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小说: amc.masterharperofpern 字数: 每页4000字

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ding it。
   〃Oh; well; it was among the stuff I brought up;〃 Robinton said; caught unawares。
   〃Well; sort of。 I mean; the melody was written out。 I kind of rearranged it for the miners and added the chorus so everyone could join in。〃
   〃Did you now?〃 Master Lobira eyed his journeyman and pursed his lips thoughtfully。 〃Well; if you say so。〃
   Robinton retreated as soon as he politely could。 Master Lobira had only glanced at the last packet to e in from the Harper Hall before handing it over to him。 There were such good voices and players here; and a new song could liven evenings so much that Robinton hadn't been able to resist the temptation to sneak in his new song。 He'd be more circumspect and just adapt other music; already in the repertoire。
   But he underestimated Master Lobira。
   〃You wrote these;〃 Lobira said; stamping into his bed cubicle one evening with a sheaf of neat music scores in one hand; his expression accusatory。
   As Robinton was in the process of writing down yet another tune; he could scarcely deny it when Lobira snagged the hide out of his hand and began paring them。
   〃You've written almost all the new music the Hall has been sending out; haven't you?〃
   Robinton straggled to his feet; a difficult enough manoeuvre due to the cramped space and Lobira's proximity to his bed。 He felt at an extreme disadvantage lying sprawled on his back。 Then he realized that towering above Lobira was not exactly a good tactic either; because it forced his agitated Master to look up。
   〃Master Lobira; I can explain。。。〃 He squeezed past the man and gestured for him to exit into the larger living room。 Mallan was not to be seen。
   〃By the First Egg; I am waiting to hear!〃 Lobira said; his neck red and swollen; his eyes blazing。 〃All this time … it must be five; six turns … I've been passing music around that was written by。。。 you! It's bad enough you're a journeyman at fifteen; but a poser at … at ten!〃 Lobira slammed the offending scores down on the table and then pinned them down with his fist; glaring around at Robinton who had seated himself so as to be diplomatically lower than his Master。
   〃Actually。。。〃 Robinton quailed at having to tell the honest truth。
   〃One or two were written when I was a little younger。〃
   〃A little younger?〃 Lobim's eyes nearly popped。 Planting both fists on the table; he leaned menacingly over Robinton。 〃Just when did you write the first? How old were you?〃
   〃I。。。 I did some variations when I was three; my mother says。〃 Lobira regarded him and then; in one of his characteristically abrupt changes; threw back his head and started to howl with laughter。 He laughed so hard that he had to steady himself on the table edge; and then collapsed into the other chair; holding his sides。 As the door was open; the laughter carried down the hall and brought Lotricia to see what had her husband in such a mood。
   Journeymen quartered just down the hall also came to see what was happening。
   〃Whatever did you tell Lobira?〃 Lotricia asked; eyebrows risen almost to her hairline。 〃I haven't heard him laugh like that since Fax got caught in the wine barrel。〃 She was smiling。 In fact everyone; except the now concerned Robinton; was grinning。
   〃I。。。 didn't tell him anything;〃 Robinton said truthfully。 The reason for the laughter was still spread across the table; and hurriedly he tried to gather the sheets up。
   Lobira's hands stopped him; and his laughing abated as he stammered out an explanation to his spouse。 〃This one。。。 is the。。。 one who's written 。。。 all the new tunes。〃
   〃Oh; no; not all。〃
   〃No? Not all? You gave others a look…in?〃 And that set Lobira off again。
   Lotricia planted her hands on her ample hips。 〃You're not making much sense; Lobira; and you usually do;〃 she said with a hint of pique。 〃And if it's made you laugh so much; I want to hear the whole story。 Do calm down。 Rob; is there any klah in the pitcher?〃
   Robinton hurriedly poured lukewarm klah into a clean cup; which Lotricia took from him and passed to Lobira。 Still in spasms of laughter; Lobira paused long enough to take a sip; which seemed to steady him。 Wiping tears from his eyes; he beckoned for the onlookers to e closer。 He tapped the music。
   〃Robinton; our newest and youngest journeyman; is the poser of most of the songs … which; by the First Egg; we both have been teaching you。。。〃
   〃Did you write them; dear?〃 Lotricia asked; her blue eyes wide with pleasure。 〃I told you he was a clever lad; and modest too;〃 she added to her husband。 〃Whyever isn't your name on the music?〃 〃As a journeyman; I'm not allowed。。。〃
   〃That's what's so funny; Lotricia。 Don't you see?〃
   〃No; I don't; Lobira; although I think his music is so singable。〃
   〃That's it! That's why it's so funny;〃 Lobira said; patting her hands for being so clever。
   She regarded him blankly。
   〃His father's music isn't copied and sent to every Hold and Hall;〃 Lobira said。 〃But Robinton's tunes have been since he was three! Get it now?〃 He was agitated further by his spouse's failure to see the humour; and his neck reddened again; his face puffing out。 〃The joke's on Petiron! That conceited; condescending; consummate poser hasn't half the talent of his own son!〃 He rose then; chuckling and chortling; he managed to slap Robinton on the back and; taking charge of the music he had brought with him; he started out through the door。 Then he saw he had taken the unfinished sheet and; chuckling; he handed it back to Robinton。 〃Let me see it when you've finished; will you; Rob lad?〃
   He was still laughing when he closed the door on his own quarters。
   〃What was all that about?〃 one of the journeymen Woodsmiths asked Robinton; still mystified。
   〃A Hall joke;〃 Robinton said; smiling inanely and trying to close the door。
   After that incident; his relationship with Master Lobira altered dramatically to an equal footing … or at least Lobira treated his journeyman with the respect he would give a peer。 Robinton was delighted; astounded; and quite humbled by the pliment。 His Masters at the Hall had been benign taskmasters; encouraging and supportive; but they had treated him as a student。 Now Lobira treated him as an equal; despite the difference in age and experience。
   It was heady stuff for Robinton and he schooled himself never to abuse this status; working even harder at all the tasks Lobira assigned him。 However; this respect generated an unexpected side effect: it made him realize all the more keenly the relationship which Petiron had been unable to give him。 In order to abate his bitterness; Robinton began mentally to refer to him as Petiron rather than 'father'。 Maybe one day he could forgive the slights and the terrible hurt Petiron had inflicted on him … but not yet。 Meanwhile; in his growing pleasure in Lobira's continued good favour; painful memories of striving for an acceptance which had never e began to fade。
   There was one last blast of winter in High Reaches; and then the spring melt occurred; turning the hills and tracks into rivers of mud。
   Trees budded out; and in the Valley farmers began seeding their fields。 And Master Lobira set up the schedules for his journeymen。
   That was when Robinton noticed that there were no pegs on a wide area at the south…western end of High Reaches。
   〃Surely that's where Fax has his hold;〃 he said。
   〃It is;〃 Lobira said in a flat voice。
   Mallan gave a droll grin。
   〃He has not requested a harper;〃 Lobira added in an acerbic tone。
   Robinton sat up straight in surprise。 〃But 。。。 why not?〃
   〃He doesn't like us muddling the minds of his holders with unnecessary information;〃 Lobira explained。
   〃Unnec。。。 But everyone has the right to read and reckon。〃
   〃Fax does not wish his holders to be educated; Rob;〃 Mallan said; crossing his hands behind his head and tipping his chair back。
   〃Simple as that! What they don't know won't hurt them … because they also won't learn their rights。〃
   〃That's。。。 that's。。。〃 Robinton struggled to find the appropriate word。 〃Can't Lord Faroguy insi

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