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小说: atlantis.found 字数: 每页4000字

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 once they had fallen into the clear and opened their canopies。 Their target landing site was a large ice field just outside the mining facility; whose broken; uneven landscape offered them a small degree of protection when regrouping after the jump。 The next part of the plan was the assault on the main engineering center of the facility; where it was hoped the doomsday controls were housed。 Expert military minds judged that fewer casualties would occur if they landed and attacked from the outside rather than landing in the maze of buildings; antennas; machinery; and electrical equipment。
     Coordination was to take place once each unit was on the ground and assembled for the assault。 Any who were injured upon landing would have to suffer the cold and be dealt with later; after the facility had been secured and any systems or equipment that were designed to separate the ice shelf destroyed。
     Satisfied that each man knew what was expected of him; Cleary moved to the rear of the cargo bay and donned his parachute and rucksack。 Then he had one of Sharpsburg's men give him a plete jumpmaster inspection; with emphasis on his oxygen…breathing equipment for the long fall。
     Finally; he silhouetted himself with his back to the closed cargo ramp in the floor and waved his hands to get the men's attention。 From this point on; munication with the entire assault team would be conducted by hand and arm signals; which was standard operating procedure。 The only voice munications until the jump would be between Cleary; Sharpsburg; Jacobs; Garnet; and Stafford in the cockpit。 Once they exited the aircraft and were under canopy; each man could municate with individual Motorola radios over secure frequencies。
     〃Pilot; this is the jumpmaster。〃
     〃I read you; Major;〃 came back Stafford's voice。 〃Ready on the mark?〃
     〃Jumpmaster checks plete。 Oxygen prebreathing is under way。〃
     Cleary took an empty seat and studied the men。 So far; it was going well; almost too well; he thought。 This is the time when Murphy's Law came sneaking around; and Cleary wasn't about to allow Mr。 Murphy any opportunities。 He was pleased to see the men were fully alert and primed。
     They wore hoods under gray Gentex flight helmets to gain additional protection from the harsh subzero temperatures。 Adidas Galeforce yellow…lens goggles for fog and overcast were attached to the helmets; resting up and leaving the men's eyes clearly visible to Cleary and the oxygen technician so they could check for any signs of hypoxia。 The heating units in their thermal suits were activated; and each man checked his buddy to make certain that all equipment was properly organized and in place。 Bungee cords and web straps were strategically laced around each man's clothing and equipment to prevent them from being torn away by the great burst of air expected upon their exit from the ramp。
     After they checked their radios to confirm that each was transmitting and receiving; Cleary stood up and moved near the closed ramp。 Facing his assault force again; he saw that all the men were giving him their undivided attention。 Once again; he motioned to the man nearest his left with a thumbs…up signal。
     In the cockpit; carefully studying his puterized course and the programmed target; Captain Stafford was concentrating his mind and soul on dropping the men waiting aft over the precise spot that would give them every chance of surviving。 His primary concern was not to send them out ten seconds too early or five seconds too late and scatter them all over the frozen landscape。 He disengaged the automatic pilot and turned the controls over to Brannon so his perspective and timing would not be diverted。 Stafford switched to the cockpit inter and spoke through his oxygen mask to Brannon。 〃Deviate one degree and it will cost them。〃
     〃I'll put them over the target;〃 Brannon said self…assuredly。 〃But you have to put them on it。〃
     〃No confidence in your aircraft mander's navigational abilities? Shame on you。〃
     〃A thousand pardons; my captain。〃
     〃That's better;〃 Stafford said expansively。 He switched to the cargo bay inter。 〃Major Cleary; are you ready?〃
     〃Roger;〃 Cleary answered briefly。
     〃Crew; are you ready?〃
     The crewmen; wearing harnesses attached to cargo tie…down rings and portable oxygen systems; were standing a few feet forward of the ramp on opposite sides。
     〃Sergeant Hendricks ready; Captain。〃
     〃Corporal Joquin ready; sir。〃
     〃Twenty…minute warning; Major;〃 Stafford announced。 〃Depressurizing cabin at this time。〃
     Hendricks and Joquin moved cautiously close to the ramp; carefully guiding their harness anchor lines; following checklists and preparing for what was about to bee one of the most unusual duties of their military careers。
     As the cabin depressed; the men could feel the temperature drop; even within the protective confines of their electrically heated thermal jumpsuits。 The air hissed from the cargo bay as it slowly equalized with the outside atmosphere。
     Time passed quickly。 And then Stafford's voice came over the inter。
     〃Major; ten…minute warning。〃
     〃Roger。〃 There was a pause; then Cleary asked sarcastically; 〃Can you give us any more heat back here?〃
     〃Didn't I tell you?〃 Stafford replied。 〃We need ice for cocktails after you leave。〃
     For the next two minutes; Cleary went over the infiltration plan of the mining facility in his mind。 They were bining the elements of a high…altitude; low…canopy opening jump with a high…altitude; high…canopy opening jump to keep detection to a minimum。 The plan was for the team to free…fall to 25;000 feet; open their canopies; assemble in the air; and fly to the target landing zone。
     Sharpsburg's Delta Force would exit first; closely followed by Jacobs and his SEALS; and then by Garnet and his Marine Recon Team。 Cleary would be the last man to jump; in order to have an overview of his men and be in the most advantageous position to give course corrections。 Sharpsburg would be the Mother Hen; the term tagged to the lead j camper。 All of the Ducks in Line would then follow。 Where Sharpsburg went; so would they。
     〃Six minutes to jump;〃 came Stafford's voice; interrupting Cleary's thoughts。
     Stafford's eyes were on the puter monitor; linked to a newly installed photo system that revealed the ground in astonishing detail through the clouds。 Brannon handled the big aircraft as tenderly as if it were a child; his course rock…steady on the line that traveled across the monitor; with a small circle depicting the jump target。
     〃Damn the orders!〃 Stafford suddenly snorted。 〃Brannon!〃
     〃At the one…minute warning; cut our airspeed to 135 knots indicated。 I'm going to give those guys every chance at surviving I can。 When Sergeant Hendricks reports that the last man has jumped; ease the throttles to two hundred knots。〃
     〃Won't the Wolfs' ground radar pick up our reduction in speed?〃
     〃Radio McMurdo Station on an open frequency。 Then say we're experiencing engine trouble; will have to reduce speed and arrive late。〃
     〃Not a bad cover;〃 Brannon conceded。 〃If they're monitoring us on the ground; they'd have no reason not to buy the story。〃
     Brannon went on his radio and announced the deception to anyone who was listening。 Then he gestured at the numerals flashing on the puter monitor indicating the approaching jump mark。 〃Two minutes ing up。〃
     Stafford nodded。 〃Begin reducing speed; very gradually。 At one minute to drop; just after I ring the bell; cut the airspeed to 135。〃
     Brannon flexed his fingers like a piano player and smiled。 〃I shall orchestrate the throttles like a concerto。〃
     Stafford switched to the cargo bay inter。 〃Two minutes; Major。 Sergeant Hendricks; begin opening the ramp。〃
     〃Ramp opening;〃 came back Hendricks's steady voice。
     Stafford turned to Brannon。 〃I'll take the controls。 You handle the throttles so I can concentrate on timing the drop。〃
     After monitoring the transmission; Cleary stood up and moved to the port side of the ramp; keeping his back turned to one side of the fuselage so he had a cle

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