九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > hr.thecarpetbaggers >



小说: hr.thecarpetbaggers 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃The same as in Germany;〃 she said tersely。 〃The Nazis。 The gangsters。 They're the same; really。 They both say the same things。 Take us or you'll get the munists。 And we'll be easier to get along with; you can deal with us。〃 She looked up at him。 〃But what do you say when you find they've taken everything away from you? That was the gimmick they used to take over Germany。 To save it from the munists。〃
 〃You're intimating my friend Irving Schwartz is a Nazi?〃
 She stared at him。 〃No; your friend is not a Nazi;〃 she said seriously。 〃But the same insanity for power motivates him。 Your friend is a very dangerous man。 He carries a gun; did you know that?〃
 David nodded。 〃I saw it。〃
 〃I wonder what he would have done it you'd refused him;〃 she said softly。
 〃Nothing。 Needlenose wouldn't harm me。〃
 Again her gray eyes flashed at him。 〃No; not with a gun;〃 she said quickly。 〃Against you; he has other weapons。 Economic weapons that could bankrupt your business。 But a man does not carry a gun if he does not intend to use it; sooner or later。〃
 David stopped the car in front of the hospital。 〃What do you think I should have done? Refuse to make a deal with Irving and let everything I've worked for all these years go to pot? Ruin every lousy investor who has put his faith and money in the pany? Put our employees out on the streets looking for jobs? Is that what I should have done? Is it my fault that my employees haven't brains enough to choose decent representatives and see to it that they have an honest union?〃 Without realizing it; his voice had risen in anger。
 Suddenly; she leaned over and put her hand on his where it rested on the wheel。 Her hand was warm and firm。 〃No; of course it's not your fault;〃 she said quickly。 〃You did what you thought was right。〃
 A doorman came down the long steps and opened the car door。 〃Good evening; Dr。 Strassmer。〃
 〃Good evening; Porter;〃 she said。 She straightened up and looked at David。 〃Would you like to e in and see where I work?〃
 〃I don't want to get in your way。 I don't mind waiting here if you'd rather。〃
 She smiled and pressed his hand suddenly。 〃Please e;〃 she said。 〃It would make me feel happier。 Then; at least; I'd know you weren't angry at me for putting my … how do you say it … two cents into your business。〃
 He laughed; and still holding his hand; she got out of the car and led him up the steps to the hospital。
 He stood in the doorway and watched as she gently lifted the bandage from the child's face。 She held out her hand silently and the nurse took a swab from a bottle and handed it to her。 〃This may hurt a little; Mary;〃 she said。 〃But you won't move or talk; will you?〃
 The girl shook her head。
 〃All right; then;〃 Rosa said。 〃Now we'll be still; very still。〃 Her voice murmured; low and soothing; as her hand quickly traced the edge of the girl's lips with the swab。 David saw the child's eyes fill with sudden tears。 For a moment; he thought she was going to move her head but she didn't。
 〃That's fine;〃 Rosa said softly as the nurse took the swab from her hand。 〃You're a brave girl。〃 The nurse efficiently replaced the bandage across the girl's mouth。 〃Tomorrow morning; we'll take off the bandage and you'll be able to go home。〃
 The girl reached for a pad and pencil on the table next to her bed。 She scribbled quickly for a moment; then handed it to Rosa。 She looked down at the paper and smiled。 〃Tomorrow morning; after the bandage es off。〃
 David saw the sudden smile that leaped into the child's eyes。 Rosa turned to him as they walked down the corridor。 〃We can go back to your mother's now。〃
 〃That was a pretty little girl;〃 he said as they waited for the elevator。
 〃What was the matter with her?〃
 She looked at him。 〃Harelip;〃 she said。 〃The child was born with it。〃 A note of quiet pride came into her voice。 〃Now she'll be just like anyone else。 No one will stare at her or laugh when she talks。〃
