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小说: js&cs.thebridge 字数: 每页4000字

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  It showed him its teeth。
  〃YAHH!!〃 Bill screamed as the jockey rode the hood like a miniature concrete Terminator; smashing through the window with one lantern…fisted blow; spraying the interior of the car with glass and liquid fire。 A dollop of molten incandescence spattered against his face。 He screamed again。 His right eye blew apart and ignited。 In the hollow of his skull; Bill's brain began to sizzle like fatty bacon slabs。
  Ted floored it。 The g…force flung Bill back in his seat; howling as he ground his palm into his socket; trying to put out his face。
  He was blind as the car screeched and gunned away from the suburban inferno; blind as it sawed into a hairpin turn; flinging the jockey off the hood and into the woods; blind to the cause of the screee and the spin as the brakes locked up seconds later and hurtled him forward。 His forehead slammed into the already shattered windshield and it gave way entirely; showering them with glass。
  Bill blacked out。 The harsh industrial din roared before them。
  And it was Ted's turn to scream 。。。
  The road to Pusser's was pletely blockaded by the procession that clattered and spilled from its gate。
  They were not machines in any readily prehensible sense。 No fuel source。 No logically moving parts。 Where they had wheels or rims; they used them。 Where they did not; they simply threw themselves forward in utter defiance of natural law: scuttling crablike on bent metal legs; spinning on drums; shambling stiltlike or dragging loose cable behind like tails; like useless vestigial limbs。
  Still…twitching bits of dog and rabbit and junkyard rat crowned them like riders on a Rose Bowl float; impaled in places of honor on the gigantic amalgamations of sentient scrap and salvage。 Thousands more swarmed lemminglike beneath them; red eyes gleaming with the wisdom of the hive。
  They were impossible juggernauts of destruction; spitting out shrapnel and flame; throwing stray parts like seeds。
  And they were heading for town。
  As the first great jet of projectile fire blistered the hood; Ted slammed the car into reverse; the speedometer needling up and up as they careened back the way they'd e。 Ted was a professional driver; he was prepared to run ass…backwards and full…throttle out of this hellhole and all the way back to Philly; if need be。 He could handle that。
  But he wasn't prepared for what was behind them。
  The lawn ornaments had swarmed into the road; blocking it pletely。
  〃Sonofabitch!〃 Ted barked a hard burst of laughter; neck craned back as he drove。 Nothing else in this world made a bit of sense; but he knew a squeeze play when he saw one。 Ahead; the juggernauts chugged forward; chewing up the road。
  Ted laughed madly。 There was nothing else to do。
  He punched it。
  The Impala reached eighty in the space it took to close the distance。 When it rammed the front line; it was like hitting a concrete abutment。 The Impala went airborne; ass…end in the breeze; rear wheels angrily raking at nothing。 It came down hard。 The gas tank ruptured and spewed its contents onto the animated rubble beneath。
  Ted blacked out; came to quickly; found himself pinned beneath the shattered steering column: his right femur crushed; his big body still strapped into place。 He looked over to Bill Teague。 Judging from the position of his neck; the partnership was officially over。
  Ted sniffed the air。 Gas。 Shit。 He wrestled desperately with his seat belt。 It only took seconds。
  Unfortunately; they were the last ones he had。
  The first blind leviathan rolled over the hood; thrusting a lance through the windshield that skewered his septum; sawed down through his heart。 His mouth jetted blood and bellyflesh。
  There came a pause in the din; a fleeting moment of silence; as the Impala crunched and buckled like a tin can in a trash masher。 The last thing Ted heard was the muted whump of flame kissing fuel。
  When the gas tank blew; their identities vanished in fiery fleshmetal merger。 Then the leviathans bowled them over entirely; grinding both car and cargo into sizzling gristle。
