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小说: js&cs.thebridge 字数: 每页4000字

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  The camcorder; miraculously; had been thrown clear。
  It lay just beyond the grasp of Kirk's ex…partner in crime。 Kirk scrabbled over to it; found it battle…scarred but unbroken。 He clutched it to his breast as the last sobs wrenched out of his system。
  The truck was a distant roar behind him; fading fast。 Toad Road sprawled out before him; the path brutally cleared by the impact。 Mike was still laying there; deader than ever。
  Kirk sat back on his haunches; staring。
  And; with terrible clarity; realized exactly what he had to do。
  The little Paradise airport in southern Chanceford Township was to Philadelphia International what a 7…11 was to the European mon Market。 Just the thought of flying made Gwen acutely queasy。 Of course; nausea at a moment's notice had proven a linchpin of the Taylor Family Pregnancy; right from the beginning 。。。
  〃Damn;〃 Gwen cursed; furious with herself。 She'd just spent the last fifteen minutes semihysterically sobbing over absolutely nothing; bullshit that only vaguely had Gary's face attached。 It was like making a Silly Putty imprint of Dick Tracy's face off the Sunday funnies; stretching it to actual human size; and then saying; 〃SEE? SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE?〃
  She'd heard all the jokes and the stats that suggested she'd e to resent him。 Fuck them。 Had his body ballooned to grotesque proportions? Had all of his internal organs been trash…pacted to make room for their baby? Did he have to pee every five to ten minutes; whether he made it to the bathroom or not?
  Of course not。 But that wasn't the point。 She didn't want him to squeeze a bowling ball out his butt; or pull his bottom lip over the top of his head in symbolic solidarity。
  She didn't want him to suffer as no man had ever suffered before。 At least not most of the time。
  No。 Her needs were very simple。 She just wanted to be loved and supported and blah blah blah by the man of her dreams; who really was Gary; God bless him; no matter what Micki or her mother or anyone said。 It was hard to believe he put up with her; what with her mood swings and her irrationality and her HIDEOUS BLOATED ELEPHANTINE BODY THAT NOBODY IN THEIR RIGHT MIND COULD POSSIBLY DESIRE and her other little insecurities; not the least of which had to do with her ability to be a decent wife and mother。
  Which of course brought her back to the coffee incident…a stupid nonevent if ever there'd been one…and before she knew it she was blubbering all over the dashboard again。
  So she was more grateful than words could say when Micki came through the double…glass exit doors。 Grateful that her friend had taken it upon herself to travel all this way。 Grateful to have such a friend at all。
  She felt better at the very sight of her。 Gwen quick…wiped her eyes and checked herself in the rear…view。 Like shit; she thought。 Definitely look like shit。
  〃Look at you; Mama!〃 Micki called to her as she laboriously lowered herself from the cab。 〃You look fabulous!〃
  〃Look who's talkin!〃 Gwen called back; assessing the well…fed; well…dressed; absolutely robust…looking figure that approached her; bags in hand。 Hard to believe that this was the same old Micki Bridges。
  Hard to believe that this was the woman who'd been given less than six months to live; a little over five years ago。
  〃You look great!〃 Micki reiterated; closing the distance。
  〃Bullshit。 You look great!〃
  〃Bullshit; you 。。。 !〃
  And then they were laughing and embracing; thrilled to be in one another's presence once again: celebrating the one true friendship that had lasted them all their lives。
  〃So;〃 Micki said as they disengaged。 〃Where's hubby?〃
  〃He got called in to work;〃 Gwen said。
  〃Oh。〃 Very dryly。 〃What a surprise。〃
  And that; of course; was where the same old crap started up all over again。
  The main bone of contention between them had always hinged on their tastes in men。 From grade school on; those tastes had been both clearly defined and mutually exclusive。
  Gwen favored earthy; grounded; extremely physical men: guys who worked with heavy machinery; played football; rode big bikes; went white…water rafting; and knocked back Buds with a J。D。 chaser。 She liked men with big hands; steady jobs; and massive; sinewy; bull…shaped bodies; men with fierce loyalties; fiery passions; and healthy appetites that she could trust would be brought home to her; day after day after day。
  Micki; on the other hand; did not like to be physically overpowered or remotely dependent。 Not even in potentia。 Her men were ropier; substantially shorter; more flighty and esoteric。 She ate up musicians like truffles; especially sax players。 Give her a Juzo Itami film festival; a little Frank Zappa and Baba Ram Dass; good Chablis; great conversation; double chocolate Haagen…Dazs; and serious head for an hour; you could then gift…wrap her and take her home。
  But rarely for more than a week。
  And so it was that Gwen wound up with a Harley…riding engineer eight years her senior; whom she'd lived with for four years and been married to going on three; and with whom she was having the child of their dreams。
  And Micki wound up with a forty…thousand…year…old spirit entity as her permanent life…partner and male panion。 Not to mention a handful of lovers on the side。
  Not surprisingly; Micki and Gwen had serious problems with each other's picks; though; much to their credit; Gary and Bob…Ramtha got along better than most of the guys they'd introduced to each other。 All in all; it was the most absurd aspect of their relationship。
  Because; in virtually every other respect; they loved and admired each other to pieces。 Micki; por ejemplo; was smitten with Gwen's emotional honesty; her bone…deep passion and sheer innate goodness; her automatic and essentially unconditional love of other people。 Most people had to work very hard for the kind of spirit that came to Gwen naturally; and Micki was convinced that she would make absolutely the best mother in the world。
  Gwen; conversely; was in awe of Micki's balls…out courage; in everything from battling her cancer to standing by (and profiting from!) her unorthodox lifestyle decisions。 Gwen thought that; with the possible exception of Gary; Micki Bridges was the strongest person she'd ever met。
  In fact; as Gwen often pointed out; Micki and Gary were an awful lot alike。 They both insisted on living life entirely on their own terms。 Not that they were hard to get along with; but on that one point; they were utterly inflexible。 You could not persuade them to violate their natures; there wasn't enough money in the world to make them run against their own grains。
  Which was probably why they didn't get along。 They were just too goddam similar。
  〃I don't know about that;〃 Micki said; the surprisingly warm highway air tousling her hair through the moving truck's open window。 〃But I'll tell you this。 I didn't e all the way out here to sit around watching football。〃
  Gwen laughed; her angst…sopping mood abolished。 〃Okay。 So whaddaya wanna do?〃
  〃I was thinking 。。。 〃 Drawing the pause out dramatically; skrinching her hazel eyes。 〃 。。。 since it's such a nice day; we might want to get a little; you know 。。。 lost 。。。 on the way back。〃
  Gwen smiled slyly。 〃You knew I made sandwiches; didn't you?〃
  〃You're awfully predictable。〃
  〃And only you would drag a pregnant woman who's ready to burst out into the middle of nowhere。〃
  〃You mean I'm predictable; too?〃 Micki made a horror…stricken g…force face and they laughed。 The conspiracy was ripe。 Micki got serious first。
  〃You sure you're gonna be okay?〃 she asked。
  〃Oh; yeah;〃 Gwen said。 〃I'm a tough old broad。〃
  〃Okay。〃 Micki braced her feet against the dashboard。 〃Sam Lewis?〃 she asked。
  〃Sam Lewis;〃 Gwen answered; without a moment's hesitation。
  〃Let's do it。〃
  〃Weeee…HA!〃 Gwen hooted; stomping down on the gas; as they motored down old Route 624 toward Sam Lewis State Park; and the river that unwound like a serpent below。
  And this was how the cookie crumbled:
  Blake was at the sautee table at the Lincoln Woods buffet when his 

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