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ericlustbader.the ninja-第87部分

小说: ericlustbader.the ninja 字数: 每页4000字

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s parting。
 '。。。 In an alley。 The garbage cans …'
 'Don't be an idiot; Philip。 And don't lie to me。 Darling; you must tell me what happened。 Here; let me put some ice on it …do as I say。' A soft clatter。 'There。'
 There would be time; after Tomkin was put away; to take some time off。 Go to the sea as Melville did when he was sick at heart and he felt like screaming at anyone who came too close。 Yes; the sea。 Not to fish; he hated fishing。 But to sail; perhaps。 He'd never done that and it might be time now to try it。 Try her。
 'At Ah Ma's … I worked there last night。'
 'Well; she'd never do that to you。'
 'No。 A man …'
 'A bastard; that's what。 Here; keep the ice on for a little longer。 I forbid you to go there again。'
 'But the man is ing here again tonight。 She wants to be there …'
 'I don't care what Ah Ma wants; you're not going。 She'll have to learn to do without you。'
 'It won't be any good without me。'
 'What do you mean?'
 'The man wants me。 That's how he … ejaculates。 I said that right; didn't I?'
 'My God … who is this man?'
 'I don't know。 A Japanese。 A very strange man。 Eyes like dead stones … you know; like he was from another world。'
 But Croaker was already turning; his face flushed with the adrenalin building in his body。 'Talk to me; Philip;' he said slowly and carefully; masking his excitement。 'Tell me about the Japanese with eyes like dead stones。'
 Croaker was waiting for them at the tower's Park Avenue side。 His big figure was leaning negligently against the side of his unmarked sedan。 The detachable red light revolved atop the car; piercing the long twilight's sapphire haze like a lighthouse beacon's unerring warning。
 Nicholas emerged from the limo as soon as it pulled over to the kerb just to the uptown side of Croaker。 As he went quickly towards the detective; he was acutely aware of Tomkin's presence blooming behind him as Tom; the thin chauffeur; held the heavy door open。
 He was aware; too; of the city around him; everything shrouded in blue。 The sun was just a memory but its heat refused to leave the asphalt under his shoe soles。 The atmosphere was thick with exhaust fumes。 The strings of dull yellow cabs along both sides of the avenue seemed like streaming caravans entering and leaving the bowels of the gilt…edged Helmsley Building。
 'How's your boss?' Croaker's voice was flat and hard and unyielding; he stared past Nicholas's right shoulder。
 Nicholas; feeling the live…wire buildup of tension; said; 'Leave it alone; Lew。 Forget about …'
 'Too late for that; buddy。'
 He felt the presence directly behind him even before he heard
 Tomkin's voice say; 'Still patrolling the streets; I see; Lieutenant。 Keeping New York safe for us citizens?' The note of sarcasm was unmistakable。
 'This city's still dangerous for some;〃 Croaker said pointedly。
 'What the hell's that supposed to mean?'
 'Figure it out for yourself; Tomkin。'
 'I don't like veiled threats; Lieutenant。 Not from anyone。 Perhaps I should have another  talk with the missioner and …'
 'I knew it was you; you dirty …'
 '…we'll see how long you remain a lieutenant …'
 '…reassigned now to this case Nicholas was hired for; so I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other。'
 There was a malicious grin on his face now; his skin alternately lighter and darker yellow; with the wash of passing headlights from the traffic flow。
 Brake lights turned Tomkin's face reddish。 'My God; I won't be saddled with you again!'
 'Nothing you can do about it now; I'm afraid。 The transfer came〃 down directly from the missioner himself。 Even you won't get him to change that order。 He'd look far too foolish; scurrying to rescind a reassignment。'
 'Christ; haven't I had enough of you already? You've hounded me about …'
 'I'm only here to protect you;' Croaker pointed out; 'and to nail the ninja before he gets you。'
