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小说: js&cs.thebridge 字数: 每页4000字

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  Pregnant women go of on the weirdest things; he thought miserably。 Fucking hormones; it seemed like every time he turned around he was stepping on another emotional punji stick。 In the shithouse for insulting her stupid special…occasion fifteen…dollar…a…pound yuppie coffee; for christ sakes。 God I'll be glad when this is over。
  In the meantime; there was not much to do but practice his eggshell softshoe and hope nothing else went wrong。
  The phone rang。
  〃Oh; no;〃 he gasped; eyeing the Cobra cordless on the workbench。 There was only one reason why the phone would ring this early on a Sunday; and it wasn't to wish him a nice day off。 He rinsed his hands; wiped them off on his pants; and finger…bed his hair; giving the caller time to give up。
  It was no use。 He picked up on the fourth ring。
  〃What is it; Bob 。。。〃 he sighed。
  〃How'd you know it was me?〃 Bob Dobberman asked; genuinely incredulous。
  〃Experience;〃 Gary said。 〃Cut to the chase; Bob。〃
  Bob 〃The Knob〃 Dobberman was Gary's boss; a rotund and genial technogeek; right down to his pocket protector and basementful of ham radios。 He was 'PAL's head engineer; and he did live for his job: Sigma Delta Theta; Society of Broadcast Engineers; the works。 〃We got a little emergency down at the station;〃 he said。 〃Something screwy with the news department's edit deck。 Can you do it?〃
  〃Bob;〃 Gary groaned; drawing his name out into two exasperated syllables: Bah…ahb。 〃Jeezus。 I just worked two shifts; back to back; and I've got to pick up Gwen's friend at the airport in less than an hour。
  〃What about Brian?〃 Gary offered。 〃He ought to be able to fix a fucking jammed deck。〃
  〃Yeah; sure;〃 Bob scoffed。 〃Brian couldn't find his own ass with both hands and a map。〃
  〃How 'bout you?〃
  〃I would if I could;〃 Bob said。 〃But Penny's sick; and who's gonna take care of the kids? They can't finish editing without it。 They won't be able to do the news 。。。 〃 He laid it on with a trowel; delivering the last bit with an air of genuine dread。
  Gary smiled despite himself; God knows; where would we be without the eleven o'clock news。
  〃Alright;〃 he conceded。 〃But that's it! Fix the deck and I'm gone。 No bullshit。〃
  〃You got it!〃 Bob said; relieved。 〃Thanks; Gar; you're a pal。〃
  〃Yeah; yeah;〃 Gary groused。 〃You owe me; motherfucker。〃
  He clicked off and walked into the kitchen to break the news。 Gwen was quietly banging things around; taking the dishes out of the drying rack; clicking cups and plates with a deliberate intensity。
  〃Uh; babe 。。。 〃
  〃I heard;〃 she said。 〃Mr。 Dedicated。〃 She swished soapy water in the now…emptied coffee carafe; rinsed and racked it。 She said everything in those two words that he needed to know。 Eggshell City。
  〃It's just a jammed deck;〃 he offered apologetically。 〃I'll be back in plenty of time to make it to the airport。〃
  〃It's okay;〃 she said; meaning it isn't。 〃I'll get her myself。〃
  〃I don't want you driving;〃 he blurted; instantly regretting it。
  She grabbed a glass; went swish swish swish。 Meaning I don't care what you want。
  Gary took a step toward her; Gwen racked the glass almost hard enough to chip it。 The translation was the aloha of unspoken marriage…speak; and its meaning was crystal…clear。
  Touch me; you die。
  Gary backed off。 There was nothing else for him to do; or say。 This was one storm front that had to blow off of its own hormonal accord。
  〃I'll be back in a flash; darlin';〃 he said。 〃Promise。〃
  Gary grabbed his leather jacket off the peg by the garage door entrance and closed the door quietly behind him。 Gwen was still washing and rinsing; but her shoulders were shaking ever so slightly。 She cried silently; covered it with dishwashing clatter。
  Gary refilled the oil and readied the bike; heart aching。 Poor baby; he thought。 Sure gonna be a better world when Spike finally pops。 The homestretch was the hardest; for both of them。
