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小说: js&cs.thebridge 字数: 每页4000字

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ted; literally dozens of pockets had been cleared and devoted to rubble; kibble; and rot。
  But the shit pit was their apex of achievement。 It was an old sinkhole; some eighty feet long and thirty feet wide; and a good fifteen deep at the center。 It had opened up one spring like an act of God; and far be it from the Honegers to quibble with Providence。
  They had every kind of crap you could possibly dream of throwing away down there: washers; driers; box springs; packing crates; old tires and engine parts; cardboard; baseboard; drywall; brick; raggedy linen; regular garbage; on up to auto parts; including a rusted…out Gremlin that Terry's cousin Strong John had rolled straight over the steep embankment and left wheels…up like a capsized beetle。
  The rains; when they came; filled the hole; making a rich garbage soup。 In the warmer months it was stagnant; home to snakes and mosquitoes and all manner of crawling; grublike things。 e the cold it became even more treacherous; a forgotten and frigid wasteland。
  They would never even know the difference; Boonie had said。 And even if they did; fuck 'em。 Nobody could prove nothin'; and nothing could be traced。 Even if the Department of Environmental Resources caught on; the Honegers would be the ones to eat it; but even that problem never arose。
  The Drew…spawn shuddered as Overmind sifted through its ruined brain: pirating thoughts; cannibalizing memories。
  Remembering 。。。
  The first trip had worked out well。 They were able to drag some debris aside; roll down the first two dozen drums; and pretty well bury it over。 But the fact was that they'd underestimated how much sheer space the drums took up。
  The second trip had consisted of one half barrels; the other half cover: an abandoned sofa; some rickety lawn furniture; one hell of a lot of cardboard。 It had barely been enough。
  By the third load; Boonie and Drew had learned two valuable lessons。 First: how amazingly fast this shit piled up。
  And second: what a great big wonderful world it was。
  The following year was devoted to locating spots that could acmodate anywhere from a dozen to a hundred…odd barrels。 They were few and far between; but they still managed to successfully unload in dozens of remote locations before stumbling on Black Bridge。
  And destiny 。。。
  The Drew…spawn reclined in the driver's seat; stretching and shifting in ways not intended for mortal flesh。
  Before it was done; it intended to revisit them all。
  It caught its own gaze in the rearview mirror; paused to marvel at the renovations it saw。
  The face: no longer Drew's; but a dissipated; scum…sheened caricature。 Socket…skin receded; the ligature visible; like fleshy little points on a pass。 One eye; loose and paddleball dangling at the end of its rubbery optic stalk。
  The head: staved in from the left; as if a demented soda jerk had doled out two scoops' worth of brains from mid…forehead to ear。 That ear; disengaged by the blow from its mooring; weighted at the lobe by a heavy cross earring and dangling by a thread。
  The hair: a black tangle; clot…catcher to the squirt of pallid matter that had spritzed from his right earhole。
  The skin: pocked and abscessed; the cartilage of his nose exposed; revealing the new forms and colors unfolding within 。。。
  A cloud of gnats hovered; drawn like moths to a flame。 The Drew…spawn batted absently at them; a reflex action。
  Beneath the red bandanna; it chuckled。 And why not? All around it was staggering; delirious change。 Rippling through the ragged; self…mending upholstery。 Rumbling through the chassis; though the engine was down。 Awakening in rubber; petrochemical; and steel。
  They had been there together; former man and machine; for over an hour。 Recouping。 Transforming。 One tire had blown going through the downed tree; spent the next five miles spewing M?bius strips and shreds of itself down Route 11 while the rim ground out fireworks against the pavement。
  It had taken this long for the tire to grow back。
  The Drew…spawn got out of the truck; shambled over to the lip of the shit pit。 Overmind paused; strategizing。 It was a ways down; and far too steep for this awkward form to manage。
  No matter。
  〃Nheh 。。。 〃 it gurgled; raggedy breath rasping through the punctured lungs。 It held up its swollen left hand; the fingerless leather glove stretched tight as a sausage casing。 With its right hand it grasped the portion of the left middle finger that jutted out。 〃Hnuh 。。。 uh!〃
  The finger stub came off with a wet pop。
  The Drew…spawn regarded it for a moment; an inch…long cylinder of meat and moist bone。 It turned the digit round and round as Overmind felt the essential oneness they shared。
  It existed in both; rooted in the cells of both stump and stub。 It was aware of itself: as parasite and host; as seed and source。 Somewhere in the Drew…spawn's mind was a fragmented memory of a picture in a book: a touch; bringing life。
  Drew…spawn and Overmind smiled; as best they could。
  And tossed the piece into the pit。
  Overmind didn't even stay to watch as the finger stub tumbled end over end into the soup。 It didn't need to。
  It knew exactly where it was going。
  The Drew…spawn clambered back into the truck and reached for the ignition; key now and forever at one with the hole。 It felt the essential unity; as the engine sparked to new life。 Felt itself part of the whole。
  While down in the shit pit; sixty drums full of kindred spirits awakened to the touch。 To likewise throw off their shackles。
  And set themselves free。
  By quarter of one; Otis was fishing for the rudiments of consciousness in a vast Wild Turkey ocean of his own design。 He had filled his head with liquid lead; it sagged on his shoulders; too heavy for thought。
  That was the whole idea。
  In the room at the back of the trailer; Boonie was making those noises again。 Terrible noises。 In his sleep。 Evidently; no bination of shots and downs was enough to kill this pain; but at least it had him down and out; had kept him so for the last four hours。
  Otis thanked God for Boonie's unconsciousness; and not purely out of love for the boy。 Once an hour; or thereabouts; he went in to check on his son; and the fact was that Boonie wasn't simply dying。
  Boonie was changing。
  There was a bottle on the desk before him; along with a picture of his son the football star。 The bottle was nearly empty; and the boy in the picture looked nothing like the swollen grotesque laid out in the dark behind the locked bedroom door。
  Otis blubbered; piss…drunk and maudlin。 He held in his hands a Colt forty…five that went all the way back to the last days of douba…yew douba…yew two。 Them was the good ol' days; he knew beyond the shadow of a doubt。 Back when he and Mabel were young; and he could grab the world's short'n'curlies and just yank 'til the eagle screamed。
  And then Boonie came along; and he was their little boo…boo; all right。 One little boo…boo after another。 First the boo…boo of being born; being that they didn't expect him or nothing。 Then a lifetime of smaller; diddly boo…boos; culminating with the boo…boo of having his knee blow out like a cheap retread and wash away any hope of a future。
  Then last night's boo…boo 。。。
  The biggest boo…boo of 'em all 。。。
  Otis sniffled; the gun big and square and clunky in his hand。 These days; he mostly used it to jellify junkyard rats。 But right at the moment he was drunkenly wondering how the barrel might feel if he stuffed it in his mouth。
  Out front; a car pulled up; and the dogs began to howl。
  〃Huhwhafuck?〃 Otis blurted。 It lit a fire under his ass; jerked him out of his stupor and onto his feet。 All idle threats to Leonard aside; the mere thought of cops pumped his bladder full of lava and flooded his heart with dread。
  〃Oh; damnation;〃 he droned; three hundred…plus pounds staggering toward the window。
  There was a blue and white wagon with the ACTION…9 News logo; idling at the gate。 The driver stood beside his open door; shooting home movies for the tri…city area。 For a second; Otis thought about putting a 。45 slug through

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