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小说: pzb.lostsouls 字数: 每页4000字

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  Arkady kept backing up the stairs。 He heard his own breath sobbing in and out of his throat。 〃What do you want?〃
  〃It's time; Arkady;〃 said the first one。 He smiled; and patches of ivory skin flaked away from his cheeks; powdering the stairs; mingling with the dust。
  The other one smiled too。 His lips were caked with dry rouge; once red; now faded to dusty orange。 Even in this dim light; Arkady could see the delicate tracery of lines that webbed the twins' faces and disappeared beneath their sunglasses。
  〃We need you;〃 said the first one。
  〃It's easy。 You can join your brother。〃
  〃There's a girl upstairs;〃 Arkady heard himself say。 〃Young; pretty。 You can have her 〃
  The first one shook his head in mock reproach。 His ruby hair whipped his face。 〃No; Arkady。 We don't want your pretty girl; not yet anyway。 Next you'll be telling us to go find a whore on Bourbon Street。 We're hungry。 We know you。 We need you。〃
  〃We love you; Arkady;〃 said the other; smiling even more widely。 One of his upper front teeth fell out of its socket and landed with a tiny plink on the stairs。 He picked it up and fitted it back into the ragged hole in his gum; still smiling。 There was no blood; not a drop。 〃You see? Would you have our beauty wither and crack as your brother's did? You can help us; Arkady。 You can feed us。 You know it's easy。〃 
  〃Easy 。 。 。〃 echoed the other。
  They ascended the stairs toward him。 Arkady could not run; could not move; already his feet and his ankles felt withered; useless。 He wondered how they would feed。 Did they have a sort of proboscis that would thrust deep into his body to search out every last drop of life? Or would they just bury their mouths in him; rend him with their teeth and let his life force flow into them?
  Whatever it was; Ashley had felt it too; it was the last thing Ashley had felt; apart from a rope around his neck。 The thought gave Arkady a sick sort of fort。 He would try not to be afraid。
  The twins kept climbing toward him。 Now he could see the silver sheen of their eyes behind their sunglasses。 He could see the minute cracks that glazed the surface of their skin。 He could see the thin layer of dust that coated their tongues。
  When their graceful hands were almost upon him; he uttered a low desperate cry and hurled Ashley's skull at them。 It struck the redhead's chest and bounced away。 As the first dry hand touched his cheek; Arkady saw the skull tumbling from stair to stair; down into the darkness。
  The twins fed for two hours。 They pressed themselves close against Arkady's body; and every crack and pore of their skin became a tiny mouth; a minuscule suckhole; questing deep into Arkady's tissue to extract every drop of moisture; of vitality; of whatever love might still be buried in Arkady's bitter heart。 They stopped occasionally to stretch toward each other and exchange long kisses oiled and flavored by the inner workings of Arkady。 Sex was only a stopgap measure for them now; a means to an end。 The usual sorts of lovemaking seemed pallid; tame。 Feeding was ever so much more sensual。
  Eventually the redhead sat up and yawned。 The blond stopped sucking and regarded Arkady with mild curiosity。 Arkady's fingers were little more than bone now; but they still scraped weakly against the wooden floor of the landing where the twins had dragged him。 The husk of his head still creaked from side to side in blind denial; the dried leaf of his tongue still thrust from his crumbling mouth; questing for a drop of moisture。 There was no drop of moisture left anywhere in Arkady's ruined body; the blond twin knew that。
  But they always took so long to die。
  It was sort of interesting。
  The redhead glanced over his shoulder; back toward the warren of rooms down the hall。 〃Arkady said there was a girl;〃 he suggested。
  The blond smirked at him。 〃Greedy; greedy。〃 
  〃I don't care。。。。 〃 
  〃Let's have a look; then。〃
