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小说: pzb.lostsouls 字数: 每页4000字

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ther was alone; and Ghost left it so。 He watched as Ann walked away with Zillah; and when they had gone several paces; he started following again。
  When they got into the black van; Zillah helping Ann up and motioning Nothing in after her; Ghost thought it was all over。 Up Shit Creek; Steve would have said; without a paddle。 Now they would drive away; and Ghost would have to go back to the club and try to decide whether to tell Steve that his ex…girlfriend had just taken off with two of their mysterious visitors。
  But the headlights never came on; the motor didn't start。 The van didn't move。 A few times the back window lit up with the red flare of matches。 Then the van stayed dark and still。 Ghost walked closer; scared and confused。 He didn't know what to do。 He wanted to go hammer on the windows; break the glass; rescue Nothing and Ann from that beautiful; awful creature with the bright green eyes。
  But Nothing had cast his lot already; and Ann was old enough to take care of herself。 If Ghost tried to rescue her; she would probably punch him in the nose。 So he prowled; and shivered; and wished for X…ray vision to see through the sides of the van。 He closed his eyes and stood very still with his hands at his sides; swaying; but the van might have been a million miles away; might have been empty。 He couldn't feel anything。
  Ghost turned away; thinking he would go back to the club。 He would keep his mouth shut if Steve was still conscious。 He would take Steve home and give him a lot of coffee and maybe one of Miz Catlin's potions。 Maybe everything wouldn't be so weird tomorrow。 He turned away; and then he heard the door of the van slam。
  Nothing was standing on the sidewalk; half in the street…lights' glare; half in the shadow of the storefronts。 He stood as if he might be very tired or very drunk; but he held his head up; and there was strength in his face; strength and stubbornness and a resignation that should never have marked a face so young。
  〃Hey;〃 said Ghost softly。
  Nothing's eyes sharpened; and his lips parted a little。 For a moment he stared into the darkness; but he didn't look as if he cared much what came out of it。 Then he saw Ghost and stepped forward; and they stood facing each other on the cold sidewalk。
  〃That's Steve's girlfriend in the van there;〃 said Ghost。 
  〃That's my lover in there with her;〃 Nothing said。 〃She's on top now; He was on top before; when they started; and the sweat on his back was shining; and she screamed when he spread her legs and rammed it in 。 。 。〃 His voice trailed away; and he stared at Ghost。 His eyes were dark and huge; all pupil。 His face was naked; exquisitely shadowed; desperate。 〃Be my brother;〃 he said。 〃Zillah loves me。 He'll let me stay now。 I can stand it if you'll be my brother just for one minute。〃
  So Ghost put his arms around Nothing and hugged him tight; as he had wanted to do ever since he first saw the pain in those dark child…eyes。 Nothing sagged against him as if never wanting to let go again; and Ghost felt all the exhaustion in that thin little body。 There was strength in this boy; a lot of strength; but he was just a kid and God only knew what had been happening to him。 He must have had about all he could stand for today。
  〃Hold me;〃 said Nothing into the folds of Ghost's jacket。 〃Please don't let me go。 Not yet。〃
  〃No;〃 Ghost told him。 〃Not yet。 It's all right。〃
  He felt so damn helpless。 It wasn't all right。 It would never be all right。 If Nothing stayed with those three; with that one; he was lost。 〃Listen;〃 he said into the boy's lank damp…smelling hair。 〃Do you want to e stay with me and Steve? I mean; he'll cuss about it; but he won't kick you out。 Not if you need us。〃
  Nothing looked up at Ghost for a second。 Then be let his head fall back onto Ghost's shoulder。 The touch of his lips against Ghost's throat was light; shivery。 〃I can't;〃 he said。 〃If I went home with you; they'd e for me。 Zillah would。 And I have to go with them。〃
