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小说: pzb.lostsouls 字数: 每页4000字

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e and the sole of Willy's boot came down on his ribs。 Or maybe it was Willy punching him in the face and Charlie stomping his ribs。 It didn't matter。
  He grabbed a thick jeans…clad ankle and yanked。 Charlie went down。 The hammer flew out of his hand and thunked into the dust six feet away。 Steve smelled shit。 It was masked under the smell of cheap beer and redneck sweat; but it was shit all right。 He thought of saying Pardon me; but which one of you stepped in shit? and snorted more laughter; crazy laughter; through the pain in his face and his ribs。
  Willy was ing for him again。 He brought his legs up and pistoned both boot heels into the greasy crotch of Willy's jeans。 Willy doubled up with only a loud grunt; apparently he was more of a man than Charlie。 But here came good old Charlie again; and he'd got his silver hammer back; could you say amen and hallelujah; and he was raising it high above his head。 Steve wondered briefly whether maybe he should have had his soul saved after ail。
  And then Ghost shot into the fray; screaming like a mad thing and swinging his own hammer; the one Steve always kept under the front seat of the car。 Ghost's hammer connected with Charlie's elbow; and Steve heard something crack。 He just managed to get out from under Charlie's hammer as Charlie dropped it; howling and clutching his elbow。 Steve grabbed the stray hammer; rolled; and came up on his feet。 Now he and Ghost both had hammers。 They faced the rednecks; keeping each other covered。
  The rednecks didn't seem like much of a threat now; cringing back against the wall of the building。 Willy's hands were still cupped tenderly around his crotch。 Charlie's right arm dangled uselessly; his face had gone the color of bad cheese。 They stared at Steve and Ghost like cornered possums; too stupid to be really scared; but wary。
  〃We ought to bash your cracker brains in;〃 Steve told them。
  〃But we're not;〃 Ghost said hurriedly。 〃We're just gonna get back in our car and leave。 Don't make any fast moves。〃 He brandished his hammer at them。
  Steve waved his too; but he was beginning to feel he had lost control of the situation。 He edged around the front end of the car and pulled his door open。 Out of the corner of his eye he saw Ghost doing the same。 They threw themselves in and both doors slammed at once。 Steve thumbed the lock button。 Ghost was ranting at him。 〃Hurry; hurry; let's get the hell out of here before they stomp both our asses…〃
  The engine started on the first try。 Steve gunned the car across the parking lot and had the satisfaction of seeing Willy and Charlie scrabble out of his way like crabs in boiling water。 He thought he might have clipped one of them; hoped so。 Then the gas station was dwindling in the red glow of the taillights。 He glanced at Ghost; who was sprawled backward in his seat; half…grinning。 He thought he could see Ghost's heart pounding through the thin cloth of his T…shirt。 〃You just saved my ass;〃 Steve told him。 It was a rare moment of awkwardness between them。 〃I owe you one。〃
  〃Wait till we get to New Orleans;〃 Ghost said。 〃You can buy me a bottle of Night Train。〃 His hand crept across the seat; found Steve's hand and held it tight。 Steve thought he could feel a message flowing into him through Ghost's warm fingers: You get yourself killed; Steve; and that's it。 That's the end of the game for me too。 I know you're bummed out and you think I'm the only person in the world yon can trust; but I need you too。 So you better keep your ass safe。 I need you too。
  Sometime closer to dawn…but not too close; not dangerously so…a battered silver car drove along the same road that Steve and Ghost had left behind an hour ago。 A Bel Air。 Zillah hadn't wanted to wait for Christian to gas up his car and give Kinsey Hummingbird his notice; so they had all arranged to meet in the French Quarter the following night。
  Christian had forgotten to turn his headlights on。 For him the road was lit well enough by moonlight and the faint glitter of the stars。 And there were no other cars on the highway; not this late at night。
  At least there had been none。 But as he rounded a sharp curve; a pickup truck screeched out of a side road onto the highway behind him。 Its headlights burned a blinding bar into his rearview mirror。 Its horn blared as the driver saw Christian's car too late; and braked too hard。 Then the pickup was skidding off the road; smashing down a short embankment; rolling over and over。 At last the truck came to rest against the trunk of a massive pine。 The windshield was cracked; blood…smeared。
  Christian pulled off the road and left his car。 He picked his way carefully down the embankment。 The passengers in the pickup were dead; or nearly so; he could smell that。 There was no oily tang of gasoline; no smell of heat; the truck would not catch fire。 There was only the heavy scent of blood; rich and laced with alcohol。
  Christian knew the accident had been his fault。 After all; he had left his lights off。 But he had not meant to。 And the truck had been going much too fast。
  And he was hungry。
  The truck's passenger must have died instantly。 His features were smeared across his face in a blur of bleed and bone studded with broken glass。 The driver was still alive。 His body lay twisted across the seat; his scrawny legs pinned somewhere beneath the dashboard; but he was conscious。 Blood soaked from under his mesh cap; beaded his colorless hair。 The driver moaned when he saw Christian; and when Christian bent to the passenger's torn throat; he tried to scream。 But he could not open his mouth。 His chin had struck the steering wheel with crushing force; and his jawbones ground together; pulverized。
  As Christian lapped the dying…blood off Charlie's lips and chin and throat; Willy could only watch。
   Chapter 25
  Everybody else had a car to drive; or a bunch of loud panions; or at least; like Christian; a radio to play all night; brave rock and roll occasionally exploding into bursts of static; whispering in voices that almost formed words。
  Ann's decrepit Datsun would never make it all the way to New Orleans; she had no car; no panion; and she had sold her Walkman to another girl at work so she could see R。E。M。 play at Duke University last month。 She couldn't even listen to her Cocteau Twins tapes on her way to meet her love。
  By the time she got home that night; she knew she was going to New Orleans。 It had been easy enough to stand there in the trailer yard talking to the tall bartender; telling him she would follow Zillah anywhere。 But when it came right down to going…well; that had to be thought out for a while。
  At work; waiting tables in the Spanish restaurant whose gold flocked wallpaper and red pile carpet passed for elegance in the North Carolina slicks; she thought it out。 By the time she left; she was able to phrase a note to the kitchen manager explaining that there was a sudden illness in her family and could the balance of her pay please be forwarded to Ann Bransby…Smith; General Delivery; New Orleans; Louisiana: She didn't really expect to see that money。 Maybe when Zillah saw how she truly loved him; he would provide for her; the purple silk lining of his coat spoke of wealth。
  She had thought it out carefully; but she was still scared by her decision。 Leave Missing Mile? She had never done that; not even to go to college。 After high school graduation she hadn't applied to any schools; telling herself she was taking a year off to concentrate on painting。 Steve and Ghost were going to State。 If they thought college was worth anything; then she might go。 But the year turned into two。 Steve and Ghost got disillusioned and came back home; fell back into their dream of being rock stars。
  She couldn't talk to Steve now; didn't think she ever would again。 But there was still Eliot; only ten miles down the highway; who knew nothing about her night with Zillah outside the Sacred Yew。 She could see him any day after work。 She admitted to herself that she hadn't wanted to see him much lately。 He wouldn't smoke pot and was a little shocked that she did。 He even wanted her to quit smoking her unfiltered Camels: 〃Can't you at least swi

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