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小说: js&cs.thebridge 字数: 每页4000字

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  Down in the newsroom; Laura had established a ritual all her own。 She; too; had locked herself in; padlocking the front double doors; sealing every conceivable entrance; holing herself up in the basement。 Holding down the fort。
  And praying that the cavalry would e。
  Outside; things were moving; she could hear the thuds and screams; the shrieking sirens; the distant and not…so…distant report of explosions and gunfire。
  Worse; she could hear the other sounds; like nothing she'd ever heard before; grinding and slithering and slashing and withering everything in their paths。 She winced as what sounded like a pickup truck roared by; followed seconds later by something that whistled and whined like a hundred dentists' drills grinding into a whole roomful of teeth。 They screeched around the er; off King Street and onto Market; and blazed away。
  The crash; when it came; was dull and wet; and seemed to last forever。
  Laura blocked it out and pressed on: checking the scanners; checking the monitors; checking the phones; over and over and over。 At the head of each cycle she spent a solid minute on the radio; trying to raise the tower。
  As rituals went it was short on style and long on utility; but it helped her keep her sanity。
  〃WPAL to tower; this is WPAL calling tower; do you copy? Kirk; do you copy?〃
  There was no response。
  〃This is WPAL; calling tower。 e in; please 。。。 〃
  She dropped the transceiver; leaned over the scanners as their LED's strobed off; one by one: garbled cries being garbled hiss being nothing but garble at all; the lights cycling an endless flatline of silence。
  Laura looked up: the monitors displayed an electronic winter wonderland of snow and static and white white noise。 The newsroom was barren。 Desolate。 Irrelevant。
  She picked up the phone and hit the speed…dialer for home。 There was no answer。 Of course no one was there; she reasoned to herself。 How could they be? They're in Philly at the game。
  〃Please;〃 she prayed in her heart。 〃Please let them be safe。 Even if I never 。。。 if I can't 。。。 if 。。。 〃
  Something inside her tore loose then; like a flock of blackbirds fluttering inside her chest。 She fought like hell to keep it down; but it was no use: the fear and pain and panic and loss burbled up like Old Faithful; geysering out in a wave of tears and frustrated rage。
  〃Bastards!〃 she muttered in anguish; slamming the phone down。 〃YOU MISERABLE FUCKING BASTARDS!!〃
  She exploded then; grabbing a pile of rough copy that no one would ever read and sending it sailing。 She railed; cursing Blake and Leonard and Pusser; the Three Stooges of the Apocalypse; for the greed and expedience that brought this on 。。。
  〃IT'S NOT FAIR!〃 she cried;
  。。。 cursing herself for not getting the news of it out there; for not ramming it down people's throats while she still had a chance 。。。
  。。。 cursing everyone; cursing the whole miserable stupid world for letting things slide; until it rolled right over them all。
  Down in the basement; Laura wept。
  The newsroom absorbed her cries; reflected them back to her。 Bad enough to feel these things at all: so much worse still to feel them alone。 Her anger spent itself on empty air; leaving only the terror in its wake。
  〃Please; God;〃 she whispered; her voice quivering in her chest; a chill sweat prickling her scalp; 〃I'm scared。 I'm afraid to die like this。 I'm 。。。 〃
  〃Please 。。。 〃 she faltered; unable to fully voice the grief and guilt and regret。
  And Monitor One suddenly hitched and came to life。
  〃 。。。 This is Kirk Bogarde; uh; live; with an emergency report from our broadcast tower on Mt。 Hope 。。。 〃
  〃OH GOD!〃 Laura cried; leaping straight out of her chair and heading for the monitor as if he were there in the flesh。 It was a feeble signal; distorted; but it was there like a lifeline; a single candle glowing in a world gone dark。
  〃SONOFABITCH!〃 she cried; tears streaming now。 〃YOU MADE IT!〃
  Kirk looked like hell; his hair was plastered to his scalp on one side with what certainly looked like blood; and the light source cast harsh shadows on his features; making him as gaunt and cadaverous as an extra from the lost footage of Night of the Living Dead。
  But he carried himself; she realized。 He was there; goddammit; and he knew it。
  〃Reports are difficult at this time;〃 Kirk said; 〃but our most up…to…the…minute information indicates a tremendous explosion at the Paradise Waste Disposal facilities in North Manchester Township。 All residents are advised to evacuate the area immediately。 Repeat: hundreds feared dead at an explosion at Paradise Waste facilities in North Manchester Township。〃
  〃YES! DO IT!〃 Laura said excitedly; clapping her hands; 〃YES YES YES 。。。 〃
  〃Authorities are unavailable for ment at present;〃 Kirk said。 〃But our remendation here at Channel 9 is that you get your loved ones and yourselves the hell out of here。〃
  He leaned into the camera。 〃And that goes double for you; Laura。〃
  Laura gasped。 On…screen; something fell in the background。 Kirk ignored it; went back to his stats。
  〃The evacuation routes are as follows;〃 he said。 〃From Windsor Township; take Route 615 south to Fulton。 From Upper Darien; take the Mifflinsburg Pike 。。。 〃
  And then suddenly; the lights went out。 There was a pop。 The monitors went dead。 The overhead fluorescents sputtered abruptly。
  And in less than an eyeblink; the room went black。
  〃Ohgod ohgod 。。。 〃 Laura whispered; clamping down。 The room was almost totally enshrouded; its sole illumination a wan blue glow ing from the hall door。
  〃It's okay;〃 she told the shadows。 〃It's just a blown transformer; or a downed line; or; uh 。。。 or 。。。 〃
  There was a drinking fountain just outside the door; its white porcelain gleaming。 As she watched; the spigot suddenly spritzed to life; sending a little arc of water pooting forth; going pucketa pucketa pucketa pucketa 。。。
  Upstairs the front doors wrenched open; the sound of metal ripping like paper; followed by crowd sounds; of many many things ing in and rooting around; casting bizarre shapes against the solitary shaft of light that filtered in from the head of the stairs。 It wasn't long at all until it was followed by the leathery slap of feet hitting the stairs; one by one by one。
  At the other end of the room; something that walked upright for the first time ever stopped at the little fountain and took a refreshing gulp。
  Then it turned and peered into the darkness。 Its many eyes made out Laura's huddled form and it gurgled; a sound of pleasant surprise。
  It moved forward; one withered hand up for balance; dragging the rest of its parts behind; and closed the distance as if in perverse answer to her prayer。
  And Laura was no longer alone。
  High atop Mount Hope; the world premier of The Kirk Bogarde Show was ending just a little ahead of schedule。
  It wasn't quite as he'd imagined it; but then what was? The bad news was that the major east…west and north…south escape routes were hopelessly jammed with wrecks; as survivors of the first wave went manic; trying to get out of town。
  The good news was that he could still do the weather。
  The temperature was dropping rapidly; it was maybe thirty…five; definitely falling。 Atmospheric pressure intensified as the firestorm drew cold air in from all directions。 Water vapor condensed on the finer atmospheric particulate; bonding。
  And the fog rolled in。
  Kirk shivered in his linerless jacket; feeling the acid sting of the mist on his skin。 It's primal; he thought: weather for the dawn of time。
  Or the end of the world。
  His teeth chattered as he rattled off possible; even hopeful escape routes。 He didn't really believe in them anymore。 That wasn't the point。
  Behind him and around him; pieces were falling: the tower was disassembling itself; strut by strut; in the high killer wind。 The last hunk to tumble was big as a refrigerator; it crashed into the ground less than ten feet away from the shed with a deafening mump; sent rainbow ruptures of agony throughout his leg。
  Kirk blinke

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