 The door opened and they stepped into the elevator。 David pressed the button and the door closed。 He noticed the note the girl had given Rosa still in her hand。 He took it from her。 It was in a childish scrawl。 〃When will I be able to talk?〃
 He looked at Rosa。 〃It must make you feel good。〃
 She nodded。 〃Plastic surgery isn't all nose jobs; or double…chin corrections for movie stars。 The important part is helping people so they can live normal lives。 Like Mary up there。 You've no idea how a deformity like that can affect a child's life。〃
 A new respect for her grew in him as they crossed the lobby toward the front door。 The doorman touched his cap。 〃I'll get your car; sir。〃
 As he ran down the steps and crossed over to the parking lot; a big limousine came to a stop in front of them。 David glanced at it casually; then turned toward Rosa。 He pulled a package of cigarettes from his pocket。 〃Cigarette; Rosa?〃
 He heard the limousine door open behind him as Rosa took the cigarette。 He put one in his own mouth and held a light for her。 〃You wanted to see me; David?〃
 David spun around; almost dropping his lighter。 He saw the white blur of a shirt; then a head and shoulders appeared in the open doorway of the limousine。 It was Jonas Cord。 David stared at him silently。
 Involuntarily David glanced at Rosa。 There was a strange look in her eyes。 He thought she might be frightened and his hand reached out for her。
 Jonas' voice was a quiet chuckle behind him。 〃It's all right; David;〃 he said。 〃You can bring Rosa with you。〃
 ROSA SANK BACK ONTO THE SEAT IN THE CORNER OF THE LIMOUSINE。 She glanced at David sitting next to her; then at Jonas。 It was dark inside the car and occasionally the light from an overhead street lamp would flicker across Jonas' face as he sat facing them on the jump seat; his long legs stretched across the Tonen。
 〃How is your father; Rosa?〃
 〃He is fine; Mr。 Cord。 He speaks of you often。〃
 She sensed rather than saw his smile。 〃Give him my best when you see him。〃
 〃I will do that; Mr。 Cord;〃 she said。
 The big automobile picked up speed as they came out on the Coast Highway。 Rosa glanced out of the window。 They were going north toward Santa Barbara; away from Los Angeles。
 〃McAllister said you wanted to see me; David。〃
 She felt David stir on the seat beside her。 He leaned forward。 〃We've gone about as far as we can on our own; Jonas。 If we're to go any further; we'll need your O。K。〃
 Jonas' voice was emotionless。 〃Why go any further?〃 he asked。 〃I'm satisfied with the way things are。 You've eliminated your operating losses and from now on; you should be in the black。〃
 〃We won't stay in the black for long。 The unions are demanding increases or they'll strike。 That will absorb any profits。〃
 〃Let them;〃 Jonas said; his voice still emotionless。 〃You don't have to give it to them。〃
 〃I already did;〃 David answered。
 Rosa could almost hear the moment's silence。 She looked from one to the other; though she couldn't see their faces。
 〃You did?〃 Jonas said quietly; but an undercurrent of coldness had e into his voice。 〃I thought union negotiations were Dan's province。''
 David's voice was steady。 There was a cautious note in it but it was the caution used by a man seeking his way through unknown territory; not that of fear。 〃It was; until tonight;〃 he said。 〃Until it affected the welfare of the pany。 Then it became my business。〃
 〃Why couldn't Dan settle it?〃
 〃Because you never replied to his messages;〃 David said quietly。 〃He felt he couldn't make a deal without your approval。〃
 〃And you felt differently?〃
 Jonas' voice grew colder。 〃What makes you think you don't need my approval any more than he does?〃
 She heard a click as David flicked his lighter and held the flame to his cigarette。 Light danced across his face for a moment; then went out。 The cigarette glowed in the dark。 〃Because I assumed that if you'd wanted me to bankrupt the pany; you'd have told me so two years ago。〃
 Jonas ignored the answer。 〃What else did you want to see me about?〃
 〃The government's starting that antitrust business again;〃 David said。 〃They want us to separate the theaters from the studio。 I sent you all the pertinent data some time ago。 We'll have to give them an a

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