  He donned his leather and riding gloves。 His helmet sat on the passenger hump of the seat。 It was a ninja…black road…warrior style fiberglass monstrosity; a precautionary pie…Father's Day gift from Gwen。 It encased his whole head and face; with just a little snap…on plate for his eyes; the kind of helmet only rice…burner riders thought was cool。 He hated it; but loved her for giving it to him。
  Gary straddled the softtail; keyed it on; and kicked it over; the engine roared to life。 It thrummed between his legs; Gary felt instantly better; his head clear。
  Fuck it; he shrugged。 Into each life; and all that shit。 If the gods of expectant fatherhood were with him; the sun would be shining when he got back。
  Gary gunned the engine; eased out of the garage; and rode。
  Right into the thick of it。
  The muter flight from Philly to Paradise sucked; and by ten thirty…five; despite her best efforts to remain in good cheer; Micki Bridges had pretty much exhausted her options。 She was too tired to read; too wired to sleep; and way too close to blowing chunks for her to sit back and enjoy the ride。
  The turbulence; of course; was at the root of her distress。 Every sledgehammer thud against the little plane's fuselage helped inch her stomach a little higher up into her lungs。 She groaned as the plane lurched abruptly toward sea level; caught itself hard。
  Soft laughter emanated from the curtained…off cockpit: the pilot and copilot; yocking it up。 She could barely hear it over the drone of the engines; but it dragged a nervous; involuntary smile to her lips。 〃Glad somebody's enjoying this;〃 she muttered to herself。
  〃Sorry about that folks。〃 The tiny inter buzzed to life with the pilot's voice。 〃We're just passing through some rough air here; there's a little storm front moving by overhead。 Not to worry; though; estimated E。T。A。 in Paradise is approximately twenty…seven minutes。 So hang in there; and thank you for flying US Air。〃
  Another thud rocked the plane。
  〃Oh; great;〃 Micki moaned; trying to keep her digestive system moored。 Her long ebony hair; laced with premature gray; spilled over her face; she brushed it back and groaned some more。
  Micki Bridges was a handsome woman; agelessly attractive; youthful and mature by turns; one could guess ten years to either side of her thirty…three years and not seem too far off the mark。 But now her riveting; deep…set eyes were etched with the shadow of fatigue; and nausea had leeched off some of the healthier tones from her naturally olive skin; leaving her a tad on the greenish side。
  She was ing down from Amherst; straight off the New World Symposium on EcoHarmony; with no breakfast and very little sleep under her belt。 All in all; she was glad she'd gone。 It was a chance to throw support behind a worthy cause; get together with handfuls of people she admired; meet her public; promote her books; and network like crazy。 All expenses paid。
  For four days; she had done just that。 The organizers had outdone themselves; securing everyone from John Denver to Jean Houston; Carl Sagan to Stewart Brand; with a sobering keynote speech by Bill 〃The End of Nature〃 McKibben。
  The speakers were passionate。 The cause was just。
  And; in the end; very little had really changed。
  Because half the people in attendance had e to see the world saved for them; by famous stars and noted authors。 A large percentage had e to hawk their ecologically correct wares: the water purifiers and solar conversion kits and biodegradable; nonphosphate; lemon…fresh detergents for the modern New Age lifestyle。 A far smaller percentage had e in the hope of finding support for their own little homegrown save…the…world strata gems: each one grandiose; sweeping; and impossibly naive; and all structured so as to place themselves squarely at the imaginary helm of Spaceship Earth。
  But the real problem; Micki mused; was the perennial problem with the New Age: in its boundless optimism; its proponents had a tendency to offer far too much; make extravagant claims and promises they could never in a million years live up to; thereby turning love of the Mother Earth into so much New Age snake oil。
  The hype surrounding this show; for 

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