  They tiptoed into Steve and Ghost's room and stood on either side of the bed。 There was a strong smell of blood。 Arkady had left no light on; and their eyesight was not as strong as their other senses; but they did not really need it。 They leaned over the bed and breathed in deep; going past the girl's odor of sweat; blood; and sorrow; trying to scent out the pulse of life still beating。
  Then they looked at each other and shook their heads。
  〃This girl belonged to Ghost; you know;〃 said the blond。 
  〃Ghost! Don't you remember? The beautiful dreamer?〃 
  〃Oh! I didn't like him。 Not our sort。 Too 。 。 。〃 
  〃Too asexual?〃
  〃Too pure;〃 said the redhead; and they both giggled。 But their laughter died as they stared at the indistinct curled form on the bed。 Arkady had been so dry。
  〃A shame。〃
  〃A pity。 But we have a show to do。〃
  What Arkady had said about the twins' being musicians was not precisely true。 They were dilettantes who weled any chance to perform almost any act in public。 Currently they had captured the affections of a local band whose Gothic act had failed to ignite the French Quarter club scene。 The guitarist and former singer; Pearl; was a lovely young woman with opalescent skin; masses of dyed and crimped blue…black hair; and no hint of a brain in her head。 〃You'll inject some life into the act;〃 she enthused。 With a perfectly straight face; the blond twin had replied; 〃And perhaps you will inject some life into us; too。〃
  Pearl and the other members of Midnight Sun had agreed to let the twins front their act for as long as they wished to。 Audiences were enthralled; club owners loved them。 The band particularly liked the fact that the twins never took their cut of the door。 They had no use for money。
  At the foot of Ann's bed they embraced。 Their brittle hair drifted together; their eyes glittered silver behind the sunglasses they still wore。
  〃Let's leave after the show tonight;〃 the redhead murmured。 〃Let's blow this town。〃
  〃But Pearl 。 。 。〃 The blond had taken a particular liking to the empty…headed; lush…bodied guitarist。
  〃We can do her later。 I don't care。 But let's leave after that。 My darling? Please?〃
  〃Of course; then; anything you want。 But why so suddenly?〃
  The redhead glanced at the bloody hump on the bed。 Then he tilted his head back and smiled into his brother's silver eyes。 His grin was warm; lazy; insouciant; 〃Don't you see what happened to her ?〃 he asked。 〃Where's the elegance in that? This is a trashy town。
  〃Too many damned bloodsuckers here。〃
  Out on the landing Arkady's fingers still scraped uselessly at the floorboards。 Flakes of parchment skin sifted from him with every feeble twitch。 〃Goodbye; Arkady dear;〃 said the redhead unconcernedly。
  The twins picked up Ashley's skull at the bottom of the stairs and took it with them as they left。
   Chapter 31
  〃I think this is the place;〃 said Steve。
  They'd been out since dusk hitting all the Bourbon Street bars they had missed before。 Now it was almost midnight; and they were staggering along Decatur searching for the club Arkady had told them about。
  Steve backed up; stumbled into the gutter; and stared blearily up at a big black sign above a set of ironwork doors。 The sign was written in enormous Gothic letters that dripped lurid red blood; the corners decorated with a delicate spiderweb motif: PASKO'S。 Steve narrowed his eyes; trying to make the swimming letters e together。 〃Is this the place?〃
  〃I think so;〃 said Ghost; swaying as a breeze from the river brushed his face。 The breeze was warmer than the night air; and it smelled of oysters and pearls; of bones; of dark mud。 It made him nervous and thirsty。 〃Um…maybe we ought to walk down to that big cafe and get some coffee first。〃
  〃Yeah; us and a million tourists。 Let's go on in。 We can get some more beer。〃 Steve shoved the doors open and dragged Ghost in。
  The kid working the door was dressed entirely in black。 Somehow Ghost wasn't surprised。 His skin was so pale that it glowed in the blue light of the club; his eyes were nearly obscured by smudges of greasy black makeup。
  〃Fi' dollar cover tonight;〃 he said。
  Ghost rummaged through his pockets。 Things sifted 

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