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小说: js&cs.thebridge 字数: 每页4000字

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n what he was doing; because of all that
   hammering on the damn front door。 For God's sake; she knew how important it was! He'd told her a million times: if you plained loudly enough; eventually they had to listen!
  No question about it。 It had to be kids。 From his perspective…stuck in the paper…cluttered corner of the basement he called his office…it was a distant; persistent tattoo of thudlike sound。 He had half a mind to march up there and sue their parents; but God did he ever have a headache! And he had to finish this letter。 Strike while the iron was hot。
   our 911 numbers; and the so…called 〃Peace Officers〃 who are supposed to protect us!
  Today; my son and I were NEARLY KILLED by teenage hoodlums (I can only assume they were involved in 〃Illegal Drug Activity;〃 which is just a fancy name for plain old dope dealing!)。 That in itself was 〃bad enough〃! But it was nothing pared to the treatment I got from the 〃Friendly People〃 (HAH!!!) at 911
  Now they were stomping around up there; and he could definitely hear laughter; high…pitched and giddy。 Who the hell were these kids? They sure weren't friends of Billy's; so far as he knew; Billy didn't have any friends。 It just didn't make any sense 。。。
  Then Millie screamed。
  And Billy screamed。
  And Bernard S。 Kleigel; the Conscience of a Nation; just sat there: paralyzed; sweating; with a hammer for a heart。
  〃No;〃 he whimpered; as the footsteps thundered down the hallway: Millie's in the lead; two other sets in hot pursuit。 Billy's persistent screams moved with her。 Bernie could picture his son in her arms as she ran; crying out as well。
  Crying out for him 。。。
  But there was nothing he could do。 She had to understand that。 She had to understand that he was helpless; that he had no choice; that he absolutely could not move; he had spent his whole life imagining the worst and now that it was here; he was pletely unprepared for it。
  〃Please;〃 he whined; as if it would help。 As if he were tapped into some cosmic 911 line; relaying his message directly to God for immediate customer satisfaction。 As if he could wish his cares away。
  As if God were actually taking his calls 。。。
  And he didn't want to picture it; to envision in his mind the apocalyptic WHOOMP that shook the house to its foundation; construct a visual of his wife as she hit the floorboards above his head; match her scream with the face he knew she must be making。 He didn't want to see the sources of that terrible laughter; was unable to conjure up images adequate for describing the sounds being torn from his son。
  But when the meat like gravy oozed down through the cracks; he no longer had to use his imagination。 It spattered the floor in a rich red rain; drove him screaming from his chair and his sanity。 He was halfway to the stairs before he knew he was moving; halfway up the stairs before he saw his salvation。
  It was his old pal; Officer Hal Thoman。
  911 had e through; after all。
  〃NO!〃 Bernie screamed as the dead cop descended。 〃NO!〃 as the shadows pulled back to reveal Hal's full green open…skulled glory。 One last full…throated 〃NOOOOOOH!〃 as he slipped in the widening pool of thickly coagulant family…style sauce。
  And then no mean old kids could ever bother poor old Bernie again。
  Bill Teague had to admit: he liked being his own boss。
  He lit a smoke and reflected on that fact as they rolled down the twisty roads; en route to number two。 Bill and Ted loved their job。 Not the killing; especially; although Bill would confess a craftsman's appreciation of a job well executed; pardon the pun。 They just liked the hours; the freedom; the excellent adventures。
  What they hated were the boonies。
  Travel was a given; which meant a lot of runs down a lot of secondary highways and back roads; where brain…dead rubes bred like rabbits and lived in nasty little cracker…boxes with concrete jockeys by the driveways or little propeller…ducks whizzing on their squalid little lawns。 Give Bill and Ted a city any day: New York; Pittsburgh; Philly。 Even Baltimore; if it came down to it。 Anywhere but here。
  Oh; well。 Bill sucked smoke and fiddled with the radio。 Came with the territory。 〃Fuckin' radio wasteland;〃 he muttered to Ted; who manned the wheel。
  〃Fuckin' worthless radio;〃 Ted addended; and Bill agreed。 The Impala's radio sucked。 At the moment; the only tune ing through on the dial was the loathsome Terry Jacks; crooning 〃Seasons in the Sun。〃 Then even that was lost; overwhelmed in a loud wash of static。
  And that was when they heard it。 From below; around the bend and unseen; rose a crazed industrial clamor。 Clanging; smashing。
  Roaring to life。
  〃What the fuck is that?〃 he asked。 They'd been apprised that Pusser ran a scrap and salvage yard; but this sounded more like a demolition derby; minus the roar of the crowds。
  Ted Ames and Bill Teague were a team。 They'd been in the business for eleven years; which was a remarkably long lifespan for their line of work。 They'd seen some pretty strange shit in their day: lots of death and brutality; too many dark pockets of the soul to fill; and muchisimo weirdness of every stripe。 That came with the territory; too。
  But he had to admit that; in all his travels; they'd never seen anything so flat…out deranged as what lay down the Dark Hollow Road。
  They rounded the bend and Ted slammed on the brakes。 The Impala swerved and jackknifed nose…down off the shoulder and half into a ditch。 〃Fuck me;〃 Ted gasped; incredulous。
  〃Jesus;〃 Bill croaked。 They couldn't believe what they were seeing; accept the evidence of their eyes。 Bill could only shake his head; seeing his own worst nightmare breeding before him。
  There were easily a hundred of them; skittering little forms in concrete and plaster and wood; a frenzied fantasyland of warped animate copulating kitsch。 It was a lawn ornament orgy by Bosch; leprechauns in motion; mounting fleeced; bleating plywood lambs。 Jockeys sploshing through the mud; riding pink flamingos from behind。 Little Dutch girls with their butts in the air; humping the heads of their little Dutch boys。
  And at the center of it all was the fountain: pumping up black rank jetties of noxious antilife…giving sludge that slicked and sluiced and enveloped the yard 。。。
  〃Look at the house;〃 Ted said; his voice high and thin as a razor。
  Bill craned; searchlighting his gaze。 〃Omigod 。。。 〃
  It was a regular rural tract house; like a large brick trailer。 Every single window was broken; a dozen black holes like wounds in the walls。 Cement squirrels scurried up one wall and down another; burrowed furiously into the asphalt…shingled roof。 A hundred lawn ornaments surrounded the house; pounding on the walls; the doors。 The air filled with the clicking and snapping of brittle little limbs。
  Then; from beneath; came a roiling rumbling sound。
  〃Jesus!〃 Bill hissed。 The earth around the house was turning lividly liquid; sucking the structure down greedily; swallowing it。 The house creaked and crumbled as beams gave way and walls buckled; something inside crackled and sparked into flame。
  From inside; Bill could hear screaming。
  〃GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!〃 he yelled。 〃NOW!〃
  Ted ratcheted the shifter into reverse and hit the gas。 The rear tires spun wildly; sinking into the mushy shoulder。 Mud and gravel sprayed every which way; spattering the windows。
  〃GO! GO! GO! GO!〃 Bill chanted; pounding the dash。 The tires caught on something solid; squealed and yanked the Impala out of its rut; tires smoking onto the road。
  And at that moment; something heavy thudded onto the hood of the car。 A neon…green lantern ignited; klieg…light bright; less than a foot from his eyes。 He blinked back the glare; instantly blinded; tried to see through the pain and the puke…green floating dots。
  The light swung away; and Bill stared into the black…faced rictus of the little concrete jockey with the lantern。
  It showed him its teeth。
  〃YAHH!!〃 Bill screamed as the jockey rode the hood like a miniature concrete Terminator; smashing through the window with one lantern…fisted blow

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