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小说: js&cs.thebridge 字数: 每页4000字

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  He hated to disappoint her。 But not very much。 〃I don't know;〃 he said。 〃He was obviously upset; and it seemed that he wanted to tell me something important。 But then he just stopped; and; frankly; I haven't been able to stop thinking about it ever since。〃
  〃Oh; dear。〃 Her tone epitomized distress。 If it turned out that he never came home again; she would be able to tell her friends that she'd known it was happening。 She'd just felt it。 You know?
  Another Mystery of the Unknown revealed。 And thank you; Time…Life Books。
  〃Well; I'll just give a call down there;〃 he said。 〃See if we can't straighten this out。〃
  〃Oh; thank you。〃 She meant it with all her heart。
  〃And in the meantime;〃 he suggested; 〃take care of yourself and the little ones; will you?〃
  Blake rang off a moment later; leaned back in his chair; and let his thoughts run free。 The pop and fizzle of expensive hardwoods going up in smoke was meditative; much…needed tonic to his nerves。
  So much to do; he thought。 So little time。
  And miles to go before I sleep 。。。
  Meanwhile; on the other side of town; Harold Leonard was about to awaken。
  He paced the length of his clogged offices: a Skinner…box rat; up to his neck in rifled files and rationalizations。 He was weighing the terrors of turning state's evidence against the sheer fathomless depth of the shit he was in。
  Outside lay the crumbling chemical domain that was Leonard's legacy。 Shoehorned into a seven…acre facility on the outskirts of town。 Paradise Waste Disposal was originally touted as a kind of franchise; one…stop shopping for the growing waste industry。 Garbage had long since passed wheat or oil or steel as the nation's perennial bumper crop; and Paradise Waste was built to take big bites of the toxic pie。 Solid into the ground; liquid into the river; medical into the incinerator and up into the sky。 Even radioactive; once the permits went through。
  Paradise Waste Disposal was nothing if not ambitious。
  Between Blake's EPA connections and his 。。。 other connections…shadowy suits with Jersey plates…Leonard's little plant had mushroomed into a modern success story; the proverbial right way that Blake and the industrial munity had used to beat the NIMBY…ridden local troublemakers into placency。 Not In My Back Yard was old thinking; a luxury no longer affordable; Paradise Waste Disposal was the future。
  It was a raging success。
  Too successful; in fact。 Paradise Waste had blossomed; then burgeoned; then bloated to bursting on its own success。 It had bee a hodgepodge of pits; ponds; landfills; and storage tanks; all filled to capacity and beyond。 Forty thousand drums stood…stacked and staggered; palleted and piled…in rows as long as city blocks。 A rainbow smorgasbord of pestilence intermingled on the site: dioxins; PCBs; amine leachates; heavy metals; mercury; and benzene。 Just last week; Harold had gotten a shipment of a thousand drums of tetraethyl leads so unstable that they spontaneously busted on contact with air。
  Business was booming; all right。 The incinerators burned night and day。
  It still wasn't enough。
  Harold opened his file of 〃special〃 invoices; hands trembling。 There was no denying it。 Conville Chain; Penn/Dover Laboratories; General Unidyne; MegaTech Industries; Paradise Caterpillar; Paradise Air Conditioners; on down to Paradise Paper Products 。。。 He had accepted 〃overstock〃 from all of them; and on a frighteningly regular basis。 Plus the midnight runs from Blake's business associates in Philly and Jersey。
  Once delivered; they washed their hands of it。
  After that; it was his problem。
  By his own crude reckoning; almost six thousand drums had been farmed out to the Pussers over the current fiscal year。 God only knew where the next disaster would spring up; grinning like a skull…faced warning label: in a borehole; under an elementary school; right in the goddamned reservoir。 His entire operation thrived in a vacuum of neglect; courting scandal like a bent…over congressional page。
