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小说: cspector.worldwithoutend 字数: 每页4000字

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 mail worn by knights in the this…teenth century。 Some sported SMGs; others more lethal…looking weapons。 Around them I could dis…corn magical auras。
 〃They're Paladins;〃 he replied。 〃Part of Surehand's personal guard。 He takes younger sons from the noble families and makes them swear fealty to him。 Ehran started the whole thing; I think。
 〃It keeps them out of trouble。 Otherwise they'd be brawling among themselves; or plotting to do in their older siblings。 Let's face it; this hierarchical society they've reinstated has some serious drawbacks。〃
 I nodded。 〃Only so many can be on top; and since who ends up there is already decided; it leaves everyone else with any ambition pretty much hosed。 It's actually a pretty clever solution。 Channel all that brawn and energy into supporting the status quo。
 〃But why would Surehand need them here? I know he has some sort of magical wards to protect this place。 And I'm sure there's a mundane security system in place。 Is there really that much chance for assassination?〃
 Caimbeul shrugged。 〃Probably not; but would you want our bully boys to think they're being shirked socially? Much better to keep them handy。〃
 〃And you wonder why I've never been much for society;〃 I said。 〃This all seems like such a waste of time to me。 I don't have the stomach for it。〃
 Caimbeul reached out and placed his hand lightly on the small of my back。 I was wearing a gown very low in the back。 The contact of his hand against my naked flesh made me shiver。
 〃I think we'd best make ourselves known;〃 Caim…beui said。 〃I wouldn't want to get caught lurking here in the shadows。〃
 We moved forward then; stepping into the golden wash provided by the floating wisps of light。 Caimbeui guided us from one group to the next with the practiced grace and smoothness I'd forgotten he possessed。 After…all; he'd spent time both in Alachia's court as well as the courts of the Northern Kingdoms; while I had made myself an outcast from society many times over。
 With each group; we moved closer and closer to Lugh Surehand。 It was a ballet of conversation; pliments; and jockeying for position。 I was so caught up in admiring Caimbeui's easy skills as a courtier that I forgot for a moment to pay attention to who was moving toward us。
 〃Aina;〃 came a deep voice to my left。 〃It has been far too long。 How are you; my dear?〃
 I found myself being kissed on both cheeks by a tallish man dressed in an exquisitely cut suit of black worsted wool。 His long; steel…colored hair hung unbound down to the middle of his back; and he had almond…shaped; preternaturally golden eyes。
 〃Oh e now; Aina。 Don't you recognize me?〃
 I blinked; taken aback by the unexpected intr…macy。 Then I looked more closely at him。 〃Lofwyr;〃 I said。 〃I didn't expect to see you in such a place。 Nor in this guise。〃
 The dragon laughed。 〃When in Rome and all that;〃 he said。 〃But what about you? Sheep's clothing? Or is it a new designer? As I recall; you were more fond of Chanel than anything else。 But this doesn't look like anything I've seen lately。〃
 I smoothed a hand over the gray velvet of my dress; a nervous gesture that I caught and made myself stop。
 〃I had no idea you were so interested in fashion;〃 I said。 〃A new hobby; or are you just bored?〃
 〃Nothing is boring for long here;〃 he said。 〃And now you have appeared after such a long time。 Have you e to be reunited with your people?〃
 I gave him an incredulous look。 〃I believe my position on 'my people' was made long ago; Lofwyr。 And you'd best not forget it。 It makes my task here all the more difficult。〃
 〃So; you have e to play Cassandra;〃 Lofwyr said。 〃You'd do well to remember what happened to her。〃
 I took a drink of my champagne to keep from frowning at him。 At least it was Krystal and not a bad vintage。 The privileges of power。 Caimbeui had listened to pur conversation without saying anything。 I glanced at him to judge his mood; but he was looking past Lofwyr。 I turned; following his gaze; and'saw that a young man was staring at us。
