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小说: cpike.thelastvampire 字数: 每页4000字

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hey ceased altogether。 It appeared that we had been able to outrun even Arjuna。 But we had left many behind。 Rebellion stirred against Yaksha。 Most wanted to leave Vrindavana; if they knew which way to flee。 For the first time Yaksha was losing mand。 But it was then; in those enchanted woods; that we came across what at first seemed to Yaksha a great boon。 We ran into Radha; the chief of the gopis; Krishna's consort。
 We had heard about Radha as well; whose name meant 〃longing。〃 She was called this because she longed for Krishna even more than she desired to breathe。 She was picking jasmines by the clear waters of the Yamuna when we came across her。 We did not frighten her; she actually smiled when she saw us。 Her beauty was extraordinary; I had never seen and never would see in five thousand years such an exquisite female。 Her skin was remarkably fair; her face shone with the subtle radiance of moonlight。 Her form was shapely。 She moved as if in a joyful theater; each turn of her arm or bending of knees seemed to bring bliss。 It was because each step she took; she took with the thought of Krishna。 She was singing a song about him when we came upon her。 In fact; the first words out of her mouth were to ask us if we wanted to learn it。
 Yaksha immediately took her captive。 She did not try to hide her identity。 We bound her wrists and ankles。 I was put in charge of her while Yaksha sent several of our kind calling through the woods that we had Radha and that we were going to kill her unless Krishna agreed to meet Yaksha in single bat。 It did not take Krishna long to respond。 He sent Yudhishthira; Arjuna's brother; with a message。 He would meet us at the edge of Vrindavana where we had entered the woods。 If we did not know how to find it; Yudhishthira would show us the way。 He had only two conditions。 That we not harm Radha; and that he get to choose the form of bat。 Yaksha sent Yudhishthira back saying that he accepted the challenge。 It may have been that we should have first asked Yudhishthira which way to go。 The woods were like a maze; and Radha was not talking。 Yet she did not seem afraid。 Occasionally she would glance my way and smile with such calm assurance that it was I who knew fear。
 Yaksha was ecstatic。 He did not believe any mortal could beat him at any form of bat。 By such a pronouncement he appeared to discount the stories concerning Krishna's divine origin。 Yet when I asked him about that; he did not answer me。 He had a light in his eyes; though。 He said that he had been born for this moment。 Personally; I was fearful of a trick。 Krishna had a reputation for being mischievous。 Yaksha brushed aside my concerns。 He would destroy Krishna; he said; then he would make Radha a vampire。 She would be his consort。 I did not feel jealous。 I did not think it would happen。
 Eventually we found our way back to the place where we had entered the forest。 We remembered the spot because there was a huge pit in the ground。 Apparently Krishna intended to use this pit when he challenged Yaksha。 His people were gathered about it when we came out of the woods。 Yet they made no attempt to attack us; although our numbers were roughly equal。 I saw Arjuna; standing near his brothers; his mighty bow in his hands。 When he looked my way and saw me holding on to Radha; he frowned and took an arrow into his hands and rubbed it to his chest。 But he did nothing more。 He was waiting for his master。 We were all waiting。 In that moment; even though I was not yet seventy years old; I felt as if I had waited since the dawn of creation to see this person。 I who held captive his great jewel。
 Krishna came out of the forest。
 He was not a blue person as he was later to be depicted in paintings。 Artists were to show him that way only because blue was symbolic of the sky; which to them seemed to stretch to infinity; and which was what Krishna was supposed to be in essence; the eternal infinite Brahman; above and beyond which there was nothing greater。 He was a man such as all men I had seen; with two arms and two legs; one head above his shoulders; his skin the color of tea with milk in it; not as dark as most in India but not as light as my own。 Yet there was no one like him。 Even a glance showed me that he was special in a way I knew I would never fully prehend。 He walked out of the trees and all eyes followed him。
 He was tall; almost as tall as Yaksha; which was unusual for those days when people seldom grew to over six feet。 His black hair was long…one of his many names was Keshava; master of the senses; or long…haired。 In his right hand he held a lotus flower; in his left his fabled flute。 He was powerfully built; his legs long; his every movement bewitching。 He seemed not to look at anyone directly; but only to give sidelong glances。 Yet these were enough to send a thrill through the crowd; on both sides。 He was impossible not to stare at; though I tried hard to turn away。 For I felt as if he were placing a spell over me that I would never recover from。 Yet I did manage to turn aside for an instant。 It was when I felt the touch of a hand on my brow。 It was Radha; my supposed enemy; forting me with her touch。
 〃Krishna means love;〃 she said。 〃But Radha means longing。 Longing; is older than love。 I am older than he。 Did you know that; Sita?〃
 I looked at her。 〃How did you know my name?〃
 〃He told me。〃
 〃What else did he tell you about me?〃
 Her face darkened。 〃You do not want to know。〃
 Krishna walked to the edge of the pit and gestured for his people to withdraw to the edge of the trees。
 Only Arjuna remained with him。 He nodded to Yaksha; who likewise motioned for our people to back up。 But Yaksha wanted me near the pit with my hands not far from Radha's neck。 The arrangement did not seem to bother Krishna。 He met Yaksha not far from where I stood。 Krishna did not look directly at Radha or me。 Yet he was close enough so that I could hear him speak。 His voice was mesmerizing。 It was not so much the sound of his words; but the place from which they sprang。 Their authority and power。 And; yes; love; I could hear love even as he spoke to his enemy。 There was such peace in his tone。 With all that was happening; he was not disturbed。 I had the feeling that for him it was merely a play。 That we were all just actors in a drama he was directing。 But I was not enjoying the part I had been selected for。 I did not see how Yaksha could beat Krishna。 I felt sure that this day would be our last。
 Yet it was not day; but night; although the dawn was not far off。
 〃I have heard that Yaksha is the master of serpents;〃 Krishna said。 〃That the sound of his flute intoxicates them。 As you may have heard; I also play the flute。 It is in my mind to challenge you to a bat of instruments。 We will fill this pit with cobras; and you will sit at one end; and I will sit at the other; and we will each play for the control of the serpents。 We will play for the life of Radha。 You may play what you wish; and if the serpents strike me dead; so be it。 You may keep Radha for your own pleasure。 But if the serpents should bite you so many times that you die; or decide to surrender; then you must swear to me now that you will take a vow that I will ask you to take。 Is this a reasonable challenge?〃
 〃Yes;〃 Yaksha said。 His confidence leaped even higher; and I knew how strong Yaksha was with snakes。 For I had watched many times while he had; hypnotized snakes with the sound of his flute。 It never surprised me because sometimes yakshinis were depicted as serpents; and I thought Yaksha was a snake at heart。 In reality vampires have more in mon with snakes than bats。 A snake prefers to eat its victim alive。
 I knew Yaksha could be bitten many times by a cobra and not die。
 Krishna left it to our people to gather the cobras; which took time because there were none in the forests of Vrindavana itself。 But vampires can work fast if they must; and travel far; and by the following evening the pit was filled with deadly snakes。 Now the feeling in our group favored Yaksha。 Few believed a mortal could survive for any length of time in the pit。 It was then I saw that even though Krishna had impressed the vampires; they still thought of him as a man; a

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