  The pieces that stuck got to join the parade。
  The Iron Horse Tavern was a dingy little whitewashed shingle shack on the proverbial wrong side of the tracks; in the scrubby industrial wasteland bordering the north side of town。 The bar itself was grim and grimy; all rough wood and harsh neon signs for Stroh's and Stoney's and Bud; with three taps and a jukebox and a ratty pool table in the er。
  Outside; big rigs rumbled by every few minutes; loud enough to rattle the drinks right off the bar。 The trains came fewer and farther between these days。
  But down at the Iron Horse; the joint was always jumping。
  It was nearly twenty after two; after all; and the gang had been socializing since eleven ayem。 Lynyrd Skynyrd was back from the dead on the jukebox。 There were maybe a dozen people there; and they were feeling pretty frisky。
  For Strong John Honeger; that translated into preparing to beat the fuck out of some Volvo…driving faggot who'd made the mistake of stopping by for a six…pack。 Strong John was a burly; brainless homeboy in a black leather jacket and a filthy flannel shirt。 He was roughly the size of a major household appliance; and he looked mean enough to cause spontaneous incontinence。
  The Honegers hailed from a nearby knot of narrow little tarpaper two…story hovels; and were heavy into the 〃iron and steel〃 business: the women ironed; and the men stole。
  And they owned the Iron Horse by default。
  〃You callin' me a liar?〃 Strong John wanted to know; thick fingers jabbing for emphasis。
  〃No; I'm sorry; I just 。。。 〃 the stranger blurted。 He was well…dressed and had a perfect winter tan; courtesy of some artsy…fartsy tanning booth。 Dean snickered。 A faggot; pure and simple。 Even if he wasn't; the fact that he denied it irked Strong John to no end。
  〃So you are a faggot!〃 Strong John interrupted。 His eyes were obsidian marbles pressed into rancid ham。 He smelled of tannin and too many Marlboros。
  〃No! I just 。。。 !〃
  〃So; you're calling me a liar!〃 He was playing to the crowd something fierce now; milking it for all it was worth。 〃If there's one thing I hate more than a faggot; it's being called a liar;〃 he added; looming。 〃And so far you're two for two。〃
  The man yammered something unintelligible; trying to be reasonable。 Bad plan。 Dean thought。 Sweat beads popped under the stranger's baby…blond coif; as if it was just dawning on him how big a lose/lose situation he'd stumbled into。
  He looked to Dean and Daryl; desperate for empathy。 Daryl flashed him a gap…toothed grin; as Strong John shoved the faggot back onto the bar。
  〃I'm talkin' to you!〃 Strong John said; and he hit him; just a little love…whap to the cheek。 To get his attention。
  〃Eight ball in the side pocket;〃 Dean said to Daryl; flipping back his ponytail and lining up his shot。 Dean didn't go for that kind of thing; generally speaking。 In the tiny world of his own mind he was a lover; not a fighter。 But you backed kin; no matter what。
  By the door; the jukebox wailed:
  〃Oooh that smell; can't you smell that smell? The smell of death surrounds you 。。。 〃
  Dean took his shot; missed and scratched。
  〃Haw!〃 Daryl grinned。 〃Nice shootin'; thar'; Tex! That's another twenty you owe me。〃
  〃Yeah; yeah; shit。〃 Dean spat。 He sucked down the rest of his Stroh's and plunked it on the sill。 〃Where the fuck is Boonie?〃 he groused。 〃Bastard owes me money。〃
  〃How the fuck should I know?〃 Daryl said。 In addition to their other talents; Dean and Strong John had cornered the Iron Horse free…lance pharmaceuticals market; and the Boonster had a thing for Black Beauties。
  Dean moved away from the table; deeply interested in distracting Daryl from the deuce。 He sauntered off to join Strong John and his prey。
  〃This guy giving you a hard time; John…John?〃 Dean asked; trading his pool cue for a handful of baby…blond hair。
  〃No; I 。。。 I just 。。。 〃 the Volvo…fag began。
  〃I ain't TALKIN' to YOU!〃 Dean growled; bringing the man's head down hard against the bar。 It crac

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