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小说: hr.thecarpetbaggers 字数: 每页4000字

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 He shook his head。 〃No; thanks。 I don't go for that stuff。〃
 〃Don't give me a hard time;〃 she said。 〃I only want to slow you down a little。〃
 He took the cigarette from her hand and gingerly put it between his lips。 He drew on it。 The smoke went down deep inside him。 There was no need for him to blow it out。 His body had soaked it up like a sponge。
 He looked down at himself in wonder。 Suddenly he felt so buoyant。 His body was so clean and strong。 He looked up at her as she stepped into the tub。 He dragged on the cigarette again。 He could feel himself floating lightly in the water。
 〃That's enough。〃 She took the cigarette from his lips and tossed it into the bowl。
 〃This is crazy;〃 he said; smiling; as she stretched out in the water beside him。
 〃It had better be;〃 she said; lowering her head to his chest; where he lay covered with a shallow layer of water。 He gave a start of surprise as he felt her teeth scrape lightly across his breast。 She raised her head; smiling as she looked at him。 〃It had better be;〃 she repeated。 〃That bottle of champagne cost me twenty bucks。〃
 He never knew exactly when the idea came to him。 It was probably while he was asleep。 But it didn't matter。 It was there when he came down to breakfast that morning。 And he had the confidence that came with the success of many such ideas in the past。
 She looked up from the dining…room table when she heard the sound of his feet on the staircase。 〃Good morning; Mr。 Bonner。 Hungry?〃
 He returned her smile with appreciation。 〃Starved;〃 he said; surprising himself。 It had been a long time since he'd felt like eating a good breakfast。 Juice and coffee was his usual routine。
 He saw her foot move as she pressed a button on the floor under the table。 A chime echoed from the kitchen in the back of the house。 〃Drink your juice;〃 she said。 〃Your breakfast will be out in a minute。〃
 He sat down opposite her and lifted the large glass of tomato juice out of the ice in which it had been resting。 〃Cheers。〃
 He looked at her with approval。 In the clear light of morning; there wasn't a trace of a line on her face。 Her eyes were clear and dark and there was only a light touch of color on her lips。 Her pale…brown hair was secured neatly behind her head in a pony tail。 Her arms were tan against her white; short…sleeved sport blouse; which was tucked neatly; almost primly; into a casually tailored; gored skirt。
 The door behind her opened and a heavy…set Mexican woman waddled in carrying a large tray; the contents of which she transferred to the huge Lazy Susan in the center of the table。 Then she deftly removed the empty glass from in front of him and replaced it with a large dinner plate。 〃Café; un momento;〃 she said quickly and vanished。
 〃Help yourself; Mr。 Bonner;〃 Jennie said。 〃You'll find ham; bacon; steak; kippers and kidneys on the plates with the green covers。 There are fried eggs; scrambled eggs and French fries under the yellow covers。〃
 He spun the Lazy Susan until he found the ham and served himself。 As he filled his plate; the Mexican woman came back with a pot of coffee and hot rolls and toast。 He looked down at his plate。 The ham was just the way he liked it。
 Jennie was helping herself to a generous portion of steak。 〃You set a hell of a fine table;〃 he said as the Mexican woman filled his coffee cup。
 Jennie smiled at him。 〃There's nothing cheap in this house。〃
 The Mexican servant walked over and filled Jennie's cup; then waddled back into the kitchen。 〃You look like you're playing tennis this morning;〃 he said。
 She nodded。 〃That's exactly what I'm doing。 I play for two hours every morning。〃
 〃Where do you play?〃
 〃Bel Air。 I have a standing date with Frankie Gardner。〃
 He raised an eyebrow。 Frankie Gardner was one of the top tennis pros in the country。 He was expensive … at least twenty…five dollars an hour。 〃Is he one of your customers?〃 he asked curiously。
 〃I don't play with my customers。 It's bad for business。 I buy his time like anybody else。〃
