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小说: pzb.lostsouls 字数: 每页4000字

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Zillah cast them a look of contempt。 'That thing won't hurt you。 Just step over it。〃
  The door sported an incongruously fancy knocker: the face of a gargoyle wrought in silver; with a heavy ring through its nostrils and eyes that seemed about to bulge out of their sockets。 Nothing used the ring to knock; first gently and then loudly; but no one stirred inside the house。 He looked doubtfully at the old brown car in the driveway。 Someone must be here。 〃Maybe they don't want pany;〃 he said; not sure whether the sinking inside him was disappointment or relief。
  〃Try the door;〃 Twig suggested。 Before Nothing could respond; Twig stepped up and rattled the knob himself。 It would turn no more than a quarter inch in either direction。 The door was locked。
  〃I guess that's it;〃 said Nothing。 His hand; deep in the pocket of his raincoat; touched the single long bone he had found on the shoulder of the highway。 Four days ago…a lifetime ago…he had set out thinking be might e here。 Had he hoped to find his home in Missing Mile; at an address he had found on the liner of a tape put out by an obscure band? Now that he was here; it hardly seemed real。
  Molochai had been peering through the window next to the front door。 Now he gave it a shove。 It slid up with only a small groaning protest。 〃I found a way in;〃 Molochai said proudly。
  And before Nothing quite knew what was happening; the other three had climbed through the window…even Zillah; who stepped delicately over the sill and was received on the other side by the outstretched hands of Molochai and Twig。 Nothing stared in at them。 They grinned and waved back; daring him。 But he couldn't follow。 The car was here; someone must be home。 He couldn't just let himself in; no matter how much he wanted to see the inside of the house。 He couldn't go through the window; He mustn't。
  A splinter from the windowsill snagged his jeans as he went in。
  The jumble of decor…obscure; lovely jazz and acid rock posters; religious samplers; a bookshelf with volume after volume of herbal lore cheek by jowl with things like Kerouac; Ellison; Bradbury (the Bradbury books surely belonged to Ghost; Steve would never choose anything so romantic)… caught Nothing's attention at first。 Then he realized what the others were doing。 Molochai and Twig were in the kitchen; ransacking the refrigerator。 He heard pop…tops cracking open as they helped themselves to cans of beer。 Zillah fell dramatically onto the couch and began unbuttoning his shirt with dreamy fascination; his long hair draped over the arm of the couch; streaming down。
  The passage down the hall; pale and wavering and tantalizing; held Nothing's attention for a long time before he noticed the smell。 When it finally breached his awareness; he did not recognize it at once。 It was so faint…there; on a breath of air; and gone again。 He licked his lips; took a shallow breath through his mouth。 Although he did not realize it; he was testing the air; beginning to use sensitive scent organs that had lain dormant all his fifteen years。 The scent was familiar; he had smelled it just last night; but now there was something different about it。 Something foreign; more ethereal; more delicate 。 。 。
  The dark metallic smell of blood。 And beneath that; the bittersweet scent of rose petals。
  Now Zillah was beckoning to him from the couch。 Nothing could tell from the tiny smirk on his lips what Zillah wanted; and he had to quash a tiny flare of irritation。 Didn't Zillah know how wrong it would be for them to make love in this house? Nothing could not go to him; not this time。 At the end of that hall; drowning in that scent; might be Ghost。 And Nothing thought that somehow the smell might be his fault。 He should not have brought his new family here。 He lived in a different world now; and could not cross back and forth。 
  He started down that white passage。
  The hall was long。 Light filtered into it from the open rooms。 Someone had left the bathroom light on。 Nothing reached in and turned it off as he passed; looking at the ivoried tub squatting on gryphons' feet; the lone beer can on the edge of the sink。 He was seeing things very lucidly now; aware of each detail。 The air in the house was as clear as cool still water。
  Then he was at thc door of someone's bedroom。 Ghost's; it had to be。 Delicate colored leaves and dead flowers were pinned to the ceiling。 On the walls; in crayon and ink; pencil and Magic Marker; was a fabulous twisted riot of color…maps of real lands; maps of strange lands; faces that seemed about to speak。 And words。 Hundreds of words。 There were words strung together in sentences and quotations and lyrics。 There were words alone; written there because of their individual bright or dark glory。 And there on the ceiling…above the bed; showing through a nest of brittle foliage…there were stars。 A universe of stars and planets painted there; a thousand tiny heavenly bodies; yellow; glowing faintly。
  My god; I'm home; thought Nothing; and stepped into the room。 And in that instant; the figure on the bed…the figure that Nothing had not seen because it lay so still; swathed in a great heap of bedclothes; because its pale hair fell so transparent across the pillow…sat bolt upright and shrieked; 〃NOTHING!〃
  In the living room; three heads swivelled toward the sound。 Molochai's throat stopped working in midswig; and beer cascaded over his chin。 〃Nothing?〃 he sputtered。 
  〃Nothing;〃 said Twig; nodding。
  Zillah's eyes narrowed。 〃We'll see about Nothing;〃 he hissed。 With one fluid movement he was off the couch; disappearing into the recesses of the house。 For a moment Molochai and Twig gaped after him。 Then they looked at each other; shrugged; and followed Zillah down the hall。
  Steve was dreaming。 Somewhere in his head Ann struggled; beat her fists against the inside of his skull; trying to force her way out。 Fuck her。 She could rot in there。 (What the hell do you think she's doing? his mind asked nastily; but he ignored it。) Why was she plaining? She liked to play with his mind。
  But suddenly there were teeth。
  At first he thought he had imagined the gnawing。 But pain flared inside his skull; razor…sharp; ripping; and he knew。 She was trying to chew her way out of his head。 She was trying to eat her way out。 He felt her teeth tearing at the soft meat of his brain。 He clawed at his forehead; trying to stop her; trying to wrench her out before she made wounds that would never heal…
  〃Jesus fuckin' Christ;〃 he gasped; jerking himself awake。 A Penthouse centerfold grinned at him from the wall above his bed; pulling her anatomy open like pink bubble gum。 Steve snarled and tore it down; crumpled it; threw it into the corner。
  Ghost shrieked from the next room; his voice clear and terrified。 Nothing; it sounded like he'd said。
  Nightmares for everybody this morning。 Or this afternoon; more likely。 What time had they finally gone to bed? No idea。 A hangover began its stealthy gnawing inside Steve's head; no dream this time; and he almost rolled over and let Ghost sleep through it。 But Ghost's dreams were always just a little too real to ignore。
  He rolled out of bed; dragged on semiclean underwear and a T…shirt that didn't even approach a state of cleanliness。 Got to do some laundry; he chided himself。 Yeah; laundry; and maybe haul some whiskey bottles and beer cans out to the recycling dump; and maybe make some apologies and get his life back together while he was at it。
  That was when he heard the voices in the living room and the footsteps ing down the hall。
  Having his privacy or his belongings invaded anywhere; at any time; was enough to piss Steve off mightily。 Someone had stolen the radio out of his T…bird right after he'd gotten it back in high school; and Steve had sat outside for three nights waiting fur the asshole to show himself again。 The asshole never had; of course。 But the idea of this house; Miz Deliverance's house; being broken into was almost unbearable。 White magic had happened here。 This place had sanctity; dammit。
  He had never expected anything bad to happen in this house; had vaguely thought it had a magic circle around it or something。 But he had

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