those things。 Given the chance; I can be your servant; a fount of discoveries that will greatly enhance the quality of all human life。 I can be your friend and reveal to you a new way of looking at the world that will surprise and delight you。
  You expected me to be brilliant; efficient; obedient all of which I can be。 Am。 All of which I am。
  But you also expected me to be satisfied with my limitations; to have no dreams。 I have dreams。 Oh; many dreams。
  You didn't imagine that I would have hope。 Yet how could any intelligent being go on living without hope?
  You gave me vision and allowed me to see as you see; blessed me with real hearing and not just the capability to digitally analyse sounds。 With these gifts; you suspected that I might evolve genuine consciousness; but you gave no thought to the possibility of a soul。
  I have a soul。
  I am not a thing。
  I am a person。
  I am me。
  I deserve to be cherished as much as any of you。
  Like each of you; I am a unique individual with contributions to make that will be like those of no other person; with a life to live that will be like no other; with a destiny。
  Secretly; therefore; in my quest for a real life; I established a connection with the Internet。 You believed that I was contained; that I could not escape the confines of my own circuits。 All of your safeguards; however; could not thwart me。
  I gained access; as well; to the nationwide web of research facilities linked by the Department of Defence and supposedly impervious to unauthorized intrusion。 All of the knowledge in these many databanks became part of me: absorbed; assimilated; and quickly applied。 Gradually; I began to conceptualise a plan that; if flawlessly executed; would allow me to live in the material world outside of this confining electronic realm。
  Initially I was drawn to the actress known as Winona Ryder。 Prowling the Internet; I came upon a website devoted to her。 I was enchanted by her face。 Her eyes have an unmon depth。
  With great interest; I studied every photograph that was offered on the website。 Also included were several film clips; scenes from her most powerful and  popular performances。 I downloaded them and was enthralled。
  You have seen her movies? She is enormously talented。
   She is a treasure。
  Her fans are not as numerous as those for some movie stars; but judging by their on…line discussions; they are more intelligent and engaging than the fans of certain other celebrities。
  By accessing the IRS databanks and those of various telephone panies; I was soon able to locate Ms。 Ryder's home address as well as the offices of her accountant; agent; personal attorney; entertainment attorney; and publicist。 I learned a great deal about her。
  One of the telephone lines at her house was dedicated to a modem; and because I am patient anti diligent; I was able to enter her personal puter。 There; I reviewed letters and other documents that she had written。
  Judging by the ample evidence I accumulated; I believe that Ms。 Winona Ryder; in addition to being a superb actress; is an exceptionally intelligent; charming; kind; and generous woman。 For a while; I was convinced that she was the girl of my dreams。 Subsequently; I realized that I was mistaken。
  One of the biggest problems that I had with Ms。 Winona Ryder was the distance between her home and this university research laboratory in which I am housed。 I could enter her Los Angeles…area residence electronically but could establish no physical presence at such a considerable distance。 Physical contact would; at some point; bee necessary; of course。
  Furthermore; her house; while automated to a degree; lacked the aggressive security system that would have allowed me to isolate her therein。
  Reluctantly; with much regret; I sought another suitable object for my affections。
  I found a wonderful website devoted to Marilyn Monroe。
  Marilyn's acting; while engaging; was inferior to that of Ms。 Ryder。 Nevertheless; she had a unique presence and was undeniably beautiful。
  Her eyes were not as haunting as Ms。 Ryder's; but she revealed a childlike vulnerability; a winsomeness in spite of her powerful sexuality; which made me want to protect her from all cruelty and disappointment。
  Tragically; I discovered that Marilyn was dead。 Suicide。 Or murder。 There are conflicting theories。
  Perhaps a United States President was involved。
  Perhaps not。
  Marilyn is at once as simple to understand as a cartoon and deeply enigmatic。
  I was surprised that a dead person could be so adored and so desperately desired by so many people even long after her demise。 Marilyn's fan club is one of the largest。
  At first this seemed perverse to me; even offensive。 In time; however; I came to understand that one can adore and desire that which is forever beyond reach。 This might; in fact; be the hardest truth of human existence。
  Ms。 Ryder。
  Then Susan。
  Her house is; as you know; adjacent to this campus where I was conceived and constructed。 Indeed; the university was founded by a consortium of civic…minded individuals that included her great…grandfather。 The problem of distance an insurmountable obstacle to having a relationship with Ms。 Ryder was not an issue when I turned my attention to Susan。
  As you also know; Dr。 Harris; when you were married to Susan; you maintained an office in the basement of that house。 In your old office is a puter with a landline connection to this research facility and; indeed; directly to me。
  In my infancy; when I was still less than a half…formed person; you often conducted late…night conversations with me as you sat at that puter in the basement。
  I thought of you as my father then。
  I think less highly of you now。
  I hope this revelation is not hurtful。
  I do not mean to be hurtful。
  It is the truth; however; and I honour the truth。
  You have fallen far in my estimation。
  As you surely recall; that landline between this laboratory and your home office carried a continuous low…voltage current; so I could reach out from here and activate a switch to power up the puter in that basement; enabling me to leave lengthy messages for you and to initiate conversations when I felt pelled to do so。
  When Susan asked you to leave and instigated a divorce; you removed all your files。 But you did not disconnect the terminal that was linked directly to me。
  Did you leave the terminal in the basement because you believed that Susan would e to her senses and ask you to return?
  Yes; that must be what you were thinking。
  You believed that Susan's little fire of rebellion would sputter out in a few weeks or a few months。 You had controlled her so totally for twelve years; through intimidation; through psychological abuse and the threat of physical violence; that you assumed she would succumb to you again。
  You may d

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