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小说: hr.thecarpetbaggers 字数: 每页4000字

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at enables them to do things that no other man before them could do。〃 She shook her head。 〃No; I know better。 I'm no genius。〃
 He looked at her。 〃I'm not; either。〃
 David turned toward the ocean as she came and stood beside him。 〃I've known some geniuses; too;〃 he said。 〃Uncle Bernie; who started Norman Pictures; was a genius。 He did everything it now takes ten men to do。 And Jonas Cord is a genius; too; in a way。 But I'm not sure yet in what area。 There are so many things he can do; it's a pity。〃
 〃I know what you mean。 My father said almost the same thing about him。〃
 He looked down at her。 〃It's sad; isn't it?〃 he said。 〃Two ordinary nongeniuses; standing here looking out at the Pacific Ocean。〃
 A glint of laughter came into her eyes。 〃And such a big ocean; too。〃
 〃The biggest;〃 he said solemnly。 〃Or so some genius said。 The biggest in the world。〃 He held up his glass。 〃Let's drink to that。〃
 They drank and he turned again to the ocean。 〃It's warm; almost warm enough to swim。〃
 〃I don't think the ocean would object if two just ordinary people went for a swim。〃
 He looked at her and smiled slowly。 〃Could we?〃
 She laughed。 〃Of course。 You'll find swimming trunks in the locker in the utility room。〃
 David came out of the water and collapsed on the blanket。 He rolled over on his side and watched her running up the beach toward him。 He held his breath。 She was so much a woman that he had almost forgotten she was also a doctor。
 She dropped beside him and reaching for a towel; threw it across her shoulders。 〃I didn't think the water would be so cold。〃
 He laughed。 〃It's wonderful。〃 He reached for a cigarette。 〃When I was a kid; we used to go swimming off the docks in the East River。 It was never like this。〃 He lit the cigarette and passed it to her。
 〃Feel better now?〃 she asked。
 He nodded。 〃It's just what the doctor ordered。〃 He laughed。 〃All the knots came untied。〃
 〃Good;〃 she said。 She dragged on the cigarette and passed it back to him。
 〃You know; Rosa;〃 he said; almost shyly; 〃when my mother asked me to dinner to meet you; I didn't want to e。〃
 〃I know;〃 she said。 〃I felt the same way。 I was sure you'd be a real slob。〃
 She came down into his arms; her mouth tasting of ocean salt。 His hand found her breast inside her bathing suit。 He felt a shiver run through her as the nipple grew into his palm; then her fingers were on his thigh; capturing his manhood。
 Slowly he reached up and slipped the suit from her shoulders and drew it down over her body。 He could hear her breath whistling in her chest as he pressed his face against her breasts。 Her arms locked around his head; closing out the night。 Suddenly; her fingers were frantic; leading him to her; her voice harsh and insistent。 〃Don't be so gentle; David。 I'm a woman!〃
 ROSA CAME INTO THE COTTAGE AND WENT DIRECTLY INTO THE BEDROOM。 She glanced at the clock on the night table。 It was time for the six…o'clock news。 She turned on the radio and the announcer's voice filled the room as she began to undress:
 Today the pride of the German army; Rommel; the 〃Desert Fox;〃 got his first real taste of what it felt like to eat desert sand as; in the midst of a whirling; blinding sandstorm; Montgomery began to push him back toward Tobruk。 Obviously inadequately prepared for the massive onslaught; the Italians; supporting Rommel's flanks; were surrendering en masse。 With his flanks thus exposed; Rommel had no choice but to begin to fall back to the sea。 In London today; Prime Minister Winston Churchill said… 
 She flicked off the radio。 War news。 Nothing but war news。 Today she didn't want to hear it。 She turned and looked at her naked body in the mirror over the dresser。
 She pressed her hand to her stomach。 It felt strong and somehow full to her。 She turned sideways and studied herself。 She was still flat and straight。 But in a little while; she would begin to get round and full。 She smiled to herself as she remembered the surprise she had heard in Dr。 Mayer's voice。 〃Why; Doctor; you're pregnant!〃 There had been a look of amazement in his eyes。
