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小说: js&cs.thebridge 字数: 每页4000字

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  。。。 and Gary was there; the words 〃You FUCK!〃 astonishingly loud in Kirk's ears as a huge fist zeroed in on his left eye。 Kirk moved; and it got his cheek instead; big square knuckles plowing into the soft skin beneath the right eye socket。 〃NAHHH!〃 he wailed; as the next blow came; catching his nose and mashing it flat; blood geysering out in thick twin jets 。。。
  。。。 and there was a moment where everything went blank; very quickly over; and when he came back he found himself swinging at Gary with the camcorder; screaming; 〃GET OFFA ME FUCKER YOU DON'T UNNER…STAND 。。。 〃
  。。。 as Gary nailed him with a right; sending the camcorder flying from Kirk's grasp to bounce off the wall and cough up the tape which bounced and spun and slid underfoot; crunching under Gary's boot and throwing him off…balance 。。。
  。。。 as Kirk lurched forward; screaming 〃MY TAPE!〃; diverting him just long enough for Gary to recover and draw a bead 。。。
  。。。 and Laura was screaming; Kirk was screaming; everyone was screaming in the time it took for the last fist to connect。
  It was six minutes to three。
  By this time; the stormclouds had buried the heavens; enveloped the county in premature night。 Like a rumbling; primordial curtain being drawn across the world; it drew down the darkness。
  And swallowed the moon。
  〃Micki;〃 whispered Gwen from the living room couch。 Her voice; weakened by fear to a quaver; was chilling in and of itself。
  Micki stood by the wind…hammered living room window。 Terror welled huge in her soul。 She felt infinitesimally small; like a gnat before a god: like the storm was an enormous black finger and thumb; reaching down to extinguish her spark。
  〃Micki 。。。 〃 Gwen's voice was tremulous; lacking the power to exclaim。 〃I don't feel very good 。。。 〃
  〃It's okay; baby; everything's gonna be fine;〃 Micki said; her eyes closed; her teeth chattering。 She leaned against the pane。 〃Oh god; Bobba; help me。 Gwen 。。。 〃
  Make a circle; Bob…Ramtha said; slicing through her fear。
  〃What?〃 Confused。
  Make a ritual circle。 Now。
  〃I don't understand。 What good will that do? I mean; shouldn't I take her back to the hospital or someth…〃
  No。 You can't。
  〃Why not?〃
  〃Bobba; I …〃
  Because if you take her out there; she'll die。 There was no mistaking the gravity of his tone。 And so will the baby。
  And so will you。
  Outside the window; more thunder broke; and the wind intensified。 It pounded the pane; whistled through the cracks。
  It whistled down her soul。
  〃Something's ing; isn't it。〃 Not even a question。 Her voice sounded tiny against the storm: a humorless Betty Boop squeak。
  A moment of silence。 Yes。
  〃What is it?〃
  I don't know。
  〃You don't 。。。 〃 Her voice ended there。 A big question mark went off in her mind。 〃Wait a minute;〃 she continued; incredulous now。 〃What do you mean; you don't know?〃
  I mean…and there was actual shame in his voice…I didn't see it ing。
  No one did。
  〃Oh; Jesus 。。。 〃 Micki shook her head; let this little revelation sink in。 Something horrible was on its way; and the entire spirit world had been caught unawares。 〃Jesus 。。。 〃 She didn't like the sound of this at all。
  In the background; Gwen moaned and softly began to cry。
  Build the circle; Bob…Ramtha urged。 Now。
  It was five until three。
  It was time for Jennie Quirez to face the facts。
  He isn't ing。 An inescapable; killing admission。 Jennie; staring out the window at the human hell on earth。 He's not going to e for me。 Like trawling a lake for a loved one's body and…finally; horribly…hooking its stiff remains。
  Austin is gone。 Hauling up the clammy; lifeless truth。
  And he is never。 EVER。
  ing back。
  For me。
  At the Mt。 Rose Amoco Shop 'N' Go…at the mouth of the mad; transmogrifying eastern valley…the last…minute exodus was in full swing。 There was an easily forty…car…long gas line on Mt。 Rose Avenue; extending all the way to the Route 74 exit。 For the last twenty minutes; there hadn't been less than forty cars in line。 All around them; panic…stricken traffic surged; squealed; careened; and roared。
