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小说: pzb.lostsouls 字数: 每页4000字

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ally he dug out his special tool; a length of coat hanger bent into a hook at one end。 He wondered if he ought to pull the T…bird up so it was hiding the front of the Pepsi machine。 No; he decided; anybody out driving this time of night is probably on business just as shady as mine。
  With a last glance at Ghost; Steve knelt; fed the wire into the coin…return slot of the machine; and wiggled it around until he felt it catch。 He tugged gently and seconds later was blessed by a shower of silver。 Steve scooped the quarters; dimes; and nickels out of the dirt; shoved them into his pockets; hustled back to the car; and got the hell out of the parking lot。
  Twenty fast miles later; Steve had the radio on a rock station and Ghost was trying to decide whether to rejoin the living。 〃Are we still in North Carolina?〃
  〃Yeah。〃 Steve turned Led Zeppelin down and waited for the stories。 Ghost always told Steve his dreams; and they were sometimes coherent; sometimes nonsensical and lovely; and almost invariably a little frightening。 Ghost sat up and stretched; working out his sleep cramps。 Steve saw a flash of belly where Ghost's sweatshirt parted from his tie…dyed pants。 Pale skin; golden hair sparse and curly。 Ghost looked out the window for several miles; his brow furrowed; his eyes puzzled。 That meant he was remembering。 Steve waited; and Ghost began; haltingly; to speak。
  〃When they were young 。 。 。 they were the world's darlings。 The world's opinion meant everything to them; even though they tried to pretend it meant nothing。 Their town was even grayer and muddier when they pranced along the streets after midnight; and the rooftops bent to kiss their dyed hair。 They wandered through the shops putting their delicate fingerprints on the window glass and china; touching anything colorful or sweet; pinching things between thumb and forefinger as if to grasp the town in both hands would dirty them。 Sully them。〃 Ghost rolled 〃sully〃 over his tongue as if it were scuppernong wine; in his thick Carolina voice the word took on a dark; rich flavor。 〃Sully them。 The big boys。 at their school shouted things at them; black dirty things that stank of toilet…wall scrawls and smeared basins。 But those boys never fought them because they knew the twins were magic。 Everyone knew the twins would go away to the city someday; where they could pick rhinestones out of the cigarette sludge in the gutter; and the moon would be as aching and vivid as neon cheese in blue velvet sky。 And they did。 They went to New Orleans。〃
  Ghost stopped; looked away down the train track they were crossing。 Tiny colored lights shone far down the line; fairy lights; Christmas lights; though it was only the middle of September。
  Steve closed his eyes; remembered the road; opened them again。 〃Go on;〃 he said。 〃What happened to them in the city?〃
  〃Artists put them in films。 They were twins; and the hip crowd loved the perversity of that。 Their mirror…image pornography was art。 They were Donatello Davids; skinny and beautiful; not heavyset like Michelangelo's。 Androgynous striplings who outlined each other's bones in lipstick。 And they were allowed every art and luxury and perversion the city held because of their overrouged lips and their sluts' eyes and the poetry of their hands。
  〃They grew jaded; tired; but still insatiable on their own mattress。 They lived and lived and saw the first lines appear around their eyes。 They saw years of liquor; expensive cigarettes; drugs and passion etch themselves on their movie…starlet faces。 They watched the mirror as they would have watched a quicksilver film of their death; in a cold heat of fascination; dread; clutching each other。 They bit at each other's throats in desperation; thinking to regain beauty in blood; to drink the pulse of life。 But their blood was thin; grainy; mixed with other substances…no longer the rich purple fountain they had once known。 They went out less; spending whole days flat on the mattress like two dry sticks side by side; forgetting to eat; watching the cobweb cracks in the ceiling plaster widen; spread like the tracery on their faces。 They…〃
  The high stupid scream of a siren split the night open。 Ghost's voice trailed off。 Blue light pulsated in the rearview mirror; turned Ghost's face pallid; made the litter of beer cans seem to whirl and dance。
  〃Shit;〃 said Steve; trying to decide whether to pull over。 His mind spun with the blue light: the store and the Pepsi machine were forty fucking miles behind! No one had seen him jimmy the machine; no one。 Would he go to jail? Would Ghost go too; as an accessory to the crime he had slept through? Ghost would lie; say he'd planned it; trying to take some of the heat off Steve。 Ghost was only twenty…two; Steve a year older。 They had their whole lives ahead of them and an open bottle of whiskey in their hands 。 。 。 Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Steve's mind raced; and the radio got louder; and the siren ripped the night apart; and he heard Jimmy Page wafting on guitar and then Ghost's voice; not at all panicky; saying; 〃Pull over; Steve; pull over; you dumb fuck!〃
  Steve wrenched the wheel to the right; braked hard; and they skidded on the surface of the dark road and slowed 。 。 。 slowed 。 。 。 stopped; gravel spraying from the tires; a thin trail of black rubber behind them。 But they were whole and safe; and so was the car; and most blessedly of all; the police car was passing them; siren still screaming; light still whirling like a cold blue dervish。
  〃Jesus fuckin' Christ;〃 said Steve; and let his hands drop from the steering wheel; his head fall back against the seat。 He was aware of Ghost reaching over to kill the ignition; putting his hand on Steve's shoulder; moving closer across the seat。 No questions (why are you so paranoid about the cops tonight; Steve? just carrying a couple of joints? or maybe jimmying Pepsi machines again? or hiding the raped and gutted corpse of your ex…girlfriend in the trunk?); no accusations (we coulda been KILLED!); just the gentle; wordless fort of Ghost's hand on the back of his neck; Ghost's thoughts inside his head。
  For a few moments Steve accepted the fort gratefully; thirstily。 Then he remembered who he was (Steve Finn don't need nothin' from nobody! No; not much; not much); straightened up; and shook Ghost off。 Ghost withdrew; understanding all too well。 Understanding maddeningly。 Steve wanted to hurt Ghost; to stop the waves of placent sympathy pouring from the passenger seat。 But Steve could not find the words to hurt Ghost; and if he had found them; he could not have made himself use them。 The best he could e up with was 〃Don't you call me a dumb fuck。〃
  〃Okay;〃 said Ghost; so soft that Steve could barely hear him。
  Up ahead was a riot of lights and movement。 Red lights; blue lights; someone standing in the road flagging the T…bird down。 Steve stopped; and the flagman motioned him forward。 Slow; he signalled。 An ambulance。 Two police cars。 An officer talking to a tired country woman in a torn bathrobe and curlers。 The woman held the collar of a Doberman; restraining it。 The dog snarled at the police; strained toward the T…bird as it passed at five miles per hour。 A brick ranch house built close to the road; its scrubby yard littered with broken toys and car parts; on the porch the woman's family; a man holding four small children back; apparently telling them not to look。 The man was small and red and scrawny as a chicken neck。 The children craned their necks; pointing; curious。
  There was something else in the yard; near the roadside; something that had excited the dog; something the children were trying to see。 Something naked; dry; withered。 A child …but what could have shrivelled it so; leached its life away? Steve saw a backpack lying nearby; spilling the kid's life。 Clothes。 A couple of toy robots。 Transformers; Steve knew from watching the Saturday…morning mercials。 The kid must be a runaway。 Flecks of gravel were embedded in the soft skin of his face; his head lolled back; half severed; the dark red cavern of his throat glistening…but there was so little blood; and the raw tissues within looked wasted; parched。 A gray blanket settled over the planes and angles of the little 

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