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小说: pzb.lostsouls 字数: 每页4000字

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  Not yet。
  He was content just to be among them; watching them talk; smoke; dance。 Zillah was beside him; and the others; so he wasn't alone。 And he had the show to remember。 The songs。 Ghost swaying at the microphone; bathed in golden light。 Steve bounding across the stage; playing guitar like the devil was chasing him。 Ghost's hands like pale birds shaping the music。 Nothing stood still; trying to absorb every detail of the club…the smells of clove…smoke and sweaty perfume; the mural sprawling across the wails; some of it faded or rubbed away; some bright as the fresh blood on the walls of the van。
  Then Molochai and Twig stumbled off to the bar in search of some drink called a Suffering Bastard。 Zillah disappeared with them; but a few minutes later he was back。 He gripped Nothing's arm and nodded meaningfully toward the exit。
  Outside; Zillah turned without a word and stalked away from the club。 Nothing stared after him for a moment; then ran along the sidewalk to catch up。
  All day it had been like this。 Ever since slinking away from Steve and Ghost's house that was how Nothing thought of it。 In broad daylight they had slunk away。 Now Zillah's face was pletely healed; and Zillah had managed to be nice to him all night。 But now Zillah was acting as if he had been disgusted with the show。 Had the music bored him? Was the club too small; too unglamorous? Or did Zillah just harbor an unshakable hatred for Steve and Ghost?
  If that was the case; Nothing wanted to retrieve Molochai and Twig and get out of town。 He'd seen Missing Mile; he'd seen his show。 There was no place for him here; not with his new family。 Nothing caught up with Zillah and walked alongside him。 On their right was a block of abandoned stores。 On their left was a line of parked cars; windshields reflecting the moonlight back at Nothing。 Up ahead he could make out a figure hunched on the hood of one of the cars。 As they walked closer; he saw that it was a girl。 Her long hair spilled down over the back of her sweatshirt。 Closer still; and he saw that she was crying。
  Zillah pulled him toward the girl。 Surely he couldn't he hungry again; not after last night…but Nothing put that out of his mind。 He couldn't do that again; not yet。 And Molochai and Twig weren't here。 When Zillah touched the girl's shoulder and asked; 〃Can we help you; my dear?〃 Nothing thought he understood。 He had crossed Zillah; and his punishment wasn't over。
  But Nothing didn't care。 Zillah could have this girl if he wanted her。 Or any girl; anyone。 Because now Nothing knew something he hadn't known before: Zillah wasn't just angry because Nothing had gone against him; or even because Nothing had hurt him。 Zillah was jealous too; jealous of Steve and Ghost; of Nothing's love for them and their music。 The new knowledge coursed through him; making him feel weirdly powerful; like the time he had shot heroin with Spooky。 He could make someone jealous; even someone as beautiful and charismatic as Zillah。 It was a heady feeling。
  He could get used to feeling like that。
  Ann's head jerked up when the man touched her shoulder。 She hadn't heard him approaching; probably wouldn't have heard the march of Sherman ing up the street。 At a better moment she might have weled a stranger's attention; but right now she knew her bangs were plastered to her forehead; her eye makeup smeared across her cheeks; the pale plexion she cultivated flushed and blotchy from crying。 Damn Steve Finn; she thought; damn him to death。 But then 'she saw the man who had spoken to her; and she forgot about Steve; she even forgot that she probably looked like a bag lady on crack。
  She was transfixed。 Her stare flicked over the boy beside him; dismissed him as a high school trendy; and went back to Zillah。 The eyes were amazing; the first thing anyone would notice。 The rest of him wasn't bad either。 He was shorter than she usually liked her guys; and a little more muscular…Steve and Eliot rivalled each other for the Ichabod Crane Bodybuilding Award。 But the bones of his face were like a mask carved out of moonstone; perfect and faintly cruel; the face of an aristocrat。 His skin was smooth and flawless。
  As he reached out and took one of her hands; dwarfing it in both of his; Ann noticed the dark tracery of veins beneath his silken skin。 After a moment she realized that these were noticeable because the man had almost no hair on the visible parts of his body…none on the knuckles or the back of his hand; none at the open collar of his shirt。 She wondered if he was so smooth elsewhere; if she was about to find out。 Those green eyes gave her a reckless feeling。 How could you turn down a man who looked at you with those eyes?
  〃We were going back to our car to smoke a touch of opium;〃 Zillah told the girl。 〃Would you care to join us?〃
  For a moment Ann was almost afraid。 If he had said 〃pot〃 or even 〃hash;〃 she would have thought nothing of it; but who had opium in Missing Mile? She thought of serial killers; of girls found rolled up in rugs with their arms and legs sawed off; of toolboxes and power drills。
  Then she straightened her back; thrust out her chest; and smiled。 None of that could happen to her。 And if it did…well; then Simon couldn't practice his emotional torture on her any more; and Steve would feel so bad that it would almost be worth it。 〃Why not?〃 she said。 〃I haven't gotten stoned in three weeks。〃
  She slid off the hood of the car; and Zillah took her arm and led her toward the van。 Ann kept her arm squeezed against her body so that his fingers would e into contact with the sideswell of her breast。 He didn't move his hand away。 Soon she felt his fingers begin to move; subtly caressing her; a forefinger darting out to graze her nipple。 The nipple shivered erect; and he toyed with it a second longer。 Ann felt something happening in her lower pelvis; a warm throbbing tension。 If this man really got her stoned on opium; he might get more than the quickie he seemed to be looking for。
  Neither Ann nor Zillah looked back to see whether Nothing was following; but after a moment Nothing did。
  Ghost tailed Zillah and Nothing; keeping to the shadows; staying a good ways behind。 They were well into the rundown section now。 All the windows here were boarded up or broken。 Ghost saw a milky swath of stars reflected in a long splinter of glass。 The stars were cold in the sky。 This part of town was always cold。 Even in the middle of summer; nightwalkers might shiver and pull their light clothes more tightly around them。 The glinting spears of glass; the crust of dirt in the gutter; the cloud of steam that boiled like some gray…white phantom from a sewer grate cast a chill over everything。
  Ghost walked with his hands in his pockets and his hat pulled down low。 Once Zillah turned his head; and Ghost thought he could see hot green light spilling from those eyes。 He ducked into a dark doorway; his heart beating faster。
  Zillah and Nothing melted into the cold shadows without a glance at the desolation around them。 They moved silently and did not speak or touch; though their hands sometimes brushed together。 Ghost stayed in the doorway and watched them。 Down the sidewalk he saw a girl sitting on the hood of a car。 She looked as if she might be crying。 Her long hair could have been any color; the flat illumination of the few unbroken streetlights turned it black。 But Zillah approached her and spoke to her; and when she looked up at him; Ghost saw her face。 The girl was Ann Bransby…Smith。
  After talking to them for a minute; she slid down from the hood of the ear; Frantically; Ghost reached out for Ann's mind。 If he could feel her; maybe he could warn her 。 。 。 of what? This kind; urbane man raising a baseball bat above his head; ready to split Ghost's skull? Of Zillah's smashed face that had magically repaired itself; of Zillah's smooth voice murmuring cold lewd words in Ghost's head?
  Ann would never believe it。 And at any rate she wasn't out there tonight; or if she was; he couldn't find her。 There was only the cold void of the dark。 The ether; his grandmother had called that empty…feeling place。 The ether was alone; and Ghost left it so。 He watched 

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