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小说: atlantis.found 字数: 每页4000字

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les on the ground half an inch in diameter。 He turned to Pitt。
     〃Time to go?〃
     Pitt nodded。 〃Since you can see our way on land; you lead off and I'll take over when we reach the water。〃
     Giordino simply gave a brief nod and said nothing。 Until they could safely penetrate the security defenses around the shipyard; there was nothing to say。 Pitt did not require telepathic powers to know what was in Giordino's mind。 He was mentally reliving the same thing as Pitt。
     They were back six thousand miles in distance and twenty hours in time in Admiral Sandecker's office in the NUMA headquarters; talking their way into what had to be a scheme born under a cloud of madness。
     〃MISTAKES were made;〃 said the admiral solemnly。 〃Dr。 O'Connell is missing。〃
     〃I thought she was under round…the…clock surveillance by security agents;〃 Pitt said; annoyed at Ken Helm。
     〃All anyone knows at this point is that she drove her daughter to get some ice cream。 While the wards sat outside the store in their car; Dr。 O'Connell and her daughter went inside and never came out。 It seems impossible that such a spur…of…the…moment event by O'Connell could be known in advance by the abductors。〃
     〃Meaning the Wolfs。〃 Pitt slammed his fist on the table。 〃Why do we continually underestimate these people?〃
     〃I suppose you'll be even less happy to hear the rest;〃 Sandecker said somberly。
     Pitt looked at him; his face clouded with exasperation。 〃Let me guess。 Elsie Wolf has disappeared from the clinic; along with the body of her cousin; Heidi。〃
     Sandecker wiped an imaginary speck from the polished surface of the conference table。 〃Believe me; it must have taken a magician;〃 said FBI agent Ken Helm。 〃The clinic has the latest technology in security…detection equipment。〃
     〃Didn't your surveillance cameras reveal her escape?〃 asked Pitt irritably。 〃Elsie obviously didn't walk through the front door with her dead cousin thrown over her shoulder。〃
     Helm gave a brief tilt of his head。 〃The cameras were fully operational; and the monitors observed every second。 I'm sorry no; shocked to say that no trace of the breakout was recorded。〃
     〃These people must have the ability to slip through cracks;〃 said Giordino; who had seated himself at the opposite end of the table from Sandecker。 〃Or else they developed a pill for invisibility。〃
     〃Neither;〃 said Pitt。 〃They're shrewder than we are。〃
     〃All that we have; and it's fifty percent speculation;〃 Helm admitted; 〃is that an executive jet belonging to Destiny Enterprises took off from an airport near Baltimore and set a course due south〃
     〃To Argentina;〃 Pitt finished。
     〃Where else would they take her?〃 added Giordino。 〃Doesn't figure they'd keep her in the States; where they have little or no control over government investigative agencies。〃
     Ron Little of the CIA cleared his throat。 〃The question is why? At one time we were led to believe they wanted to eliminate Mr。 Pitt; Mr。 Giordino; and Dr。 O'Connell because of their discoveries of the chamber in Colorado and its inscriptions。 But now; too many people are knowledgeable about the messages left by the ancient people。 So the effort to keep it secret bees immaterial。〃
     〃The only practical answer is that they need her expertise;〃 suggested Helm。
     〃When I asked Elsie Wolf how many Chambers the Amenes had built; she claimed there was a total of six;〃 Pitt said。 〃We had found two and they had found one。 Of the others; two were destroyed by natural causes。 Only one remains unfound; and she said it was somewhere in the Andes of Peru; but the directions were vague。 I'll bet that despite all the experts in their puter software division; they couldn't crack the code giving instructions on how to find the remaining lost chamber。〃
     〃So they snatched her; thinking she could crack the code;〃 said Sandecker。
     〃Makes sense;〃 Helm said slowly。
     Giordino leaned across the table。 〃Knowing Pat only a short time as I do; I have my doubts she'd cooperate。〃
