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小说: js&cs.thebridge 字数: 每页4000字

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  Dozens of mouths ringed its base; yard…long vertical gashes that hung open obscenely; willing portals in the mottled flesh。。 Segmented proboscises snaked out of them; lightning…fast and fluid。 They slithered along the endless corridors of drums; blind beaked heads knocking over barrels; cracking drums like eggs。
  And feeding; feeding the bloated ticklike monstrosity of its body; a hundred thousand gallons of liquid nightmare and more already inside it; the overspill sloshing from the ruptured husks; pooling together; forming an enormous toxic lake that deepened and spread 。。。
  The Drew…head lolled on its great bloated perch; a perverse and temporary place of honor。 It stared at the sky with its one remaining eye; the other dangled downward; dry as a forgotten spring onion。
  Somewhere overhead; an airplane buzzed its insect engine…drone。 The Drew…head batted at it lazily; one of its hands ing up to wave the nuisance away。
  The drone grew louder。
  The next thirty seconds of Blake's life were rich with irony。
  At two fifty…nine Blake realized that his flight path took him almost directly over the dump。 Some deeply perverse impulse gained dominion over him at that moment; and he banked west; he wanted to catch one last fly…by of the thing that had so forever altered his life。
  The Cessna crossed the outside aerial perimeter of the dump at just over one hundred and ten miles per hour。 Blake leaned into the joystick and dove down to two thousand feet; buzzing the pools and pits that marked the outer edge。 As the ground swept by; he noticed the drums toppling; the tendrils pulling them down。
  The plane raced on; passing over the heart of the dump 。。。
  。。。 and suddenly Blake found himself looking down in helpless; morbid fascination and awe; staring at the great gray malignancy that had enveloped Paradise Waste。
  From above; it looked like a jellyfish; an anemone; a vast ganglionic tumor floating in a sea of spilled sludge。 Fat tendrils snaked out between the rows and rows of barrels that spanned its seven…acre breadth; binding it inextricably to the dump。
  Then the air around it moved: a vaporous shimmer of anticipation like a heat wave; a visible coiling of energy。 The little plane buffeted; and Blake felt dread clench like a fist in his throat; felt his bowels go slack and his adrenaline surge。 He gasped; and felt his lips go utterly numb。
  Oh god; Blake thought; oh shit。
  He banked and rolled the Cessna hard; the engine whined in a desperate last…minute bid for freedom。
  But he was already out of time。
  Weedle…eedle…eeee 。。。
  The Drew…head looked up and saw the silver bird: a bright toy against the mad black churning sky。 It giggled and groped for it like an infant。 It could not hope to reach it。
  But in doing so; it caught a glimpse of something familiar。
  Something wonderful。
  Another bright toy; easily within reach。
  The little digital watch…game was still strapped to its wrist。 The arm had trebled in size until the strap had pinched off the hand like a sausage link; burying the tiny buttons in gangrenous blackened flesh。 The Drew…thing tried to touch them with its bloated chubby fingers; found it could not。
  It only took five of the last ten seconds for another limb to form。
  Weedle…eedle…eee 。。。 ; as the shadow of the plane passed over his face。 Weedle…eedle…eee 。。。 ; as the tiny plane on its wrist dropped its tiny pay load。 Moist new fingers pressed the buttons; scoring a direct hit。
  Weedle…eedle…eedle…eeeee 。。。
  And the New World was born。
  Alive and more than alive voracious ecstatic and free at last rising at the speed of bustion emancipated in flame set loose from the mooring of earth and flesh one hundred and forty thousand toxic apostles flush with Overmind ingling and exploding together then rising ten fifteen twenty thousand feet and climbing straight to heaven to godhead to primacy to claim both heaven and earth for its own
  The explosion was immense。
  One hundred thousand barrels caught at once; a deadly daisy chain started as five acres of fifty…five…gallon drums averaging four hundred and forty pounds apiece ignited in less than a nanosecond; a blistering four point four million pounds of volatile death with the equivalent blast force of just over two megatons。
  At two thousand feet Blake barely had time to scream before the fireball slammed into the Cessna's fuselage; bludgeoning it upward; engulfing it in flame。
  And Blake might have wished that it would end quickly; a flash and then nothing。 Such was not the case。 He had far too long to experience the dramatic climb in temperature; far too long to feel his hair singe and see the cockpit slag and go red; savor the unmistakable smell of his own immolation。
  Far too long。
  Nearly all of a second。
  But the moment in which he exploded went on forever。 He could feel his marrow cook; the gases in his intestinal tract ignite and detonate; blowing bone to shrapnel rain that ruptured his flesh even as it blistered of into grease and vapor。
  And all of it was agony。 Pure agony; unsullied by merciful distance or candid spiritual reflection。 No life flashing before his eyes。 Just his eyeballs exploding。
  For one infinite moment。
  Then Blake and the plane and the air they displaced were gone; blown to bits; absorbed by the mounting pillar of flame。 The sparkling cinders of one point two million in cash burned no brighter than anything else。
  They all turned to ash and were caught by the maelstrom wind; fed into the clouds as particulate matter。
  Feeding; and seeding; the storm。
  They were drawn to the windows and streets by the sound。 The spectacle held them there。 Awe and terror of astonishing depth…the literal fear of God…embraced them as they gazed upon that vengeful; iconic; unquenchable fire。 It stole their breath and paralyzed their souls。
  You could see it from the heart of town; a dozen miles away。
  For one long; terrible moment; one hundred and eighty…seven thousand people set aside their differences; threw caution to the shock wave winds。 They forgot all about their homes; their jobs; their possessions; their passions and dreams; their loved ones; and all of the other little things that defined their tiny lives。
  For that one moment; they were as one; united in their certain doom。
  It was an altogether religious experience。
  The fireball hit the dense cloud cover at just over ten thousand feet。 The outer edge of its corona reached a scorching three thousand degrees Fahrenheit; burning off the condensation instantly; punching a gaping hole in the ceiling of the sky。
  The pressure system responded by dilating; wrapping around the pillar of flame even as it supercharged the remaining moisture; building a thunderhead directly above ground zero。 Heat lightning arced through the cumulonimbus; blue…white and foreboding as it bounced off the black aperture that ringed the blinding flame。
  At ground zero; the fire was insatiable。 The seven acres of Paradise Waste were engulfed as the pillar achieved a diameter the size of a football field。 Stray drums blew like four…hundred…pound party favors: rocketing hundreds of feet into the air; cindering before they hit the ground。
  Drew and the crown of Overmind immolated gloriously; flesh giving way to exultant living ash; riding the firestorm across the sky。
  The shockwave flattened everything within roughly a quarter…mile radius: crushing homes; throwing cars like Matchbox toys; killing the first thousand or so in mid…mercial break。
  They never even knew what hit them。
  They were the lucky ones。
  Thirty seconds into the blast; the shockwave reached its zenith and sucked back in on itself。 A killer wind rose; sucking every spare ounce of oxygen back into the rapidly rising inferno。
  A mushroom cloud of living ash and soot disseminated out in ever…expanding rings; attacking and overing everything it touched。 It merged with the stormclouds; bonding with the condensate; arming and readying a trillion tiny toxic bombs as the entire atmospheric pressure system clench

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