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小说: pzb.lostsouls 字数: 每页4000字

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drinking turned him rough and seemed to make his bones sharper。 Ann woke with gnawed nipples; bruised hipbones; a throbbing ache in her crotch that turned to raw agony when she pissed。 It was only good for an argument if she mentioned it; and she still desired him; so after a while she shut up。
  And when she was honest with herself; she knew the rough sex wasn't the only thing that had driven her away。 It was the music as well。 Steve had already started playing guitar when she met him; and at the time she had liked the idea of having a musician for a boyfriend。 She was happy for him when he started getting good and excited when he; Ghost; and R。J。 decided to form a band。 R。J。 had never wanted it as badly as the other two…he'd always been a serious kid; and Ann thought music was just too frivolous a calling for him…and had dropped out early; but he still sat in with them sometimes。
  All that had been fine。 But when it got too heavy; when it started to appear that Steve and Ghost wanted to make Lost Souls? their life's work; Ann balked。 She didn't want to he a musician's wife; spending months alone in Missing Mile while he toured; worrying about money during the lean years and groupies during the good ones。 When they had started recording their tape; the final wedge was driven in。 The all…night sessions; the hours upon hours Steve spent in Terry's home studio talking about levels; tracks; spillage; and other inprehensible things he never bothered to explain to his lowly girlfriend。 He had never felt so intensely about her; Ann was sure。
  At any rate; she had known Eliot would make a gentler lover from the first time she met him。
  At first Eliot had seemed exotic: twenty…nine to Ann's twenty…one; divorced; with a real job as a junior…college English teacher and half a novel sitting on his desk。 He was a regular customer at the Spanish restaurant where she waited tables。 He always sat in Ann's section and started leaving her giant tips。 Eventually he asked her out。 〃You disturb me;〃 he had told her; 〃but you intrigue me。〃
  The line sounded stupid when Ann thought about it later; but by then she had already slept with him and had mistaken his tentativeness for tenderness。 At least when Eliot went down on her; her clitoris didn't feel as if it were about to be sucked out by its roots。 At least when Eliot's penis (she could not help noticing it was thinner and much pointier than she was used to) was inside her; it didn't feel like an angry fist battering her cervix。 At least Eliot waited until she was wet。 These days; such things were luxuries。
  Also; Eliot had had a vasectomy。 He was very proud of it and sometimes wore a bright orange button that said I Got Mine! If you asked him about it; he would launch into a speech about how None of Us Have the Right to Bring More Children into This Cruel; Overpopulated World。 Ann didn't care for the button or the speech; but it was nice being able to go off the pill。 Her sleep patterns and her depression patterns were so erratic that she had been forgetting as many as she remembered。
  So it didn't matter when she read the half a novel and couldn't think of anything to say about it。 It was a study of a rural family in Virginia。 It was Tough and Gritty; but Sensitive。 The hero turned out to he the youngest son; Edward; who went to the University and became a teacher of English。 Edward was also the only character who didn't talk in dialect …Eliot had written his doctoral thesis on William Faulkner; and had never really gotten over it。 It didn't matter that Eliot talked sneeringly of her 〃redneck boyfriend〃…whom he had never met and never would…and derived a perverse glee from hearing that Steve was a college dropout。 It didn't even matter that underneath all her self…righteousness she felt like the lowest kind of lying; betraying bitch。 None of these things mattered to her in the slightest。
  Until Steve found out。
  Ghost knew about it first; of course。 He had always been able to see inside her head; the way he could see inside Steve's head and almost anyone else's if he chose to。 Ann had seen Ghost looking at her strangely; then looking away when she stared back at him。 He would not question her or accuse her; but she knew he knew。
  She had let herself into their house one day while Steve was at work。 She stood in the doorway of Ghost's room; watching him write something in a spiral notebook。 When he finally looked up; he didn't seem surprised to see her。 His pale blue eyes had been calm but guarded。
  〃Are you going to tell him?〃 she said。
  For a long moment Ghost only looked at her; and she didn't think he would answer at all。 Then he lifted one shoulder in a tiny shrug and shook his head no…but in those small movements Ann saw what pain it was causing him to keep such an ugly secret from Steve。 All the guilt and the sorrow washed over her then; and she fell on Ghost's bed; buried her face in his musty…rose…scented heap of blankets; and sobbed out the whole sordid tale。 Ghost patted her back and stroked her sweaty hair; and all the time she knew she was telling him things he didn't want to hear。 But he listened anyway; because he was Ghost。 Because he was good。
  And of course Steve found out anyway。 Whether he sneaked into her room and found her carefully hidden journal; or whether the unspoken munication between him and Ghost was so strong that he picked it up without Ghost having to say anything; Ann never found out。 Everything happened so fast。 Steve came over one night when her father was out; and he knew。 He didn't e right out with it; though。 He walked around the edges of it; he was manic; almost raving; then sullen。 She could see in his eyes that he hated her。
  〃All right!〃 she shrieked finally。 〃All right! I fucked somebody else and I liked it! He's a better lover than you。 He's smarter than you。 He's not a goddamn drunk…〃
  She was just getting warmed up when his hand flashed out and slapped her hard across the face。
  The blow had enough force behind it to throw her backward onto her bed。 She lay there for a moment; her heart and mind stunned。 Steve had never hit her。 No one but her father had ever hit her。 Her cheek and jaw went numb; then began to tingle。 Steve would beg her forgiveness; surely。 But he stood over her; his dark eyes blazing; and when she tried to struggle up he planted the sole of his boot square in her crotch and shoved hard。 A lick of pain shot through her。
  〃You cunt;〃 Steve said。 His voice was quiet; inflectionless。 〃I know how to make sure you won't do any more fucking around for a while。〃
  And Steve's hands went to his belt buckle。
  Ann threw herself back against the wall。 Suddenly Steve was on the bed with her; pinning her there; trapping her。 She thrashed against him and felt him getting hard。 Seeing him excited by her terror scared her worse; made her limp。 She kept trying to push him away; but she was weak now; and he was so strong。
  He yanked her skirt up; thrust two guitar…callused fingers into her vagina。 They were dry and felt as if they would tear her open。 Now he had her hips pinned beneath his。 His jeans were down around his knees。 His cock was shoving at her; battering into her。 She felt it thrusting through her dryness up into the unwilling heart of her womb; and most of her did not want it there…but it was Steve; and he had always fit inside her so damn well; and almost before she realized it she was ing。 ing against her will; ing in pain and humiliation; but ing hard nonetheless。
  Steve mistook the throes of her orgasm for struggles and thrust her arms back against the mattress。 His big hands were like vises around her wrists。 Ann felt delicate bones grinding together; in a moment she thought they might snap。 She threw her head to the side and sank her teeth into the ball of his thumb until she tasted blood。 Now he was pounding into her so hard that he didn't seem to notice the pain…but his grip loosened a little; and then he was shuddering to his own violent orgasm; and the rape was over。
  〃There;〃 he breathed; lifting his head to stare into her stricken face。 〃There。 See how you like fucking your new boyfriend now。〃
  After he had stormed out and roared away in his c

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