  Fleeing the descending dark。
  And the new world already upon them。
  Jennie crouched behind the console of the vandalized; desiccated Shop 'N' Go。 Its shelves had been picked clean by the second wave of insurgent wild…eyed refugees。 When the orange highway cones went down; she had locked the doors。 Turned off the lights。 Kept the pumps inconspicuously rolling。 It was the only way she could think of to deflect them; keep the mob from ing in and eating her alive。
  She could no longer tell where the stain was or wasn't。 It wasn't inside…she'd made certain of that…but the whole of the drive and parking lot were fair game。 She watched for telltale screams and seizures at the pumps。 That she didn't see any felt almost like hope。
  Many times; over the past forty minutes; she had thought about hopping a ride outta Dodge。 There was only one problem: eighty percent of them were already afflicted; or carrying someone who was。
  The rest were simply insane。
  A couple of tumorous; terminally infected yuppies tried to pull an end run around the crowd; banking their Ford Taurus onto the lot by ing up over the curb。 Jennie watched their mouths shape curses。 The gas line steadfastly refused to part。
  A twenty…year…old laid…off steelworker; sixth up from pump four; got out of his GM pickup and strode toward them。 He had a Charter Arms Bulldog 。44 in his hand。 The yupsters stopped dead; screaming inprehensible things…excuses; entreaties…that were all but drowned out by the roar of violent dissent that surrounded them。
  They were all talk; and talk had never been cheaper。
  He stood directly before them。 Aimed。
  And fired。
  The first shot blew a hole through the driver's heart: a wet confettied spray of upholstery; meat and padding; erupting onto the seat behind him。 His girlfriend/ wife/ significant other shrieked。 The second shot vaporized her throat。 Her chin bounced off her shoulders; toppled onto her lap; in the second before the third dumdum slug penetrated the windshield; turned the driver's head to mush。
  Then he fired a couple more shots; just for the living hell of it。 A bunch of people clapped。 A couple of them helped him push the car out of the way。
  From her place behind the console; Jennie Quirez watched civilization unravel beneath the shadow of the ing storm。
  It was four minutes to three。
  The Boon…spawn sat at the gate: contemplating the bizarre past behind it; the brilliant future ahead。
  The run had been long; the last part almost entirely uphill。 It had spent vast reserves of energy; throwing everything into the climb。 It did so gladly; without punction: like a salmon flinging itself upstream; knowing implicitly that death lay at the end of the journey。
  And with it; rebirth。
  What was once Boonie oozed across the seat; weakened to the point of no return。 This was over; it knew that; even as it sensed the dark one that awaited。 The engine that drove it hung back; gauging the perfection of the moment。
  And at the perfect moment; it moved。
  Boonie shuddered and gripped the wheel as the last of his soul sputtered of to oblivion。 His useless flesh sloughed loose in thick wet slabs; epidermis and dermis relaxing their hold and sagging; at long last relieved of the burden of life。 Flesh and fat; tendons and ligaments rotted; popped; and slithered to the floor of the cab like dross; like offal。 Eggs like tiny poison pearls plopped out and scattered; freed of their incubator。
  While the core remained; still gripping the wheel。
  It was a central nervous system; clinging directly to dessicated bone: a stripped…down chassis of barest motor control。 Skeletal fingers clutched the steering wheel; rudely ratcheted the shifter。 Boonie's dead; sallow face fell off; revealing eyes wet and bright as a child's。
  It grinned; wet skull gleaming on a thin stalk of neck。
  And threw the truck in gear。
  The fence surrounded the facility; wh

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