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小说: amc.masterharperofpern 字数: 每页4000字

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rom the Hall on a confinement; and she was rather plimented that Merelan would turn to her at all。
   〃I mean; I've heard third…year apprentices who couldn't sing the Duty Song as well;〃 Merelan said; venting both anger and frustration as she pounded around the room。 〃Not a note wrong; not even a poorly timed breath。 Why; the performance was excellent。〃
   〃Petiron said that much; didn't he?〃 Lorra asked; hoping to soothe the singer。
   〃Yes; but there was so much more he could have said。 Robie sang splendidly; better than a lad of fourteen; and he's barely four Turns! And Petiron acted as if it was no more than he expected of his son。〃
   〃Ah!〃 Lorra pointed a finger at her distraught visitor。 〃You've said it。 He expected such excellence from his own son! If Robie hadn't been as accurate and correct as Petiron expected; then you'd've heard all about it; now wouldn't you?〃
   Merelan paused in her pacing and stared at the headwoman。
   Then; with a rueful laugh; her anger dissipating; she sat herself down in the other fortable chair; chuckling。
   〃You're right; of course。 If Robie hadn't been note…perfect; he would have had to repeat the Duty Song until he was。 Oh; by the first Egg; what am I to do? The boy so much needs; and wants; his father's approval。 He's never; never going to get it。〃
   〃Shouldn't wonder; since Petiron's shyer about giving credit where it's due than any other harper in the Hall。 But;〃 Lorra pointed out; 〃now you don't have to fret so much about when Petiron finds out his own son is lengths ahead of him musically。〃
   Merelan shot Lorra a stunned look。
   〃Oh; c'mon; Merelan;〃 Lorra returned; 〃you know it yourself。 The boy's already more of a musician than apprentices three times his age。 I shouldn't wonder but that he makes journeyman by the time he's sixteen。〃
   〃A journeyman has to be eighteen 。。。〃 Merelan began in a feeble denial。
   〃Well; by the time he's sixteen; we'll see。 Meanwhile; I'd say that after today; you won't have to watch Robie around his father so carefully。 It'll be easier for Rob; too。 It's obvious to me that Petiron won't notice much until Robie's voice breaks and he realizes his 〃infant〃 son is nearly a man。〃
   〃Really?〃 Merelan asked pensively; considering Lorra's facetious words seriously。
   〃Wouldn't surprise me in the least;〃 Lorra replied with a flick of her fingers。 〃Now you stop fretting so much。 The strain's ing out in your voice … I'm sorry to mention that to you; but I don't think anyone else would。 Except Petiron; and it's as well he hasn't noticed。 Or am I overstepping the line?〃
   〃No; you're not; Lorra。 Never。〃 Merelan hastily laid her hand on Lorra's plump forearm。 〃I just didn't think anyone would notice。 I've just been vocalizing and tried to go easy on my voice。。。〃
   〃Not easy when you're in between a rock and a hard place with those two men in your life。〃 Lorra leaned forward and patted Merelan's nervously drumming fingers。 〃I'm not a healer; but a glass of wine would not go amiss right now。 For both of us。〃 She rose and went to the cabinet; taking down a wine…skin and two glasses。 Merelan waved away the courtesy; but Lorra insisted。
   〃There're a lot of things Petiron won't notice; including wine on your breath; if that's what you're worried about。 And right now you need to relax; which is what my herbal cordial will help you do。〃 Merelan glanced out of the office at Robie; who was making the girls giggle; his round; happy face smeared with deep purplish berry juice。 She settled back; accepting the glass。
   〃Has Master Gennell told you about the new girl yet?〃 Lorra asked。
   〃Halanna?〃 When Lorra nodded; Merelan went on; 〃Yes; I'd a letter from Ista Hold's harper; Maxilant。 He's done as much as he can with her vocal training and says she's too good to be messed up by an amateur like himself。〃 She smiled over Maxilant's modesty。
   〃Petiron would be happy to have a good contralto on hand too;〃 Lorra said。 She sang in that range; though never as a soloist。 〃Odd; isn't life? You never really know how things'll turn out until they do; do you?〃
   〃No; you don't。〃 As Merelan sipped; she could feel the cordial seeping down her veins and the knot of tension in her belly beginning to ease。
   〃She's of an age with the Hold daughters here; so I've placed her with them in the cottage;〃 Lorra said。 〃They may be here only until TurnOver; but they'll help her ease into the routine here。 It can take a bit of getting used to; can't it?〃
   Merelan couldn't help smiling at Lorra's use of the word 'routine' in connection with the Harper Hall。 No two days were ever alike in the fascinating; and sometimes frantic; atmosphere within this rectangle。 She did very vividly remember her own first days there; and would help young Halanna as much as she could to bee accustomed to the requisite study and practice。 In fact; if Lorra was correct about Petiron; and she rather suspected the head…woman was; Merelan herself would wele having a female student to bring on。 She'd have less time to fret herself into stress over all the confrontations she imagined between son and spouse。
Chapter THREE
   Halanna arrived; and created an instant impression on all who met her of an overly self…confident seventeen…Turn…old young woman who found fault with everything at the Harper Hall; and especially the cottage where she was lodged。 She was accustomed to a room of her own; she informed Isla; who acted as foster…mother to her charges: she'd never be able to sleep; sharing a room。 Why was there so little fresh food to be had when she was used to plenty of fruit? The weather was dreadful and she hadn't the right clothing; though the three large bundles laboriously taken up by carrier beast from the ship which had delivered her at Fort Hold Harbour contained an immense quantity of clothing。 Nor had she sufficient space to arrange half her things in the tiny room she had to share!
   And where could she practice in peace and quiet with all the instruments and voices blaring constant cacophony into the rectangle?
   The only one who found her at all bearable was Petiron。 Once he heard her sing; he dismissed Merelan's remarks about her lack of discipline and a lack of general knowledge about music which was close to illiteracy。 Jubilant over having a contralto with such a rich timbre and wide range; with no 'break' whatever; he immediately began to write contralto solos into the TurnOver music he was currently posing。 He discounted Merelan's suggestion that the girl would not be able to 'read' the contralto line; much less manage the tempo changes or the cadenzas。
   Unfortunately; Petiron's approval merely increased Halanna's already overbearing manner。 Merelan needed all her tact; and the weight of her position as MasterSinger; to get the girl to do the vocalizes that would strengthen her breath control; sustain her range and prepare her for the rigours of singing Petiron's kind of vocally extravagant music。 That Petiron had also envisaged a soprano/contralto duet did nothing to help Merelan; for it automatically put the girl on a par with a MasterSinger; which Halanna clearly was not despite an amazing natural voice。
   Merelan hadn't a jealous bone in her body and was quite willing to prepare the girl or remedy the gaps in her education … if Halanna had been the least bit amenable。 But the young singer decided that; if she was good enough to sing a duet with the leading MasterSinger of Pern; she had no need to do such dull exercises and study vocal scores。 She sang loudly; pletely ignoring any dynamic alteration for the appropriate performance of a song or aria; concerned only with showing off the power of her vocal equipment。 'Soft' was an unknown quality。
   〃If she keeps on shrieking like that;〃 Washell said to Merelan when she approached him for advice on how to deal with Halanna; 〃she won't have a voice in a couple of turns。 That'll solve that problem rather neatly; I'd say。〃
   〃Washell!〃 Merelan was shocked by the acid tone of his voice。
   He raised his eyebrows; wrinkling his forehead; and gave her a long look。
   〃Of course; it's a lot harder to sing softly; since it 

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