 I froze; for a moment thinking that I was seeing Aithne Oakforest; but this elf was too young to be Aithne。 On second glance I saw the differences between them。 The slightly petulant mouth。 The spoiled expression on his face。 The bored gaze。 He had some of his father's coloring and bone structure; but the hair was too light and the eyes darker。 Still; there was no doubt in my mind that this was Glasgian; Aithne's oldest son。 Or at least the oldest surviving one。
 The thought of Aithne's son pushed the breath from me。 That I could still feel the pain of this moment; even after all this time; astounded me。 And I knew that my hopes for Aithne's forgiveness were in vain。
 I felt Caimbeul's hand on my elbow and heard his voice in my ear as though it were ing from a long way off; like an old…fashioned radio broadcast。 〃I know seeing him is a bit of a shock; Aina;〃 Caimbeui said。 〃But don't let it throw you。 He isn't Aithne; and he's not the ghost of Hebhel e back to haunt you。 Remember what's important now。〃
 I turned toward Caimbeui; pulling my gaze from Glasgian。 〃I'm sorry;〃 I said。 My voice was reedy and thin in my ears。 〃He gave me such a start。〃
 〃Are you all right; Aina?〃 asked Lofwyr。 〃You look positively green。 Maybe you should sit down。〃
 〃No;〃 I said; more firmly this time。 〃I just felt a little strange for a moment there。〃
 Lofwyr glanced over his shoulder at Glasgian。 〃Ah; he does look quite like his father; doesn't he? No wonder it gave you a start。 There's no love lost between you and Aithne。 Is there?
 〃I've always wondered about that。 It seemed so strange。。。〃
 〃Perhaps some other time;〃 said Caimbeui as he led me away from the dragon。
 He steered me about the perimeter of the party; keeping up a steady flow of nods and polite remarks as we strolled。
 〃Surehand is just ahead;〃 he said。 〃Do you think you're up to meeting with him?〃
 I nodded。 〃Of course;〃 I said。 〃It was just a momentary lapse。〃
 Tilting my glass then; I drank the rest of the champagne with one large gulp。 A waiter passed close by and I grabbed another glass from him。 How I wished it were something stronger。
 〃You don't suppose Surehand has a supply of Taengele lying about; do you?〃 I asked。
 Caimbeui gave a little frown。 I returned it and he knew better than to go over that old ground with me。 Oh; I knew that particular demon was never far away; but I didn't succumb to it anymore。
 〃I'm certain there is little that Lugh denies himself;〃 Caimbeui said。 〃But we haven't time to indulge that particular vice of yours right now。〃
 I downed the second glass and got a small headache from the bubbles。
 〃Very well;〃 I said; giving him a grand wave of my hand。 〃Lead on; MacDuff。〃
 He rolled his eyes; but said nothing as he took my hand and led me to the small circle where Lugh Surehand stood。
 〃May I present Aina Sluage; Lugh;〃 said Caimbeui。
 I extended my hand and Lugh Surehand brought it UP to his Ups and kissed it。 He was much taller than I。 with a slender build。 His hair was dark red; almost the color of newly turned maple leaves in fall。 His eyes were green as summer grass。
 I thought he might have looked quite at home in Elizabethan times with his goatee and the rakish scar; he sported on his neck。 I knew from Caimbeui that it was an old injury; one that ran across and down his neck and across his shoulder。
 There was an aura of mand about him; though ? I thought he might have toned it down somewhat to acmodate the temperaments of the other Elders。 I suspected that Aithne; Ehran; and the others would never tolerate the idea that they were being led by anyone。
 〃Ah; so you are Aina;〃 he said。 〃I have heard so many things about you。 How is that we have not met over the years?〃
 I smiled very slowly at him。 〃My misfortune; no doubt;〃 I said。 〃I have always been cursed with bad luck。〃
 〃No; madam; the ill fortune was mine;〃 he murmured。 He had not yet released my hand。
 So that was how it was to be。 All so very polite and civilized; until; of course; the knives came out

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