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小说: js&cs.thebridge 字数: 每页4000字

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  〃Okay;〃 she smiled back; just as hard。 〃Then don't be afraid。 We're gonna have a wonderful time。〃
  She punctuated the vow with another squeeze and smile; and damned if he didn't believe her。 There was just something about her: an indefatigable buoyancy of spirit that snuck through every chink in his defenses; like a spring breeze blowing through the rusty armor around his soul。
  One look at her; and Deitz believed。
  〃This power;〃 he murmured; low in his throat; 〃must only be used for good。〃
  She laughed。 〃So you'll be here at three?〃
  〃At least。〃
  〃At most。〃 She made big pleading black velvet eyes at him。 〃You're my ride; remember?〃
  〃Mmm…hmmm。〃 They kissed: a quick whisper of tongue; lest God's little consumers saw fit to plain。 〃I'll be here before three。〃
  〃But not too early 。。。 〃
  〃At exactly two minutes to three; I'll be here。〃 It was a deadpan; solemn vow。 〃I swear upon my soul。〃
  〃It's a deal。〃 Jennie smiled and disengaged; then moved across the bustling room and slid behind the counter。 Deitz watched as she passed the microwave and lunch meats; a regular smorgasbord of nitrates and low…level radiation。
  〃Thanks so much for staying on; Patty;〃 he heard Jennie say。 〃I'm real sorry 'bout that。〃
  〃S'okay。〃 Patty smiled; her dull stare brightening by several degrees。 〃It's not like it's your fault or anything。〃
  And suddenly; Pat the Eating Machine magically transformed back into a real flesh…and…bone person。 By the simple miracle of Jennie's kindness; Pat became Patty: a tired girl who'd thoughtfully; responsibly stayed an hour and a half past her normal graveyard shift; all because of some irresponsible jerkoff named Ozzie。 Pat; the odious Monster From Hell; became a very nice and extremely relieved young woman named Patty; who at long last could finally go home。
  Deitz saw the unabashed gratitude on Patty's face as she handed over the reins to Jennie; who'd left breakfast in bed and a half…read Sunday Baltimore Sun to e in and save the day。 And who hadn't bitched or pissed and moaned about it; either; but had simply taken it all in stride。
  Yep; he mused。 No doubt about it。 Jennie Quirez could change your whole outlook on life 。。。
  The front door opened。 He paid it no mind。 His eyes were on Jennie's lips; which were puckering up for his benefit from halfway across the room。 He smiled; catching the flurry of black…and…white movement in his farthest peripheral range。
  It caught him。 He started to turn。 A wild shock of bone…white hair appeared; framing a pale; broad; deathlike face。 It belonged to a punked…out teenage girl with deep flaming green eyes and thin lips etched in darkness。
  She was; of course; dressed entirely in black: black shirt; black leggings; and those clunky black shitkicker jump boots。 At first; he hadn't realized what a tiny thing she was: the hair gave her an easy five inches of height; which only placed her eye level with Deitz's breastbone。 There was a little downy stubble at her close…shaved temples。 The stubble was white as well。
  Deitz caught himself staring; looked away sharply; wasn't all that surprised to discover that everyone else was doing it; too。 She certainly didn't look like she was heading for Sunday services。 Every gaze in the place dragged with her as she crossed the room; face groggy with unrequited need for sleep。 Or maybe drugs。 Or maybe both。
  He looked to Jennie; who was grinning broadly。 Check her out; Jennie mouthed; drawing it out for prehension's sake。 She's ree…lee strange。 Deitz nodded; grinning as well; and turned back to watch the girl advance toward him。
  She stopped at the coffee station and proceeded to fill up a thirty…two…ounce Big Gulp with steamin' joe。 Yikes; he thought。 Thank God she's not going to church。 She'd be bouncing of the pews。 He observed discreetly as she dumped about four packets of sugar into the cup and swirled it around; then reached for the little nondairy…creamer units。
  And then; to his astonishment; she paused to read the label。