 Tomkin's; eyes narrowed。 The peculiar monochromatic light had washed out all colour from his eyes; they looked oddly pale。 'Wouldn't you just love to sit back and let him do your dirty work? Sure; sure。 You could say; 〃Well; I'm sorry; Captain; but I did my best。 I got beaten; is all。 Can't blame me for that。〃'
 'Listen; you bastard' … Croaker lunged forward; trying to get around Nicholas's body … 'I do my job better than anyone else in this creepy city and if that means making sure you don't buy it; I'll do it。 When I nail you; buddy; it's gonna be for the same reasons …'
 'What reasons?' Tomkin snarled。 'You got nothing …'
 'No; but I will have;' Croaker shouted。 'And when I do; I'll
 be ing for you with a warrant that'll stand up to any of your high…priced attorneys I'
 'You've got nothing;〃 Tomkin sneered; 'and you'll get nothing。 I was nowhere near Angela Didion the night she was murdered。 There's nothing linking me to …'
 They were pushing and shoving now。 Nicholas heard swift reports on the asphalt as sharp as rifle shots as Tom headed their way。 He shouldered the two roughly apart; said; 'Knock it off; both of you。'
 Then Tom had hold of his boss and was pulling at him。 Tomkin allowed himself to be drawn away from the confrontation but lifted a finger; swung it in the air in Croaker's direction。 〃I'm warning you;' he cried; 'this is harassment。 I don't want you near me I' And then; lowering his voice; he said to Nicholas; 'He's after me。 I don't know why。 It's a vendetta。 I've done nothing; Nick。 What's he doing to me?' He turned away abruptly; walked silently back to the limo with Tom at his side casting a worried glance or two over his shoulder。 The revolving red lights played on their backs intermittently。
 'Well; that was pretty stupid;' Nicholas said; turning round。
 'Oh; who gives a fuck? What are you; my nanny? Jesus!' Croaker disappeared into the car。
 Nicholas went slowly around to the passenger's side。 He took his time climbing in。 Croaker stared fixedly out through the windshield。
 'Sorry;' he said; after a time。 And then; 〃That bastard really boils my blood。'
 'The antagonism isn't going to make anything easier。'
 Croaker turned his head; looked at Nicholas for the first time since he had got in the car。 'You know; I worry about you; Nick; I really do。〃 Their reflections in the windshield like a neon sign; blinking on arid off in the backwash of traffic headlights; a product advertisement。 'You're a man who never loses control。 Don't you ever get angry? Or sad?'
 Nicholas thought about Justine。 He wanted to see her now; to talk to her more than anything。
 'Because I feel sorry for you if you don't。'
 'No cause to worry;' he said softly。 I'm as human as the next person。 All too human。'
 'Hey; you know I'd swear you're making that sound like a liability。 We're all born into it; buddy。'
 'But me;' he said。 'I grew up thinking there was no room to make a mistake; that it was some kind of failure if I did。'
 'But you made them …'
 'Oh; yeah。' Nicholas laughed softly; without humour。 'I made plenty of them; especially when it came to women。 I trusted when I shouldn't have; now I guess I'm afraid to try it again。'
 'Yeah。 We had a heavy row。 It's mostly my fault; I see now。'
 'You know what I think; buddy?〃 Croaker said; starting the engine。
 'I think the problem's not with you and Justine but in the past。 What's so wrong in trusting someone? Like I said; we all do it。 Sometimes it pays off and sometimes。。。〃 He shrugged。 'But what the hell; right? It's worse never to trust anyone。' He put the car in gear and they edged past Tomkin's limo; pulling over to the left to make the U…turn downtown。
 'The flood was ing; Nicholas knew。 His face was awash in yellow and red; blue in the shadows between light sweeps。 The tsunami; his personal tidal wave; was roaring blackly just behind him; looming over the world。 The past will never die; he thought。 Pain surged inside him; threatening to engulf him。 All the bitter days; hanging like frost on the ledges of his soul; were returning again despite his careful partmentalizing; the agony returning like a dull river of lead; climbing through him once more。 He lacked the strength to push the memories away any more。
 e 1 he thought savagely。 Here I am; let it happen。

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