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小说: js&cs.thebridge 字数: 每页4000字

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twenty at the bench; divided by the time Micki's flight was due in over the square root of Gwen's pregnancy 。。。
  。。。 equals a world of shit; he thought。 God; she's gonna be pissed。 He sighed; picked up the phone and tried again: no answer。
  Oboy; he groaned; wincing; then shrugged it off。 He'd deal with it later。 There was certainly nothing he could do about it now。
  Gary hefted the deck and carted it down the hall。 The nattering buzz of the newsroom was tangible from all the way down the hall。 It made his gut rumble。 He stopped at the doorway to Studio A and stuck his head in。
  On the home monitor; the closing credits for WWF Superstars of Wrestling were rolling by。 This Is the NFL was less than three minutes away。 John Bizzano was tending to the changeover with his customarily laconic aplomb。
  〃Mornin'; Gar;〃 he said; not even looking up as he cued up the mercial tapes。 〃What're you doin' here today?〃
  〃Beats me;〃 Gary grumbled。 〃Misplaced sense of duty; I guess。〃
  〃Don'cha hate it when that happens?〃 Bizzano replied; presiding over the switch as they cut from World Federation Wrestling to a five…second station ID and a thirty…second mercial for toilet bowl cleaner。
  John Bizzano was a burly bear of a man; with a bushy black beard and no visible neck; but his fingers were pure magic。 John was the Iceman; 'PAL's Amadeus of the digital cross…fade。 No task fazed him; he could orchestrate the mix of two live feeds in different time zones; with satellite uplink; taped outtakes; and special effects; and load and cut to sixteen mercials。 Never bumping his blood pressure up a single point on the stressometer。
  Never blowing a fucking cue。
  John was cool。
  〃Hmmm;〃 Gary began; offhandedly scanning the bank of monitors above the console。 〃Anything weird happening here today?〃
  〃Hmmph;〃 John scoffed。 〃Ask a stupid question。〃
  〃No; I mean weird weird;〃 Gary amended。
  〃Sorry; bro';〃 John replied。 〃It's dead。〃 He reclined back in his chair and watched as little cartoon scrubbing bubbles raced around a bathtub like it was the Indy 500。 〃Dead; dead; deadskies 。。。 〃 he drawled in a passable Michael Keaton…Beetlejuice growl。 〃Why do you ask?〃
  Gary shrugged。 〃I dunno。 Just a feeling; I guess;〃 he said; and ambled off down the hall。
  A minute later; he entered the newsroom。 〃Here you go;〃 he said。 〃All better now 。。。 〃
  And stopped。
  It was like walking into range of an enormous field generator: the police scanners all cranked and buzzing; the tension so charged it stood the short hairs of his arms on end。 He clammed up as if he'd just stumbled onto a live soundstage。
  But it was only Laura; pacing and smoking up a miniature smog bank。
  〃Ahem 。。。 〃 Gary said cautiously。 〃Deck's back up。〃
  〃Uh; thanks;〃 she said; looking up as though just noticing him。 〃Just set it up; okay?〃
  〃You got it;〃 Gary said; putting the deck back in its place。 So much for gratitude; he thought。 News was big on making nice when they needed something…a quick fix; a rush edit; or some effects generation…but give them a hot story and watch everything else drop right off the map。
  A garbled transmission squawked across the police scanner; Laura bolted to the desk; pen and notebook in hand。 〃County to Adam…sixty; e in please 。。。 Adam…sixty; please respond 。。。 〃
  〃Shit!〃 Laura hissed。 〃That little bastard!〃
  〃What's going on?〃 Gary asked。 Not that she was talking to him or anything。
  〃What?〃 Laura started as if she'd forgotten he was there。 〃Oh; nothing。〃 She turned toward the scanner; figurative steam hissing out of her ears。 〃Kirk and Mike took off chasing down a lead almost forty minutes ago;〃 she said; 〃and I told them to maintain radio contact; but Kirk is such a little goddamned asshole sometimes; and 。。。 〃
  And Mike's such a stoner; Gary thought。 Mike hadn't been around too long; but Gary liked him in a my…dorky…kid…brother kind of way。 In some ways; Mike reminded Gary of himself; a decade or so ago。 Same goofy go…for…broke resolve; same fascination with the toys and tools of his trade。
