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小说: pzb.lostsouls 字数: 每页4000字

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s to start tearing them apart。 They both pretended to be so tough and cynical that there was no room left to give each other the gentleness they both really needed。 Steve had always been like that; and Ghost knew his way around it; there was an honesty between them that surpassed any facade Steve could put up。 But Ann wouldn't play that game。
  Ghost took a sip of his coffee。 It was cold and too sweet even for him。 He drank more of it anyway; because he didn't want to ask the question that had e into his head。 But it wouldn't go away; it had worried him ever since Steve had e home that night; his shirt untucked and his eyes wild and a bite mark on his hand。 So finally he spoke again。 〃That was a shitty thing Steve did to you。 You could have called the cops on him…or told your father。 What stopped you?〃
  Ann laughed。 It was a humorless sound。 〃Right; Ghost。 The cops。 'Officer; my boyfriend…the one I've been sleeping with for four years…he raped me。〃 She made her voice deeper and spoke in an exaggerated redneck drawl。 〃'Sure; little lady; we understand。 You been givin' it away; and now you want to take it back。 Why don't you e on down to the station and maybe you can show us exactly what he did to you。〃 I don't think they would have been too sympathetic。 And Simon…well 〃 The bitter smoke from her cigarette swirled around her head; obscuring her eyes。 〃Simon would have killed him。〃
  Ghost believed her。 But she still hadn't told him what he really wanted to know。 〃How e you did it; Ann? You loved Steve。 Maybe you still do。 How e you wanted to go running to that guy over in Corinth?〃
  For a moment Ann only looked at him with something flickering far back in her eyes; and Ghost thought she might throw her cup at his head。 But then she looked at her burning cigarette as if she had just realized it was there in her hand; and she sucked smoke deep into her lungs; coughed a little; and answered him。 Her voice was hoarser than usual。 〃I believe in whatever gets you through the night;〃 she said。 〃Night is the hardest time to be alive。 For me; anyway。 It lasts so long; and four A。M。 knows all my secrets。 And when I was lying in bed next to Steve feeling like I was about to fly apart and he wouldn't hold me because we'd been arguing about some damn stupid thing…well; I went looking for something to get me through the night a little bit better。〃
  Ghost couldn't say much to that。 Her point of view still bothered him; but he knew that was just because no matter how much he cared for Ann; he would always love Steve more。 So he talked about mutual friends Ann hadn't seen for a while…she had been afraid of running into Steve; and Eliot was apparently a virtual hermit with no close friends of his own and no interest in meeting hers。 Ann hadn't been getting out much。
  Ghost gave her the news; such as it was。 R。J。 Miller's supposedly male cat had a litter of seven kittens; six solid black and one a sort of green。 Terry; who owned the Whirling Disc record store in town; had gone on vacation and left the assistant manager in charge。 The guy had filled out the form wrong when making an order; and they received a huge shipment of Ray Stevens albums。 When he got back; Terry started playing the records all the time as punishment。 Twenty times a day or more they were treated to the annoying country singer performing classic numbers like 〃The Mississippi Squirrel Revival〃 or 〃Everything Is Beautiful (In Its Own Way)。〃
  He told Ann these things and made her laugh a little。 He didn't tell her how much Steve was drinking; or that he had started robbing Coke machines again。 She didn't ask how Steve was either。 But when he hugged her goodbye on the porch and rode his bike away; he thought she looked a little happier; a little less pale and drawn。 Not much; but a little。
  A little worm of worry for her had already begun to gnaw in Ghost's heart。 He didn't count it as a premonition。 Sometimes it was hard to tell the difference between them and his ordinary feelings。 But any friend of Ann's would be worried about her; seeing how she was now。 If the worm kept gnawing; he would pay more attention to it。
  He pointed his bike toward home。 By the time he got there; the ugliest image he had picked up from Ann…Steve on top of her; shoving her down into the mattress…had almost faded from his mind。
   Chapter 13
  Nothing fingered the colored glass bubbles in the partition between diner booths of torn maroon vinyl。 The Greyhound had taken him down through Maryland and northern Virginia suburbs; down along anonymous highways flanked by chemical processing plants; cigarette mills; housing developments and the dull blue and green aluminum walls meant to protect them from the noise and smell of the highway。
  The scenery was boring and oppressive at first。 It made Nothing wonder whether be might be travelling deeper and deeper into the dead world populated by his parents and teachers and the sad; desperate friends he had left behind。 Surely these couldn't be the roads that led to home。
  But now; deep in Virginia; the roadsides were lush and green; even in the middle of September。 He was sitting in a truck…stop diner somewhere south of nowhere; watching the afternoon light fade; staring at the ripped vinyl and the greasy tables and the flashy jukebox that didn't have the decency to play green and mournful country music; but played the pop top twenty over and over by the hour。 Nothing held his backpack close to him。 The place reeked of hamburger grease and cardboard…flavored coffee。 But the colored glass bubbles in the divider were as beautiful as anything back home in his room。 He wished he could somehow steal just one of them。 By this time he wished he could have put his whole room in his backpack and carried it away with him。
  He glanced through the window at the bus station across the parking lot; lit a Lucky; tapped it; and rubbed ash absently into the thin torn cloth of his jeans。 The jeans were soft and forting; decorated with black ballpoint swirls; a chain of safety pins; artistic rips。 His hightop sneakers chafed each other; tapped together impatiently; wanting to get back out on the road。 There was a hole in one sneaker; over his little toe。
  He found the Lost Souls? cassette in the pocket of his raincoat; opened the plastic case; and took out the paper liner。 The liner was a grainy photocopy; a picture of an old gravestone dappled with shadow and sunlight; surrounded by pine needles and twining kudzu vines。 Across the gravestone the words LOST SOULS? were printed in rainbow crayon。 All five hundred copies were supposed to have been lettered by the band。 He pictured the guitarist; hunched tall and awkward on the floor; pressing down too hard with the crayons and breaking them; cussing and turning the whole project over to the singer。 The singer was surely in charge of the color yellow and with his fingers would have touched this paper; would have swirled in the question mark that kept the name from being stupid。
  Nothing looked at the other side of the paper liner; at the photo of the two musicians。 Steve Finn; sitting with his guitar between his knees; grinning with a certain easy cynicism; his messy dark hair shoved behind his ears and a can of Budweiser not quite concealed behind the pointy toe of his left boot。 And the other one; the one who slid his eyes away from the camera; whose knobby wrists lay crossed in his lap。 Whose patchwork clothes were too big and whose hair fell from under his straw hat as pale as tangled rain; half…hiding his face; obscuring him。
  All Nothing knew about the duo came from this picture and the cryptic liner notes (〃I like to drink my watercolor water〃); those things and the long train whistle music and the spooky; wistful words of the songs。 But he imagined personalities for them; felt as if he knew them。 Lost Souls? belonged to the crowd of spirits inside his head; the ones he used to wish he was squeezed against on Saturday nights when Jack's car went too fast around a curve and the others screamed for another hardcore tape。 Those; his old friends…with their leather jackets and their skull bongs; their Marlboro hard packs and their thwarted dreams…those were teenagers。

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