  A scandal would lead to an investigation。
  An investigation would lead to an indictment。
  An indictment to a trial。
  And the trial…bone's connected to the 。。。 JAIL…bone 。。。
  〃Shut up!〃 Leonard pounded the singsong nattering in his skull; already feeling the rope tighten around his neck。 When he closed his eyes; he saw himself: crying out to his accusers in the courtroom of his mind; waving handfuls of crumpled invoices at the featureless shadow…faces。 Protesting the inevitability of his guilt。
  To no avail。
  〃Oh; God;〃 he croaked in desperate; spontaneous prayer。 〃Oh; God; please 。。。 〃 Everything he'd built was ing down around his ears; collapsing into rubble and ruin。 Paradise Waste Disposal was a rock tied around his neck and hurled into the abyss; and Leonard was just standing on the edge; watching the line play out。
  〃Oh; God;〃 he reiterated; dry…heaving tears; 〃please 。。。 〃
  And suddenly a fist closed around Harold's cholesterol…clotted heart; sending lightning stabs of pain slicing through his chest。 He broke out in an instantaneous; copious sweat and dropped the sheaf of papers scattering to the floor。
  〃No;〃 he whinnied; stripped of air and power。 〃Not like this 。。。 〃
  Pain jetted through his left arm; exploding in fire buds that blossomed in his brain。 Somehow he found a chair; stumbled into it; and held on tight: blood pressure thudding in his temples; roaring like a runaway fire hose through his skull。 His heart body…slammed him again; rocking him back。 His eyes rolled heavenward。
  And his prayers were answered。
  Sudden sense of dislocation; cut loose from the fragile mooring of flesh。 Sent rocketing up and out of body; through the ceiling; and soaring high above the glistening dump below; the pools like distant; tiny baubles。
  Seeing; then; the culture to which he was slave: the greedy; insatiable eating machine。 Shoveling resources in the one end; shitting poison out the other。 A fat; blind; dying carcass; smothering all as it wallowed in its own excrement。
  Seeing Exxon and Bechtel; McDonald's and Dow; General Motors and General Foods and a host of others; a parade of myopic corporate criminals that burrowed and bored through civilization like flies in offal。 Raping their heritage。 Devouring their young。 Breeding swarms of dull…eyed mall…dwellers who were utterly convinced that happiness was not possible without one more disposable cigarette lighter; one more bustion engine; one more burger in a polystyrene box。
  Seeing waves of humanity; lemming…racing face…first into the future; throwing their garbage over their shoul
  ders and never once pausing to wonder where it went; or what it did when it got there。
  And; finally; seeing himself: part puppet; part pawn; part piggy on a conveyor belt; squealing as he rolled toward his date with the knife。
  He saw it all; in a single moment of absolute clarity。
  Then the telephone rang。
  〃YAHHH!〃 he cried; nearly jumping out of his skin。 The hallucination evaporated; leaving the reality right where he'd left it: heart in a vise grip; ass in a sling; evidence scattered all over the floor。
  The phone rang again。
  It's Blake; he knew。 Oh; Jesus。 His fear was a fact that surprised him; until this moment; he hadn't realized how frightened of Blake he actually was。
  And that in itself was a revelation; clicking into place with the rest of the vision。 He realized; as the phone rang again; that something fundamental felt changed inside him。 Different。 Stronger; perhaps。
  He looked at the papers strewn about at his feet; saw all those names and numbers listed; and in that moment…in a second wave of illumination…understood precisely what the difference was。
  He no longer felt alone。
  〃Hello;〃 he said; picking up on the fourth ring。
  〃Hi; Harry;〃 Blake said。 〃Just checking in。〃
  〃Good;〃 Leonard said; feeling the strength of his convictions。 〃 'Cause there were a few things I wanted to ask you; too。〃
  Beat。 〃Shoot。〃
  〃Well; for example; I need to know what you plan to do about the kid who got hurt。〃
  〃Actually; I was hoping you might have a suggestion。〃
  〃Me?〃 Leona

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