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小说: amc.masterharperofpern 字数: 每页4000字

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   〃Hmmm;〃 was Grogellan's reply; as he turned his head up to the window。 〃She certainly shouldn't be allowed to carry on like that。〃
   〃It's a speciality of hers;〃 the oldest brother remarked。 〃She's developed it into a fine art; and none of us〃 … he included his brothers … 〃could do a thing about it。〃
   Grogellan looked at him with such a glare that he grimaced; shrugging his shoulders。 Fort's Lord Holder did not approve of sons criticizing their fathers; no matter what the cause。
   〃Any moment now;〃 Washell said; grinning in happy expectation。
   He was right。 Halanna's shriek broke off abruptly。 Then there was a long wait for those on the ground before her voice was heard again; and this time her shout was defiance mixed with astonishment。
   That tone altered to outraged cries; screams; and finally into penitent sobs which gradually; over the next few minutes; dwindled into silence。 Or at least to a level which was not audible to those below。
   To give him credit; the oldest brother controlled his expression as he turned to Washell。 〃Our mounts need to be refreshed before we start back again;〃 he said。
   〃Then follow us;〃 said Grogellan。 〃You will guest at the Hold; for I know the Harper Hall is presently filled to capacity。〃 He gestured for the Istans to follow him。
   The oldest brother; astonished and grateful for Grogellan's hospitality; looked from him to the doorway of the Harper Hall。 〃I should await my father。〃 He turned back to Grogellan。 〃I am Brahil; and those two are my brothers; Landon and Brosil;〃 he said by way of introduction。 〃And Gostol; here; is our good captain who sailed us here。〃
   Grogellan nodded approval of Brahil's manners and; leaving the young man to wait for his father; he swept the others ahead of him towards the Hold。 〃How was the sea on your way here; Master Gostol?〃 he asked; assuming the duties of a genial host。
   The Istan holders stayed three more days; until Halanna finally capitulated … from sheer physical exhaustion。 Ginia had naturally attended the girl after each session with her father and; although she was discreet; she did imply that it was no more than the child required to make her mend her ways。
   〃For so many children; disapproval is sufficient; or a rap on the knuckles;〃 she said to Merelan; who was genuinely worried when Halanna showed no signs of repentance after the second chastisement。
   〃Then there are some who have to have manners thumped into their heads。 Oddly enough; they seem to recover more quickly than the sensitive child who is only verbally rebuked。〃
   〃He uses only his hand; and it's more her pride that's been offended than her butt end;〃 Ginia said。 〃If the issue is not forced now; she will bee far worse in later years and end up disgracing her entire family and hold。 That can't be allowed。〃
   〃It's just that we've never had a child that difficult;〃 Merelan said。
   Isla joined them; breathless from a fast walk across the courtyard。
   〃He's taking most of her clothing back with him; and has asked me to provide warmer garments。 Just a few; and nothing fancy; though I did talk him into permitting one nice outfit for Gathers and performances。〃 She looked almost regretful; though Halanna had driven her to despair with her snide ments and spiteful ways。 〃Only she's not to pick it out。 I'll let Neilla do so。 She has the best taste and the most forgiving heart。〃
   Halanna was required to apologize to the MasterHarper; Journeywoman Healer Betrice; and Master Petiron for her intransigence。
   Gennell had wanted to include Merelan; but the singer put her foot down。 She would have the instructing of the humbled girl; and that was going to be hard enough to handle without the child experiencing further abasement。
   〃She brought it on herself;〃 Halibran said sternly。
   〃That does not require me to pound it;〃 Merelan said; lifting her chin to match his attitude。
   〃You are a gracious lady;〃 he said; relenting and bowing to her。
   Halanna was granted a room to herself; the attic one; which had sufficient space for her much reduced wardrobe。 If she did not apply herself to her lessons; her father had left instructions with the MasterHealer Ginia to take what disciplinary steps would be required to see that she did。
   〃And; if you should decide this regimen doesn't suit you;〃 her father said in so cold a voice that Merelan shivered; 〃and attempt to run away from the Harper Hall; I will have the drums repudiate you across all Pern。 Do you understand? You wanted to sing; you wanted to e here to the Harper Hall so that you could improve your voice。 Now you will do just that; and nothing but that! Do you understand; Halanna?〃
   Head hanging after the ordeal of apology; she murmured something。
   〃I didn't hear that。 Speak up。〃
   A flash of her old spirit flared in her eyes; but vanished when her father lifted his hand。 〃Yes; father。 I understand。〃 She stood; head up; lips and chin trembling slightly。 Satisfied with her demeanour; he strode out of the MasterHarper's office。
   〃MasterSinger Merelan will be your primary instructor; Halanna;〃 Master Gennell said。 〃You will review your foundation lessons with the first…year apprentices〃 … he was almost glad to see the flare of dismay in her eyes; her punishment had not broken her spirit; even if it had quelled her arrogance … 〃until you have learned enough to graduate to the more advanced classes。 Although classes have begun for the day; Master Washell has given permission for you to arrive late this morning。 Now go on to room 26。 And you'll need this slate and chalk。〃
   He handed her the items she had refused to carry or use in her first days at the Harper Hall。 As she went out of the door; he noticed she pulled her shoulders back; steeling herself to go in among the lowest of apprentices and face whatever their reaction to her presence might be。 The girl had courage。 However; Gennell had made very sure that she would not be the butt of any youthful mischief。
   He had given a stern lecture to the apprentice contingent that they were to behave properly at all times in her presence and never refer to the incident or they'd have worse of the same。
   In fact; the affair had subtly improved the behaviour of even the more inventive miscreants among the apprentices。 But that didn't keep many of the principals from deeply regretting Halanna's intransigence。 Petiron did not restore the more plex music he had written for contralto voice; but Halanna did sing at TurnOver。 In the duet with Merelan; she modulated her tone to match the soprano so that it was technically well sung; though the contralto part did not match the soprano in the joy which the song had been written to express。
   Petiron was profoundly disappointed in her performance; having worked so hard with her to produce the dynamics he had 'heard' during position。
   〃Don't you dare chide her; Petiron;〃 Merelan said; intercepting him after the performance。 〃She's done well; all things considered。 No one can beat joy into music unless it es from the heart。〃
   〃But her voice。。。〃 Petiron was beside himself with dismay。 〃She could so easily have risen to the occasion。〃
   〃Give her time; love; give her time。 She may not be as rebellious or arrogant as she was when she first came here; but give her the chance to realize how much she has learned and how much her voice has improved。 If you can't say anything plimentary; say nothing。〃 She looked over to where Halanna was being surrounded by Fort Hold guests who were plimenting her on her lovely voice and splendid performance。 〃She was note…perfect; you know; and her breath support was excellent。 And her presence couldn't have been improved on。 Say that。 She'll know where she failed。〃
   Petiron opened his mouth and; while Merelan knew he wanted to plain that his satisfaction had been diminished by her lacklustre performance; he observed Halanna accepting the pliments with a genuine modesty。
   〃Oh; well。 You were splendid; Mere。〃
   〃I'm glad you think so;〃 she said; and if her tone was a little dry; Petiron missed it as he was surrounded by those wishing to 

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