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小说: atlantis.found 字数: 每页4000字

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 dead bodies and a college professor; Dr。 Ambrose; who we left guarding a killer。〃
     There was a genuine feeling of skepticism; almost total disbelief; in Sheriff Jim Eagan's mind as he sat down; tipped his chair back on two legs; and pulled a notebook from the breast pocket of his shirt。 〃Suppose you tell me just what is going on here。〃
     Desperately; Marquez gave a brief account of the cave…in and flooding; Pitt's fortuitous appearance; their escape from the mysterious chamber; the encounter with the three murderers; and their forced entry into the wine cellar of the hotel。
     At first the details came slowly; as Marquez fought off the effects of strain and exhaustion。 Then his words flowed faster as he sensed Eagan's obvious doubt。 Frustration swelled and was replaced by urgency; as Marquez pleaded with Eagan to rescue Tom Ambrose。 〃Dammit; Jim; stop being stubborn。 Get off your butt and go see for yourself。〃
     Eagan knew Marquez and respected him as a man of integrity; but his story was too far…fetched to buy without proof。 〃Black obsidian skulls; indecipherable writings in a chamber carved a thousand feet into the mountain; murderers roaming mine shafts on motorcycles。 If what you tell me is true; it will be the three of you who will be under suspicion for murder。〃
     〃Mr。 Marquez has told you the honest truth;〃 said Pat slowly; speaking for the first time。 〃Why can't you believe him?〃
     〃And you are?〃
     〃Patricia O'Connell;〃 she said wearily。 〃I'm with the University of Pennsylvania。〃
     〃And what is your reason for being in the mine?〃
     〃My field is ancient languages。 I was asked to e to Telluride and decipher the strange inscriptions Mr。 Marquez found in his mine。〃
     Eagan studied the woman for a moment。 She might have been pretty when attractively dressed and made up。 He did not find it easy to believe she was a Ph。D。 in ancient languages。 Sitting there with her wet; stringy hair and mud…smeared face; she looked like a homeless bag lady。
     〃All I know for sure;〃 said Eagan slowly; 〃is that you people destroyed a motorcycle; which might be stolen; and vandalized the wine cellar of the hotel。〃
     〃Forget that;〃 pleaded Marquez。 〃Rescue Dr。 Ambrose。〃
     〃Only when I'm sure of the facts will I send my men into the mine。〃
     Jim Eagan had been sheriff of San Miguel County for eight years and worked in harmony with the marshals who policed the town of Telluride。 Homicides were far and few between in San Miguel County。 Law…enforcement problems usually centered around auto accidents; petty theft; drunken fights; vandalism; and drug arrests; usually involving young transients who passed through Telluride during the summer season and attended various affairs such as the bluegrass and jazz festivals。 Eagan was respected by the citizens of his small but beautifully scenic domain。 He was a congenial man; serious in his work; but quick to laugh when having a beer at one of the local watering holes。 Of medium height and weight; he often wore a facial expression that could berate and intimidate。 One look was generally all it took to cower any suspect he had arrested。
     〃May I ask you a small favor?〃 said the bruised and fatigued man in the torn diver's wet suit; who looked as though he'd been dragged through the impellers of a water pump。
     At first glance; he looked to Eagan to be forty…five; but he was probably a good five years younger than the tanned and craggy face suggested。 The sheriff guessed him to be about six feet three inches; weight 185 pounds; give or take。 His hair was black and wavy; with a few strands of gray at the temples。 The eyebrows were dark and bushy and stretched over eyes that were a vivid green。 A straight and narrow nose dropped toward firm lips; with the corners turned up in a slight grin。 What bothered Eagan wasn't so much the man's indifferent attitude he'd known many felons who displayed apathy but his bemused kind of detached interest。 It was obvious that the man across the table was not the least bit impressed with Eagan's dominating tactics。