  Deitz was stunned。 Even his internal dialogue dried up for a moment。 Not another single person; in the whole time he'd been waiting; had bothered to so much as think about what they were putting in their mouths。 It privately pleased him; surprisingly so; that the black sheep would prove to be the only one aware。
  For a second; he entertained the notion that she was just reading the brand name。 But no。 She twisted the thing slowly between her fingers; like a volume knob; while her lips silently moved in accordance with the list of ingredients ribboned around the label's edge: contains water; salt; partially hydrogenated soybean oil 。。。
  When she smiled and struggled with the pronunciation of sodium stearoyl lactylate; he could restrain himself no longer。
  〃It's poison;〃 he said; stepping a little closer。
  She looked up; annoyed; and her sneer instantaneously sucked wind from his cheerful sails。 〃What 。。。 ?〃 she said。 The addendum you cretin was unspoken。
  〃Um 。。。 〃 Feeling suddenly; horribly foolish。 〃All that stuff。 Sodium stearoyl lactylate。 Monoglycerides。 Dipotassium phosphate。〃 He shrugged。 Her gaze upon him was utterly frank; not giving him an inch。
  〃You know 。。。 〃 he concluded; and let his voice trail off。
  〃Yeah; well。〃 For a moment; she seemed uncertain whether to be civil or not。 〃Not that it's really gonna make a fuckin' bit of difference; right?〃 Cocking her head and watching his reaction very closely。
  〃Well; uh 。。。 〃 he began。
  And then; just as suddenly; started to laugh。
  〃Well; actually; no;〃 he concluded。 It was as if some tiny but significant weight had been lifted off his shoulders。 〃Not even a little。〃
  She smiled; then; and in that moment; their shared awareness made them members of a very exclusive club。
  In that moment; they understood each other pletely。
  Then she set the nondairy creamer aside; picked up her cup; and headed back to take her place in line。
  Deitz watched her go; and thought of Jennie。 Would she have understood? He suspected she would have; but he couldn't be sure; you never knew what was under that kind of an optimistic demeanor。 A lot of insecurities and un…voiced fears could thrive; hidden; beneath that kind of warmth; a lot of stubborn refusal to acknowledge the ugly facts of life 。。。
  〃Wait a second;〃 he scolded; catching himself for the second time today。 〃You promised; remember? Today; nothing gets to you。
  〃Today; you're the happiest man on earth。〃
  And; of course; it was true。
  But some things were far easier said than done。
  Ah; the power of faith。
  Werner Blake loved his front…row seat at Trinity Lutheran Church。 It was a great place for people…watching; and Blake was a people person。 He'd held this pew every Sunday for ten years running; watching the sacramental conveyor belt deliver its wine…and…wafer fix to the herd。
  So far as he was concerned; there was no finer place on Earth。
  Take this ritual; for example; and the principle that powered it。 Transubstantiation; they called it; though he doubted if more than three people in the entire synod could spell the word; much less grasp an inkling of its actual intent。
  Transubstantiation was really quite the little miracle: the mystical transformation of flour and grape juice into not just symbols of the Eucharist; but the actual flesh and blood itself。 Eternal Life; breathed into inanimate glop by the kiss of God。 Kinda like the ultimate parlor trick。
  There was something perversely cannibalistic about the whole thing; too; but then; what did you expect from the world's most successful; longest…running blood cult?
  What the hell; Blake mused; nodding and smiling as the parishioners filed past。 Name of the game。 Keeps 'em in' back for more。
  Werner Blake was a dapper; distinguished man; in his fifties and his prime。 He was head of the Paradise Industrial Development Authority; pointman for Paradise Emergency Management Agency; general solid citizen; and all…around pillar of the munity。 He was directly responsible for courting out…of…state industry to move into the area; thus bringing jobs and opportunity 

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