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小说: pzb.lostsouls 字数: 每页4000字

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hild; Nothing's brother or sister; sticking out a hopeful thumb。
  〃Go on;〃 he told Ghost more gently。 〃Steve's hurt。 Get him to a hospital。 Take him home。〃
  Ghost pulled Steve up; and they left without a word。 Nothing didn't watch them go。 He had enough goodbyes to say。
  Toward morning; when the sky was beginning to go from purple to transparent violet; Molochai and Twig awakened from their nauseated daze。 At first they were frightened when they saw the bodies。 Then they got mad; but Nothing only clamped his arms across his chest and stared them down。
  〃Zillah would have killed them;〃 said Twig sullenly。 
  〃Zillah tried;〃 said Nothing。 He knew how cold his words sounded。 But if he could make Molochai and Twig feel his power now; in these first few minutes; he did not think they would challenge him again。
  〃I did it the way I wanted to;〃 he told them; and no one had anything to say to that。
  All of them knew what to do for their dead。 There was not much blood left in Christian's body; the tapered blade of the knife had pierced his heart and crushed it; and most of his blood had drained into the mattress。 They licked what they could from his face; his hands; his chest。 They sucked at the edges of the wound。 With a wet snuffling sound; Molochai buried his face in the hole the knife had made。 He nibbled at Christian's torn heart and pronounced it bitter。
  Tenderly they laid Zillah out on the bed and used his pearl…handled razor to slit him open from sternum to pubic bone。 Nothing saw strangely shaped organs glistening in the pale aperture。 They lifted the organs out and arranged them carefully; lovingly; on the bed around him。 Then; one by one; they thrust their heads into the long wound and licked the husk of Zillah clean。
  As the sun rose; shedding its wan light upon the proud old buildings of the French Quarter and the trash in its gutters; they left Christian's room and filed down the stairs。 The black van was parked two blocks away。 Nothing hated to leave so soon。 He had spent only two nights here; one of them puking his guts out。 It wasn't fair。
  He smiled; though it barely touched his lips。 Fair? How long had it been since he expected things to be fair? If you wanted something; you didn't wait for the world to deal it out to you; you took it。 If he had learned nothing else during his time with Zillah; he had learned that。 And anyway; it didn't matter that he had to leave New Orleans so soon。 The city was in his blood。 He would be back; there was always time。
  Nothing had left his long black raincoat behind; draped over the bodies like a shroud。 In its place he wore Zillah's jacket with its purple silk lining。 The fresh bloodstains were like badges。 The smell of them twisted his heart; but he wore them with pride。
  Just before they left the room; Nothing had pulled the shade up。 As the first ray of light touched the bodies of Zillah and Christian; their flesh began to smolder and crumble。 In less than an hour it was only ash。
   Chapter 34
  Steve got his arms stitched and bandaged at Charity Hospital on the edge of the French Quarter。 The doctors on duty in the emergency room suspected a suicide attempt; but Steve kept telling his story over and over; and Ghost kept backing him up。 They'd been out drinking; a gang of kids had jumped them; one of the kids pulled a razor。 Steve flung his arms up to protect his face and got slashed。
  They had to talk to a policeman; and Ghost could see Steve getting ready to break down: it was in the corners of his mouth; the way his shoulders sagged。 Ghost closed his eyes and tried to send Steve strength。 At last they were allowed to go。
  For a few minutes they stood outside the hospital in the cool dawn。 Steve stared at his gauze…swathed arms。 〃If I wanted to kill myself;〃 he muttered; 〃I wouldn't have slashed my goddamn wrists like some kind of half…assed moron。〃 Ghost started walking back toward the car。 After a moment Steve followed。 〃I'd get a shotgun。 Straight through the brain。〃 Ghost shuddered; but Steve didn't notice。 〃Or I'd drive up to the mountains and run my car over a guardrail。 A thousand feet down and BAM! you're spread out over a mile of rocks。〃
  They reached the car。 Steve stood staring around him; seeming to search for something in the faces of the old buildings; maybe just having a final look at the place that had claimed so much from him。 Ghost wondered if they would ever e back here。
  Ghost drove all the way back to Missing Mile。 The muscles of his shoulders and upper arms were sore。 The palms of his hands tingled faintly; and he kept wiping them on his knees; on the fabric of the seat。 Again and again he felt the knife going into Zillah's skull; the terrible lack of resistance as it slid through Zillah's brain。 He had heard Zillah's final shriek of rage and agony in his mind。 He'd had to do it; Steve would be dead now if he hadn't; his throat sliced wide open and his life bled away。 Still Ghost felt the knife going in。
  Somewhere in the Louisiana swamps Steve said; 〃Pull over。〃 Ghost killed the ignition。 In the dark phosphorescence of the swamp Steve's tears shone as clear and bright as crystal。 Blindly he reached for Ghost; pressed his face into Ghost's hair; rubbed his hands over Ghost's face; gathered the fabric of Ghost's clothes between his fingers。 〃You're here;〃 he gasped。 〃I know you're here…I can feel you…I can smell you…you're not gonna go away…〃
  〃Steve;〃 said Ghost; 〃oh; Steve 。 。 。〃 He could hardly speak。 Just to hold each other was not enough; again he wished that their hearts could be joined。 Maybe that would clean some of the blood from their hands。
  Back in Missing Mile they were a little puzzled when their friends did not greet them with astonishment。 It was hard to realize that they had only been gone a few days。 Terry told them that Simon Bransby had been found dead in an easy chair in his living room。 The house; Terry said with mild bemusement; was full of crazy shit…cat guts pickled in formaldehyde; terrariums full of toads that bounced off the glass as if they were tripping on high…grade acid。 Simon had died of a Valium overdose; and everybody thought it was suicide; presumably because his only daughter had finally left home for good。
  Ann was never heard from; and only a handful of people in Missing Mile…R。J。; Terry; Monica knew anything about what had happened to her; Not even they knew the whole tale。
  They discovered that even in the face of pain that seems unbearable; even in the face of pain that wrings the last drop of blood out of your heart and leaves its scrimshaw tracery on the inside of your skull; life goes on。 And pain grows dull; and begins to fade。
  Steve went back to work at the Whirling Disc; played his guitar obsessively。 Kinsey Hummingbird hired him to tend bar a couple of times a week at the Sacred Yew。 Sometimes Steve would start screaming in the night。 He would wake sobbing; clawing at the darkness in front of his face。 Ghost held him and tried to warm the chill of nightmare out of his bones。
  By day; Ghost wandered around town picking up leaves and bits of colored glass; talking to the old men who had moved their checker game inside the hardware store for winter。 They kidded him about the bad times he'd said were ing; but stopped when they saw the look on his face。
  One day he rode his bike out to Miz Catlin's and told her everything。 At the end of the hour it took him; he was sobbing。 Miz Catlin patted his hand and said the things Ghost had known she would say: she believed it; every word; and his grandmother would be proud of him。
  Then she told him something he hadn't known。 〃That Raventon fellow was a fake and a liar。〃
  〃Pennyroyal; yarrow; brooklime。〃 Miz Catlin flapped a wrinkled hand。 〃All those things are good to start a pessary with; but they wouldn't do a damn thing together。 Not strong enough。 The girl would have died anyway; Ghost。〃
  Ghost wondered。 But when he was lying awake at night; staring at the stars on his ceiling and thinking about everything; Miz Catlin's words made him feel better。
  One December day Ghost found himself out on Violin Road near the tr

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