     〃Depends;〃 Eagan answered finally; his ballpoint pen poised above a page in the notebook。 〃Your name?〃
     〃Dirk Pitt。〃
     〃And what is your involvement; Mr。 Pitt?〃
     〃I'm special projects director for the National Underwater and Marine Agency。 I was just passing by and thought it might be fun to prospect for gold。〃
     Inwardly; Eagan seethed at being at a disadvantage。 〃 We can do without the humor; Mr。 Pitt。〃
     〃If I give you a phone number; will you do me the courtesy of calling it?〃 Pitt's tone was polite; with no trace of hostility。
     〃You want to speak to an attorney?〃
     Pitt shook his head。 〃No; nothing like that。 I thought a simple call to confirm my position and presence might be helpful。〃
     Eagan thought a moment; then passed his pen and notebook across the table。 〃Okay; let's have the number。〃
     Pitt wrote it in the sheriff's notebook and handed it back。 〃It's long distance。 You can call collect if you wish。〃
     〃You can pay the hotel;〃 Eagan said; with a tight smile。
     〃You'll be talking to Admiral James Sandecker;〃 said Pitt。 〃The number is his private line。 Give him my name and explain the situation。〃
     Eagan moved to a phone on a nearby desk; asked for an outside line; and dialed the number。 After a brief pause; Eagan said; 〃Admiral Sandecker; this is Sheriff Jim Eagan of San Miguel County; Colorado。 I have a problem here concerning a man who claims to work for you。 His name is Dirk Pitt。〃 Then Eagan quickly outlined the situation; stating that Pitt would probably be placed under arrest and charged with second…degree criminal trespass; theft; and vandalism。 From that point on; the conversation went downhill; as his face took on a dazed expression that lasted nearly ten minutes。 As if talking to God; he repeated; 〃Yes; sir;〃 several times。 Finally; he hung up and stared at Pitt。 〃Your boss is a testy bastard。〃
     Pitt laughed。 〃He strikes most people that way。〃
     〃You have a most impressive history。〃
     〃Did he offer to pay for damages?〃
     Eagan grinned。 〃He insisted it e out of your salary。〃
     Curious; Pat asked; 〃What else did the admiral have to say?〃
     〃He said; among other things;〃 Eagan spoke slowly; 〃that if Mr。 Pitt claimed the South won the Civil War; I was to believe him。〃
     Pitt and Marquez; with Eagan and one of his deputies trailing behind; stepped through the shattered wall of the wine cellar and began jogging through the old mine tunnel。 They soon passed the old stationary ore car and continued into the yawning tube。
     There was no way for Pitt to judge distance in the darkened bore。 His best guess was that he had left Ambrose and the captured assassin approximately three…quarters of a mile from the hotel。 He held a flashlight borrowed from a deputy and switched it off every few hundred feet; peering into the darkness ahead for a sign from the dive light he'd left with Ambrose。
     After covering what he believed was the correct distance; Pitt stopped and aimed the beam of the flashlight as far up the tunnel as it would penetrate。 Then he flicked it off。 Only pitch blackness stretched ahead。
     〃We're there;〃 Pitt said to Marquez。
     〃That's impossible;〃 said the miner。 〃Dr。 Ambrose would have heard our voices echoing off the rock and seen our lights。 He would have shouted or signaled us。〃
     〃Something isn't right。〃 Pitt threw the flashlight's beam at an opening in one wall of the tunnel。 〃There's the portal to the bore I hid in when the bikers approached。〃
     Eagan came up beside him。 〃Why are we stopping?〃
     〃Crazy as it sounds;〃 Pitt answered; 〃they've vanished。〃
     The sheriff shone his light in Pitt's face; searching for something in his eyes。 〃You sure they weren't a figment of your imagination?〃
     〃I swear to God!〃 Marquez muttered。 〃We left two dead bodies; an unconscious killer; and Dr。 Ambrose with a gun to cover him。〃
     Pitt ignored the sheriff and dropped to his knees。 He swept his light around the tunnel very slowly in a 180…degree arc; his eyes examining every inch of the ground and the ore car tracks。

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