  Of course; Mike seemed spacier; but then Gary wasn't sure how much of that was the change in himself。 He could remember more than once looking down to find his face wrapped around the pay end of a bong。
  〃Well; if that's all you need; then 。。。 〃 Gary began; easing his way toward the door。
  And that was when Kirk came busting in。
  Now; ten years in television news could turn the most delicate stomach lining to boot leather。 Gary's had long since made the change。 Experience had sharpened his senses even as it had dulled his feelings; he picked up on the heady adrenaline…scent of disaster almost instantly。 It mingled with another smell: the high nasal tang of undiluted ambition。
  It didn't take a master detective to win the first round of what's wrong with this picture! Kirk Bogarde was one of the vainest sons…of…bitches on earth; but here he was; showing up at work spattered from head to toe in mud; his hair all unmoussed and tousled。 Mike's battered camera dangled from one hand; mud…spattered as well。 Mike was nowhere in sight。
  Laura turned; death rays emoting from her eyes as Kirk stumbled down the stairs。 〃Alright!〃 she yelled。 〃I want some goddamned explanations here!〃
  He blew past Gary in a shot; muttered something incoherent; and beelined for the edit room; disappearing around the corner。 The camcorder carelessly went crunch against the doorjamb。 Gary felt the blood drain out of his face。 The signal in his head was clanging like a klaxon horn。 Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!
  〃GODDAMMIT!〃 Laura bellowed; storming across the room。 〃Where the hell have you been? Why didn't you maintain radio contact? Where's Mike 。。。 ?〃
  〃Mike's dead;〃 he said flatly; still banging around。
  WHAT?!! Gary thought。
  〃WHAT?!!〃 Laura cried incredulously。 〃What 。。。 how 。。。 〃 She stopped; collected herself。 〃Kirk; what the hell are you talking about?〃
  Kirk's face suddenly appeared around the er; crazed; shell…shocked; and feral。 He clutched a videocassette in his hand as if it were a piece of the One True Cross。 He waved it before her; stopping her dead。
  〃C'mere;〃 he said。 〃I gotta show you something。〃
  〃Jesus God; this is awful;〃 Laura gasped。 She and Kirk stood in front of the monitor; features aglow from the screen。 Mike's chair was conspicuously empty。 Gary hovered at the doorway; watching Kirk as if he were some strange and unpleasant form of bacteria。
  The tape's sound was turned mercifully down。 It didn't help。
  The visuals were bad enough。
  〃Did you call the police?〃 Laura asked。
  〃No;〃 Kirk replied; his voice very small。
  On the screen; the truck was ramming through the dead branches in a burst of chaotic choreography 。。。
  〃Did you call EMR?〃 she asked。
  〃No;〃 Kirk said; teeth clenching。 The truck; bouncing in and out of the jangling frame; bearing down on the camera 。。。
  〃Did you call ANYBODY?!〃 she asked; exasperated。
  〃No!〃 The truck; swallowing everything。
  〃Are you crazy? Why the hell not?〃
  〃BECAUSE I FORGOT; OKAY?〃 he screamed; leaning too far into Laura's face。 〃I WAS KINDA FUCKIN' BUSY!〃
  The screen; reduced to static。
  〃MIKE DIED FOR THAT FOOTAGE 。。。 !〃 Kirk bellowed: his nose almost touching Laura's; her hair blowing back。 The spark of terror in Laura's eyes was all Gary needed to see。
  〃Whoa;〃 Gary said; stepping closer。 He liked Laura fine; had thought the world of Mike; was none too fond of Kirk。 〃Boy;〃 he said; stepping deftly between them; one big hand ing up to land in the center of Kirk's chest。 Kirk was maybe two inches taller。 It didn't mean a thing。 〃Time for you to calm down。〃
  〃Hey 。。。 !〃 Kirk began; already folding。
  Gary shook his head huh…uh; laid a sharp; flat…palmed love thump on Kirk's hollow breastbone。 It made a resonant thud; knocked him back just a step。
  〃I think the question we're asking here;〃 Gary continued; 〃is what did you do about Mike?〃
  Kirk's eyes flickered from side to side; as if the answer were written on a cue card somewhere just outside of his visual range。
  〃You just fuckin' left him there; didn't you?〃 Gary pr

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