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ericlustbader.the ninja-第88部分

小说: ericlustbader.the ninja 字数: 每页4000字

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ength to push the memories away any more。
 e 1 he thought savagely。 Here I am; let it happen。
 But before the tsunami hit; he heard Croaker saying triumphantly; 'But cheer up。 We got a break。 We may not know who this ninja is but I know where he's gonna be at exactly 9 p。m。 tonight。
 'We're gonna be mere; buddy; waiting。 You and me and two blue…and…white backup units。 We're gonna nail this bastard before he even gets a chance to get to Raphael Tomkin。'
 Osaka/Shimonoseki/Kumamoto/Tokyo Suburbs; Winter 1963
 At this time of the year the countryside was bleak and pale。 The searingly spectacular deep reds and oranges of the autumnal foliage had already faded; dropped away to dull brown mulch under animals' hooves; and the first snow had obstinately yet to fall to leave the sere land hidden beneath its crisp albescence。
 Rolling by rail under a low sky full of incipient rain reminding him of a child's face full of an emotion unacknowledged; it seemed sad to see the lines of bare trees like rough wire approximations of next year's model in among the eternal dark green of the sentinel pines。 So forlorn; almost as if God had; after much effort; at last given up on this part of the world。
 Nicholas allowed his eyes to focus on the far horizon。 The speed blur of the landscape passing closer to hand became dizzying; a brown…black sensation of being whirled about on a funfair ride。 Yukio; leaning half across him to get a better glimpse; pressed the side of one hard breast against him。 Fingers spread on his thigh to brace herself against the rocking。 Nails digging in; giving her purchase。 Warmth spread upwards into his groin and he wondered; half…afraid; half…expectant; if her hand would move up with it to cup him。
 Opposite; on a seat facing them; a Japanese businessman in a dark…coloured pinstripe and a scrubbed face; calfskin attache' case placed carefully on the seat beside him as mute pany; surmounted by a charcoal…grey cashmere overcoat folded meticulously and; atop that; like the miniature couple on a white wedding cake; a black bowler hat … in all; an arcane archaeological pyramid offering no ancestral clues … glanced up from reading the paper。 His eyes were given an unnatural size and annularity by his thick round glasses。 He blinked much as a fish might upon encountering an unexpected foreign object close to hand。 Was he staring at the proximity of her fingertips to his crotch before he returned to his reading? The paper rustled slightly。 It might have been a brick wall。
 Nicholas could see the flash of reflected light from the curving edge of the thick gold ring。 He imagined the man to be an important member of the zaibatsu。 But which one; he wondered? Mitsubishi; perhaps? Or Sumitomo or Mitsui? Not one of the groups; surely; Fuyo; Sanwa; Dai…Ichi Kangyo。 Of the seven lesser konzerns; he was obviously not from Nippon Steel; Toyota or Nissan。 No; he had the look about him of the burgeoning electronics firms like Toshiba…IHI; Matsushita; Hitachi … on second thoughts; scratch Hitachi … or Tokyu。 Did Tokyu manufacture electronics; e to think of it? He wasn't all that certain。
 Perhaps this man's family had started Mitsubishi … the families; he knew; were back…running the zaibatsu as they had since the beginning。 The American laws that had forced a hiatus had been stricken after only a brief term。
 Nicholas stared at the paper barrier as if he had X…ray vision。 He could see in his mind the round yellow face; slightly burnished with a light film of sweat; and; below it; the perfect collar white as snow; stiff and starched; the thin dark silk tie the colour of the midnight sky。 Here was a symbol of the new Japan: the painful climb out of the stone…age isolationism …oddly; still more pressing than the much more recent war … the human memory is so deliberately and depressingly selective。 Adopting the Western mode of dress was just one manifestation of the Japanese cultural drive to catch up with the West。 As monomaniacal as Tojo still。 Or MacArthur。 Our savior。
 Parity was already a fact in Japan and the country was gearing itself up for overdrive; for the great push to surpass those countries from which it had learned。 And there would e a day now; Nicholas was convinced; when the Japanese; having proved his economic strength; would shed his Western appurtenances; returning in re…won security to the traditional kimono; robes of state。
 They were on the fast train … the express … from Tokyo to Osaka。 Out of the window on their right was all of the width of Honshu; the main island。 On the other side they could see from time to time the glintings of the sea; throwing bright golden reflections in abstract patterns across the car's ceiling。 The vibration from the rails was minimal; as was the noise on this sleek blue and silver liner; quiet; spacious and serene。
 Yukio sat back in the seat; linked her arm through his。 'Why don't we stay overnight in Osaka?' she suggested and then; as if in explanation; 'I hate trains。'
 Nicholas thought about that。 Perhaps it wasn't such a bad idea。 The nightlife there was bright and glossy and he needed cheering up right now。
 The little bit of clandestine cloak…and…dagger that Yukio and he had concocted regarding Saigo … he had quite conveniently forgotten whose suggestion it had been … had proved unnecessary。 Astoundingly; before she had even had a chance to leave for the dinner at Satsugai's house; where she was to take a peek at Saigo's ticket destination; a note had been delivered to Nicholas。 It was in Saigo's hand and it invited him to e to a town called Kumamoto in Kyushu for a visit during the next few weeks。 No reason was given for the invitation。 Like everything in Saigo's life; this; too; was meant to be secretive。
 Nicholas had read the note with a mounting sense of deflation。 Irrationally; he felt as if Saigo had somehow read his mind and he could not throw off the anticipatory overtones the words set off in him; like a far…off bell tolling from some fog…shrouded hillside。 〃This will all be unexplored territory;' Kansatsu had said to him; 'if you decide it's what you want。 It is totally your decision to make; Nicholas。 I cannot guide you。 Only say that here you can go no further。 For that you must look to the darkness … and the light。' Squelched; his plan had been cruelly revealed as just so much juvenile fantasy and; instead of thinking about why he had been asked south; he made himself busy feeling unhappy; defeated。 And to make matters worse; Yukio went to dinner at Satsugai's anyway。
 Mountains reared silently through the perspex window; blue…grey; ragged with streaks of snow running down from their summits like spilt cream。 One of the three ranges of Alps … the most southerly; headed by Mount Shirane … passed like a cincture about Honshu's waist。 Where was he headed now; he wondered。 Into the light or the darkness? Did it matter?
 'Especially this one;〃 Yukio said as if there had been no space of silence between。 'I hate this one。 All the wide seats; the chrome trim; the bigger windows don't mean a thing to me。 It's worse on this one。 Because of the silence。 The silence makes me restless。' She made a face。 'My foot's asleep。' She shifted; stretching out legs on which she had been sitting。 The businessman across the way rattled his paper; peals of warning。
 'All right;〃 Nicholas said。 'Yes。' There seemed no good reason to rush headlong into Kumamoto。 Anyway; he'd only been to Osaka once when he was much younger and he was curious to see how much it had changed。 Would he recognize it? He thought not。
 He felt Yukio's presence close and warm beside him and he wondered if it had been intelligent to take her。 In truth it had not been his idea。 But after making his decision to accept Saigo's summons; it had proved quite impossible to deflect her。 'It was you; after all;' she had said in her most persuasively accusatory tone; 'who got me involved in this in the first place。' He couldn't recall whether or not that was so。 'It's only fair you take me along now。' She had flung her head back defiantly; sensually …but then; even in anger; she was superbly sensual。 'Besides; if you don't; I'll only e with you on my own。 Do you think you could hide from me?' 

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