     Little smiled。 〃They also have Dr。 O'Connell's fourteen…year…old daughter。 All the Wolfs have to do is threaten to harm her。〃
     〃She'll talk;〃 Helm said gravely。 〃She has no choice。〃
     〃So we go in and get her out;〃 said Pitt。
     Little looked at him doubtfully。 〃We have no way of knowing exactly where they're holding her。〃
     〃Their shipyard in Chile。 The Wolfs are so maniacal about a ing doomsday that I'm betting the family has congregated on the ships in preparation for the deluge。〃
     〃I can provide you with satellite photos of the shipyard;〃 said Little。 〃But I have to tell you; our analysts believe their security systems make the ships inaccessible and unapproachable by land; sea; or air。〃
     〃Then we'll go in underwater。〃
     〃You can expect underwater sensors。〃
     〃We'll find a way around that problem。〃
     〃I can't agree to this;〃 Sandecker said quietly。 〃Too much is on the line for NUMA。 This is a job for Special Operations Forces or a Navy SEAL team。〃
     〃Finding and rescuing Pat O'Connell and her daughter is only part of our plan;〃 explained Pitt。 〃No one is better qualified than Al and I to investigate Destiny Enterprise's immense shipbuilding project。 Less than a year ago; we performed a clandestine search under the hull of the former liner United States in a submersible at a shipyard in Hong Kong。 In this circumstance; there has to be a method to the madness behind the Wolf family spending billions of dollars to build ships that can't reach the sea。〃
     〃The FBI can't help you on this one;〃 said Helm。 〃It's half a world out of our territory。〃
     Little nervously folded and unfolded his hands。 〃Other than providing information; I'm afraid my agency's hands are tied。 The State Department would squelch any involvement by the CIA to intervene。〃
     Pitt looked at Sandecker and smiled tightly。 〃It seems we're elected。〃
     Sandecker did not smile in return。 〃Are you sure there is a desperate urgency to penetrate the Wolfs' operation?〃
     〃I do;〃 Pitt said heavily。 〃I also believe; and I can't tell you why; that there is a far more sinister purpose behind their undertaking。 A purpose with horrible consequences。〃
     THE narrow ravine meandered for a hundred yards before opening onto the waters of the fjord。 The western shoreline sloped upward onto a peninsula with the strange name of Exmouth。 The eastern coast was split by channels gouged by receding glaciers。 The bright lights of the Wolf shipyard and those of the four floating cities reflected across the water on the north end of the fjord。
     Giordino stopped and gestured for Pitt to stay in the shadows of a large rock。 Two patrol boats running side by side on opposite sides of the channel moved across the black water; sweeping the surface and shore with searchlights。 Giordino studied the patrol craft through his spectral imaging sensors; which turned darkness into a dusky daylight。
     〃You're the powerboat expert;〃 said Pitt。 〃Can you identify them?〃
     〃Thirty…eight…foot Dvichak Industries boat;〃 Giordino replied easily。 〃Usually built as an oil spill response boat; but in this case they've loaded them with weapons。 A good; tough; reliable boat。 Not fast; about eighteen knots max; but the three…hundred…horsepower engine gives them enough torque to push and tow large barges。 Serving as armed patrol boats is a new practice。〃
     〃Can you make out the type of guns?〃
     〃Twin automatics; big millimeter; fore and aft;〃 answered Giordino。 〃That's all I can recognize。〃
     〃They seem to be loafing along at four knots; taking their time to look for intruders。〃
     〃Slow enough for our Torpedo 2000s to keep pace;〃 said Pitt。
     〃What evil is swirling in your mind?〃
     〃We wait underwater until they turn and begin sweeping back toward the shipyard;〃 answered Pitt。 〃Then; when the boat passes over; we follow astern of its wake。 The prop wash will screen our presence from their underwater security sensors。〃
     〃Sounds like a winner。〃
     While the patrol boats continued their sweep to the south; Pitt and Giordino checked their e

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