 She had laughed。 〃That's what I thought; Doctor。〃
 〃Well;〃 he sputtered。 〃Well!〃
 〃Don't be so shocked; Doctor;〃 she said; almost dryly。 〃These things are known to happen to many women。〃
 Then she was surprised by the sudden feeling of pride and happiness that swept through her。 She had never thought she would feel like this。 The thought of having a child had always frightened her。 Not a physical kind of fear but rather that pregnancy might keep her from her work; interfere with her life。
 But it turned out to be not like that at all。 She was proud and happy and excited。 This was something only she could do。 There had never been a man; in all medical history; who had given birth to a child。
 She threw a robe around her shoulders and went into the bathroom; turning on the tub water。 Almost languidly she sprinkled the bath salts into it。 The fragrance came up and tickled her nostrils。 She sneezed。 〃Gesundheit!〃 she said aloud to herself and pressed her hands to her stomach。
 She laughed aloud。 The baby wasn't even shaped inside her yet and already she was talking to it。 She looked at her face in the bathroom mirror。 Her skin was clear and pink and her eyes were sparkling。 She smiled again。 For the first time in her life; she was glad she was a woman。
 Carefully she stepped into the tub and sank into the warm water。 She would not soak too long。 She wanted to be at the telephone at seven o'clock when David called from New York。 She wanted to hear the happiness in his voice when she told him。
 David looked down at the blue; leather…bound book of accounts。 Six million dollars' profit this year。 Almost two million last year。 If nothing else; the figures proved how right had been the deal he made with Bonner three years ago。
 True; Bonner made almost as much for himself。 But he had a right to it。 Almost all that profit had e from his own big pictures; those he had produced and financed himself。 If only David had been able to persuade Jonas to e up with the financing when Bonner offered it to them。 If he had; the profit this year would have been ten million dollars。
 Only one thing troubled David。 During the past year; Cord had been gradually liquidating part of his stock as the market rose。 He'd already recovered his original investment and the twenty…three per cent of the stock he still owned was free and clear。 Ordinarily; in a pany this size; that meant control。 But someone was buying。 It was the story of Uncle Bernie all over again。 Only this time; Jonas was on the wrong side of the fence。
 One day; a broker named Sheffield had e to see David。 He was rumored to be the head of a powerful syndicate and their holdings in the pany were considerable。 David had looked at him questioningly; as he sat down。
 〃For almost a year now; we've been trying to arrange a meeting with Mr。 Cord to discuss our mutual problems;〃 Sheffield said。 〃But no one seems to know where he is or how he can be reached。 We've never even received an answer to our letters。''
 〃Mr。 Cord is a busy man。〃
 〃I know;〃 Sheffield said quickly。 〃I've had dealings with him before。 The least I can say is that he's erratic。〃 He drew a gold cigarette case from his pocket and opened it。 Carefully he took out a cigarette and placed it between his lips。 He lit the cigarette and as carefully put the case back in his pocket。 He blew a cloud of smoke toward David。 〃Our patience is at an end;〃 he said。 〃We have a considerable investment in this pany; an investment that will tolerate neither a dilettante operation nor an obvious neglect of profit opportunities。〃
 〃It seems to me the investors have very little to plain about;〃 David said。 〃Especially in view of the profits this year。〃
 〃I mend your loyalty; Mr。 Woolf;〃 Sheffield said。 He smiled。 〃But we both know better。 My group of investors was willing to advance the financing needed for certain pictures which might have doubled our profit。 Mr。 Cord was not。 We are willing to work out an equitable stock and profit…sharing plan for certain key executives。 Mr。 Cord is not。 And definitely we are not interested in burdening the pany with certain expenses; like

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