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小说: cpike.thelastvampire 字数: 每页4000字

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the Aghoran priest with the help of six men…one of them my father…prepared Amba's naked body。 They anointed her with clarified butter and camphor and wine。 Then; beside a roaring fire; seated close to Amba's upturned head; the priest began a long repetitious chant。 I did not like it; it sounded nothing like the bajans we chanted to Vishnu。 The mantras were hard on the ear; and each time the priest pleted a verse; he would strike Amba's belly with a long sharp stick。 It was as if he were imploring her to wake up; or else trying to wake something up inside her。
 This went on for a long time; and soon Amba's belly began to bleed; which frightened the men。 Because she bled as a living person; as if there were a heart beating inside her。 But I knew this could not be。 I had been with Amba when she died and sat beside her body for a long time afterward; and not once; even faintly; had she drawn in a breath。 I was not tempted to run to her。 Not for a moment did I believe the priest had brought her back to life。 Indeed; I was tempted to flee back to my mother; who surely must have been wondering where I was。 Especially when a dark cloud went over the moon and a heavy breeze began to stir; a wind that stank of decay and waste。 The smell was atrocious。 It was as if a huge demon had suddenly appeared and breathed down upon the ceremony。
 Something had e。 As the smell worsened; and the men began to mutter aloud that they should stop; the fire abruptly shrank to red coals。 Smoke filled the air; curling around the bloody glow of the embers like so many snakes over a rotting prey。 Some of the men cried out in fear。 But the priest laughed and chanted louder。 Yet even his voice failed when Amba suddenly sat up。
 She was hideous to behold。 Her face dripped blood。 Her eyes bulged from her head as if pushed out from the inside。 Her grin widened over her teeth as if pulled by wires。 Worst of all was her tongue; it stretched much longer than any human tongue could; almost a foot; curling and licking at the air like the smoking snakes that danced beside what was left of the fire。 I watched it in horror knowing that I was seeing a yakshini e to life。 In the haunting red glow it turned to face the priest; who had fallen silent。 No longer did he appear confident。
 The yakshini cackled like a hyena and reached out and grabbed the priest。 The priest screamed。 No one came to his aid。
 The yakshini pulled the priest close; until they were face to face。 Then that awful tongue licked the priest's face; and the poor man's screams gagged in his throat。 Because wherever he was touched by the tongue; his skin was pulled away。 When the priest was a faceless mass of gore; the yakshini threw its head back and laughed。 Then its hands flew up behind the priest's neck and took hold of his skull。 With one powerful yank it twisted the priest's head around until it was facing the other way; his bones cracking。 The priest fell over dead as the yakshini released him。 Then the monster; still seated; glanced around the campfire at the terrified men。 A sly glance it was。 It smiled as its eyes came to rest on me。 Yes; I believe it could see me even as I cowered behind the huge stone that separated me from the clearing。 Its eyes felt like cold knives pressing into my heart。
 Then finally; thankfully; the monster closed its eyes; and Amba's body lay back down。
 For a long moment none of the men moved。 Then my father…a brave man; although not the wisest… moved and knelt beside Amba's corpse。 He poked it with a stick and it did not move。 He poked the priest as well; but it was clear the man wasn't going to be performing any more ceremonies in this life。 The other men came up beside my father。 There was talk of cremating both of the bodies then and there。 Hiding behind my boulder; I nodded vigorously。 The stench had blown away on the wind; and I did not want it to return。 Unfortunately; before more wood could be gathered; my father noticed movement inside Amba's belly。 He cried out to the others。 Amba was not dead。 Or if she was; he said; her child was not。 He reached for a knife to cut the infant out of Amba's womb。
 It was then I jumped from behind the boulder and ran into the clearing。
 〃Father!〃 I cried; reaching for his hand holding the knife。 〃Do not let that child e into this world。 Amba is dead; see with your own eyes。 Her child must likewise be dead。 Please; Father; listen to me。〃
 Naturally; all the men were surprised to see me; never mind hear what I had to say。 My father was angry at me; but he knelt and spoke to me patiently。
 〃Sita;〃 he said。 〃Your friend does appear dead; and we were wrong to let this priest use her body in this way。 But he has paid for his evil karma with his own life。 But we would be creating evil karma of our own if we do not try to save the life of this child。 You remember when Sashi was born; how her mother died before she came into the world? It sometimes happens that a living child is born to a dead woman。〃
 〃No;〃 I protested。 〃That was different。 Sashi was born just as his mother died。 Amba has been dead since early dawn。 Nothing living can e out of her。〃
 My father gestured with his knife to the squirming life inside Amba's bloody abdomen。 〃Then how do you explain the life here?〃
 〃That is the yashini moving inside her;〃 I said。 〃You saw how the demon smiled at us before it departed。 It intends to trick us。 It is not gone。 It has entered into the child。〃
 My father pondered my words with a grave expression。 He knew I was intelligent for my age and occasionally asked for my advice。 He looked to the other men for guidance; but they were evenly divided。 Some wanted to use the knife to stab the life moving inside Amba。 Others were afraid; like my father; of mitting a sin。 Finally my father turned back to me and handed me the knife。
 〃You knew Amba better than any of us;〃 he said。 〃You would best know if this life that moves inside her is evil or good。 If you know for sure in your heart that it is evil; then strike it dead。 None of the men here will blame you for the act。〃
 I was appalled。 I was still a child and my father was asking me to mit an atrocious act。 But my father was wiser than I had taken him for。 He shook his head as I stared at him in amazement; and took back the knife。
 〃You see;〃 he said。 〃You are not sure if what you say is true。 In a matter of life and death; we must be careful。 And if we are to make an error; it must be on the side of life。 If this child turns out to be evil; then we will know as it grows up。 Then we will have more time to decide what should be done with it。〃 He turned back to Amba's body。 〃For now I must try to save it。〃
 〃We may not have as much time as you think;〃 I said as my father began to cut into Amba's flesh。 Soon he held a bloody male infant in his hand。 He gave it a gentle spank; and it sucked in a dry rasping breath and began to cry。 Most of the men smiled and applauded; although I noticed the fear in their eyes。 My father turned to me and asked me to hold it。 I refused。 However; I did consent to name the child。
 〃It should be called Yaksha;〃 I said。 〃For it has the heart of a yakshini。〃
 And the child's name was as I said。 Most considered it an evil omen; yet none of them; in their darkest dreams; would realize how appropriate the name would be。 But from that time on; the plague vanished and never returned。
 My father gave Yaksha to my aunt to raise; for she had no children of her own and greatly desired one。 A simple but loving woman; she treated the child as if it were her own…certainly as if it were a human deserving of her love。 Whether she felt any love in return from the child; I don't know。 He was a beautiful baby with dark hair and pale blue eyes。
 Time went by; and it always does; and yet for Yaksha and for me the years took on a peculiar quality。 For Yaksha grew faster than any child in the history of our village; and when I was fifteen years of age; he was already; in stature and education; my age; although he had been born only eight years earlier。 His accelerated development brought to surface once again the rumors surrounding his birth。 But they were rumors at best because the men who had been there the night Yaksha had e into the world never spok

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