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小说: js&cs.thebridge 字数: 每页4000字

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  〃Actually; I was hoping you might have a suggestion。〃
  〃Me?〃 Leonard laughed。 The pain was still bad…a fireball in his chest; radiating outward to his extremities…but at least it was stable。 It was easy to believe; in that moment; that the worst was actually over。 〃I thought you were taking care of this。〃
  Barely missing a beat。 〃We're working on it。〃
  〃Well; good; because I talked to Pusser a while ago; and he was threatening to talk to the cops if something didn't happen fast。〃
  〃Oh 。。。 ?〃
  〃 'Oh' is right。〃 He was on a roll now; and the taint of sarcasm in his voice exhilarated him。 〃And that could be a problem。 Because if they go to prison; they'll take me with them。〃
  〃Not necessarily…〃
  〃And if I go down;〃 he cut in; 〃I'll have no choice but to drag everyone else down; too。〃
  Long beat of silence。
  〃Harry; don't you think you're overreacting?〃
  〃Am I?〃
  〃Yes; I think you are。〃
  〃Well; then; straighten me out; Werner。 Calm me down。〃
  〃What do you need to know?〃
  〃How you plan to keep me out of jail。〃
  Not a dropped beat this time。 Straight into the pitch。 Leonard had to admire how quick Blake was; when the chips were down。
  〃The first and most important job is containment。 So far; we've been lucky。 Nobody knows anything 。。。 〃
  〃Ah。〃 Using Blake's smug little throat noise against him。 〃But don't you think they should?〃
  〃What?〃 Incredulous now。 It made Leonard smile to get a rise out of him like that。 Amazingly; the pain in his chest had dwindled to little more than an afterthought。
  〃Don't you think people deserve to know that there's poison in the Codorus? I mean; when you talk about containment; does that mean you intend to hush the whole thing up? Or just the part that might point back at you?〃
  〃Harry 。。。 〃
  〃When is someone gonna take some responsibility for this? I mean; Christ! It's not worth the money anymore; Werner! This whole thing is just out of control! Doesn't it scare you to think of what might be out there? In your water? In your food? In your air?〃
  Nothing from Blake。 Leonard continued; feeling his whole life solidify; e together beneath him in this moment of truth。
  〃Well; it scares me half to death; and I'll tell you what else。 I feel guilty as hell; and I don't know what to do about it。 I mean; in some ways; we probably should go to jail 。。。 〃
  〃Harry;〃 Blake interrupted; and this time he would not be forestalled。 〃I hear what you're saying; but I've got to ask: do you really think that; by going to jail; you'd be helping make the world a better place for anybody?〃
  Leonard started to reply; but it was Blake's turn to override。
  〃Seriously; just stop and think for a minute。 I mean; I certainly understand how you feel。 Sometimes I lay awake nights; thinking about all the terrible things we've done to this poor world of ours; and wondering if it isn't already too late。〃
  Leonard's mouth opened; and nothing came out。
  〃But then I think about our work…about all the jobs that we create; the meaningful and necessary employment we generate; the goods and services that we provide…and I think; the world needs guys like us; Harry!〃
  Leonard felt his spirit deflate and his fight diminish; as Blake turned Harold's own rationalizations on him like a pack of hounds。 For a moment there; everything had seemed so clear 。。。
  〃You know what would happen if there were no Paradise Waste Disposal?〃 Blake asked; and answered。 〃Local industry would either be forced to spend more money shipping their waste out of town; which they would not like to do: or we'd go back to the bad old days; when waste treatment was unheard…of and it ALL went into the creek! Does that make any kind of sense to you?〃
  〃Well; no; but…〃
  〃But; nothing; Harry! You know I'm right on this one。〃
  〃But I…〃
  〃Harry;〃 Blake said; crushing the last of Leonard's fight like a spent cigarette butt。 〃Don't go soft on me now; buddy。 You're right: we've been playing this way too fast and loose; and it's high time we cleaned up our act。〃
  〃That's what I…〃
  〃I'll tell you what;〃 Blake continued; a velvet steamroller squashing all debate。 〃We pull together on this one until we're out of the woods。 And if you still want out; well; we'll buy you out。 You walk away: free and clear; new lease on life。〃
  This time; the silence was entirely Leonard's call。
  〃C'mon; Harry。 Whaddaya say?〃
  〃What do you want me to do?〃 Leonard said at last。
  On the other end; Blake sighed with enormous relief; and Leonard; perversely; echoed the sound; if not the sentiment。
  〃You're a stand…up guy; Harry。 I mean that;〃 Blake said; and he sounded utterly genuine; like a real friend。 It was the first time Werner had ever spoken that way to him。 Like he was one of the gang。
  〃Okay!〃 Blake said。 〃First off; I want you to relax; and trust me; for God's sake! I won't let you go down the tubes。 The DER can find hazardous chemicals in the river without knowing where they came from; right? It's not like they have your fingerprints on 'em; right?〃
  And Leonard was forced to agree。
  〃As for the Pusser boy; I'll arrange for someone to take care of him。〃
  〃What about the truck?〃 His voice; to his own ears; sounded panicky and stupid: the same old Harold Leonard。
  〃Once again;〃 Blake said; 〃just trust me; alright?〃
  And right then something went ping in Harold Leonard's head。 Maybe it was the way Blake leaned on the T…word till it squealed。 Maybe it was the whiff of reptile…smile on the other end of the line。
  Either way; something clicked: and Harold Leonard realized that Blake was playing him like a fiddle; stroking his every insecurity even as he force…fed him his own rationalizations。 And Harold knew then that he was not a part of Werner's gang; and never ever would be。
  It was a fact that made him proud。
  Harold sat up a little more erect; as if he'd just grown in stature。 He reflected the smile back through the miles of fiber…optic cable; and was glad he did。
  〃Sure will; Werner;〃 he promised。
  〃And thanks for setting me straight。〃
  Blake took another three minutes; give or take a second; to stroke Leonard utterly into submission。 Then the two men hung up; each certain in his own mind of what had to be done。
  Blake leaned back in his chair; thought about the conversation past。 How easy it was to bamboozle the little shit。 And paradoxically; how close they had e to actual honest confrontation。 How wele; in so many respects; that confrontation would have actually been。
  Of course; there was no place for straightforwardness in human politics。 The bank shot was always best。 As in the case of ol' Harry; his problems were best addressed by a separate phone call entirely。 A very simple directive; to be executed right away。
  Ah; but Harry; he sighed to himself。 How nice it would have been to; just once; show you how I really feel。
  Blake shrugged; dismissing the notion as shamelessly romantic。 He sat back and sucked on his Chivas; staring into the fire。
  The fire was beautiful。
  It knew no promise。
  born of poison raised in poison claiming all form as its own it rested silent virulent hidden growing surrounded by trees and crawling shadow sharing itself with the mud and rock beneath its wheels the desolate road ahead the dead…end culvert where it all began in the days before the bridge awakening its seed in everything it touched reaching out in insatiable monstrous desire for more of its own kind
  There were five dozen drums half…buried in the shit pit out back of Terry Honeger's land。
  It was; in fact; Boonie and Drew's first dump site; way back at the dawn of their PWD affiliation。 Boonie'd picked it for many of the same reasons he was to later select Black Bridge: privacy; proximity; ease of disposal。
  At the time; it had seemed like genius。 The Honegers; after all; were the most worthless fuckers in all of Felton Township; with a hardcore defile…your…own…nest tradition that spanned back over generations。 Of the three to four heavily wooded acres they owned or abutted; literally dozens of pockets had been clear

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