 〃I like the exercise;〃 she said。 〃It helps me keep in shape。 You know by now that sometimes I put in some pretty long hours。〃
 〃I see what you mean。 Have you ever thought about doing anything else?〃
 〃What do you mean?〃 she asked。 〃I told you I studied nursing。〃
 〃I don't mean that。 How e you never tried the movies?〃
 She laughed merrily。 〃I'm a native Californian; Mr。 Bonner。 I've seen what happens to the kids that e out here。 Better…looking than I ever was。 They wind up as car hops; hustling hamburgers; or five…dollar whores working the Strip。 I know better。〃
 〃I mean it;〃 he said earnestly。 〃Do you know who I am?〃
 〃Of course; Mr。 Bonner。 I read the papers。 You're one of the biggest producers in Hollywood。〃
 〃So maybe I know what I'm talking about; eh?〃
 〃Maybe you do。〃 She smiled。 〃But I know myself and I'm no actress。〃
 〃That wasn't what you said last night。〃
 〃That's something else;〃 she said。 〃That's my business。 Besides; you see the way I live。 It would be a long time before I could earn a grand a week in pictures。〃
 〃How do you know? We've had a script around for five years that we haven't been able to find a lead for。 It was written for Rina Marlowe。 I think you could do it。〃
 〃You're crazy!〃 She laughed。 〃Rina Marlowe was one of the most beautiful women on the screen。 I couldn't hold a candle to her。〃
 He was suddenly serious。 〃There are things about you that remind me of her。〃
 〃Could be;〃 she said。 〃I hear she was pretty wild。〃
 〃That; too;〃 he said; leaning toward her。 〃But that isn't what I'm talking about。 e down to the studio tomorrow and I'll set up a screen test。 If it doesn't work; we forget about it。 If it does … well; there's just one man's approval I need and you're good for two grand a week。〃
 〃Two grand?〃 She stared at him。 〃You're joking。〃
 He shook his head。 〃I don't joke about money。〃
 〃Neither do I;〃 she said seriously。 〃Who is this man whose approval you'd need?〃
 〃Jonas Cord。〃
 〃We might as well forget about it;〃 she said。 〃From all I heard around town from some of the girls; he's a real nut。〃
 IRVING FOLLOWED DAVID INTO THE LIVING ROOM AS ROSA BEGAN TO CLEAR THE DISHES。 〃I never saw her looking so good;〃 he said; stretching out in a chair in front of the fire。
 David nodded absently。 〃Yeah。〃
 Irving looked at him。 〃You got something on your mind; Davy?〃
 〃The usual things;〃 David said evasively。
 〃That ain't the way I hear it。〃
 Something in his voice made David tense。 〃What do you hear?〃
 〃The word is out they're giving your boy the squeeze;〃 Irving said in a low voice。
 〃What else do you hear?〃
 〃The new crowd wants to make you top dog if you throw in with them;〃 Irving said。 〃They're also saying that Bonner has sold out to them already。〃
 David was silent。 He couldn't believe that Jonas didn't know about what was happening。 But it was possible。
 〃You ain't talking; Davy;〃 Irving said quietly。 〃You didn't bring me out here for nothing。〃
 〃How did you find out?〃
 Irving shrugged his shoulders。 〃We got stock;〃 he said casually。 〃Some of the boys called up and told me that their brokers were contacted。 They want to know what we should do。〃
 〃How much stock?〃
 〃Oh; eighty; ninety thousand shares around the country。 We figured it would be a good deal the way you were running things。〃
 〃Have you… 〃 David corrected himself。 〃Have the boys made up their minds yet which way they're going?〃 That stock could be important。 It was over three per cent of the two and a half million shares outstanding。
 〃No; we're pretty conservative;〃 Irving said。 〃We like to go where the money is。 And they been making it sound real pretty。 plete financing; doubling the profits; maybe even splitting the stock in a couple of years。〃
 David nodded。 He reached for a cigarette thoughtfully。 It hung in his lips unlit。 Why hadn't Jonas replied to his messages? Three times he'd tried to locate him and each time there had been no reply。 Surely he must know by now。 The last place he checked had sent word that Jonas was out of the country。 If that was true; the whole thing would be a fait acpli by the time he returned。
 〃What are you going to do; Davy?〃 Irving asked softly。

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