  〃Why? What are they to you?〃 Ghost knew his voice was getting louder; but he couldn't stop it。 〃What the hell are they; Nothing? Steve's pretty strong; but when that guy held down; he couldn't move。 And I dreamed about you…or someone…and there was so much blood。 What are they?〃
  〃Never mind;〃 said Nothing。 〃Never mind what they are。
  This is all you need to know: whatever they are; so am I。〃 
  〃What are you; then?〃
  〃I wish you could toll me;〃 Nothing said。 〃I wish you remembered your dreams。〃 He let go of Ghost and turned toward the club。
  But in Nothing's path was a shape that stood tall and awry; blocking the sidewalk。 A scarecrow with hair wild and tangled; shirttails flapping; feet planted wide apart in a half…crouch; knees bent at crazy angles; arms outstretched; fingers clawing at the night。 A shape that moved in a cloud of beer and murder…lust。 Steve。
  His eyes found Ghost; wavered; shone。 〃Where the fuck is she? She's with a guy。 I know she's with a guy。 I'll kill 'em both。 Where the fuck…〃
  The door of the van slammed again。 Ann was there; steadying herself with one hand against the side of the van。 Her hair was rumpled; her face flushed。 Behind her; Zillah stepped out; placing his feet carefully on the sidewalk。
  Zillah was wearing pink sneakers; Ghost saw。 The laces were printed with some kind of bright pattern…it looked like letters; but Ghost couldn't make them out。 Zillah looked at Nothing and smiled darkly。 Nothing gave him a shaky smile in return; a smile that made Ghost want to cry; a smile that proved better than anything else that Nothing was lost。
  Steve looked from Zillah to Ann。 His eyes gleamed; his mouth worked soundlessly。 〃Ann?〃 he managed at last。 〃You didn'。。。you cou'n' 。 。 。
  Ann walked right up to Steve。 She held her head high and her back very straight; smiled sweetly into his stricken face。
  〃I could and I did;〃 she said; 〃and you don't have a goddamn thing to say about it。〃
  〃But he 。 。 。 but he 。 。 。〃 Wordlessly; Steve gestured at Zillah; who turned away smiling。 Ghost couldn't tell whether Steve had noticed Zillah's unmarked face。
  〃He was the best lover I've ever had。 He made you look pretty sorry。 But you don't need anyone to make you look sorry; do you? You do just fine on your own…or maybe with a little help from your bottle。 Why don't you just get out of my life; Steve? Why don't you just drink yourself into an early grave?〃
  〃Shut up; Ann。〃 Ghost spoke mildly; but his face was pale; and his hands were clenched into tight fists。 He wondered how events had managed to fall into place this way; the worst way anyone could imagine。
  Bad times ing; said a voice in his head。 But they were already here。
  Ann's eyes flickered to Ghost。 〃I'm sorry you have to see this;〃 she told him。 〃'You're good; Ghost; you really are。 You better get away from this loser before he fucks up your life the way he fucked up mine。〃 She turned and walked away; back to Zillah; who was leaning against the van。 Steve watched her go; terrible emotions warring in his face。
  Ann reached Zillah and tried to link her arm with his。 For a moment it seemed that he would embrace her。 But then Zillah's hands closed on her shoulders; and he gave her a hard shove away from him。 Ann staggered; almost lost her balance on the curb。 Her head snapped back and hit the side of the van; and she barely managed to keep her balance。
  Zillah gazed at Steve。 His eyes were triumphant。 〃So sorry;〃 he said。 〃I didn't know the slut belonged to you。〃
  With a low; desperate cry; Steve threw himself at Zillah。 Ghost grabbed for him; trying to catch Steve's arm or the back of his shirt; anything。 He was afraid of what Zillah might do to Steve; who was hurting worse than ever before; who was too drunk to know what he was doing。 But Ghost's hands closed on air。
  Steve lurched forward。 Zillah's arm shot out; something pearly and silver glittering in his hand; and Ghost caught a glimpse of Zillah's expression…amused boredom。
  Then Steve staggered back; blood dripping down his face; making dark flowers on his shirt。 The razor had opened his forehead just above the eyebrows; and blood was pouring into his eyes; blinding him。 

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