九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > hr.thecarpetbaggers >



小说: hr.thecarpetbaggers 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃First;〃 David said into the telephone; 〃can I sign an actress to a contract with Cord Explosives? I have specific reasons for not wanting to sign her with us。 Important reasons。〃 David relaxed slightly。
 〃Good。 Next question。 I have some film I want Jonas to see right away。 Can you get it to him?〃
 He waited a moment。 〃Can't ask for anything more than that。 I'll have the film at your L。A。 office in two hours。 Thanks; Mac。 Good…by。〃
 He pressed down the bar on the telephone and raised it again。 〃Miss Wilson; get me Jess Lee in printing and developing; then e right in here。〃
 He held onto the telephone and reached for a cigarette。 He put it in his mouth。 She leaned across the desk with a match。 He drew in on the cigarette and smiled at her。
 〃Jess;〃 he said; as the door opened and his secretary came in。 〃I'm shooting down a buck slip to you。 I want you to photograph it on the title card and splice it onto the end of the Jennie Denton test; right away。〃
 David covered the mouthpiece with his hand。 〃Take that buck slip down to Jess Lee yourself;〃 he said to the secretary; indicating the paper on his desk。 She picked it up silently and walked out。
 〃I know it's a wild test; Jess;〃 he said into the phone。 〃Make up one print with my buck slip and shoot it right over to Mr。 McAllister's secretary at Cord Aircraft。 It's got to be there by noon。〃
 〃You've made up your mind?〃
 He nodded。 〃I'm playing a long shot;〃 he said。 〃If I'm wrong; it won't matter which of them wins。 I lose。〃
 Rosa smiled。 〃There es a time like that in every operation。 You're the surgeon; you hold the knife and the patient is open before you。 According to the book; there are many things you can do; many ways you can go。 But you have only one way to go … the right way。 So you make the decision。 Your way。 No matter what the pressures are; no matter what the books say。 You have to go your own way。〃 She looked at him; still smiling。 〃Is that what you're doing; David?〃 she asked gently。 〃Going your own way?〃
 He looked at her; marveling at her insight and knowledge。 〃Yes;〃 he said unhesitantly。 〃I'm going my own way。〃
 He had never thought of it quite like that。 She was right; though。 He was on his own now。
 Jennie was sitting at her desk in the living room; writing checks for the monthly bills; when the door chime rang。 She heard the Mexican woman waddle past her on the way to answer it。 She frowned; looking down at the desk。
 She'd been a fool; she thought bitterly; letting herself be talked into that screen test。 She should have known the John was only shooting his mouth off。 Now they were laughing their heads off all over Hollywood。 At least four other Johns had called her up; sarcastically congratulating her on her screen test。 They'd all seen it。
 She had known she wasn't an actress。 Why the hell had she fallen for the gag? Just like every stage…struck kid that came out here。 But she thought she was too wise。 She'd never fall into a trap like that。 Then she'd gone for it; just like all the others。
 She should have known the moment she stood in front of the cameras that it wasn't for her。 But she'd read the script。 Mary Magdalene。 At first; she'd almost died laughing。 No wonder Bonner had thought of her。 It was type…casting of a high order。
 Then something of the story had got to her。 She'd felt moved and shaken。 She'd lost herself in the part and there were times when she cried while the cameras were on her。 And that was something she hadn't done since she was a little girl。 No wonder they were laughing。 She'd have laughed herself if it had been anyone else。 The whore crying for the whore。 She never should have listened。 The week had gone by and there hadn't been even a word from Bonner。
 The heavy footsteps of the Mexican woman sounded behind her。 She looked around。 The servant's beady eyes were inscrutable。 〃Se?or Woolf está aquí。〃
 Woolf。 She knew no one by that name。 Maybe he was the new man from the cops。 They'd told her a new man was ing around to pick up the pay…off。
 〃De las películas;〃 the servant added quickly。
 〃Oh。〃 She nodded。 〃Tráigale aquí。〃 She turned back to her desk as the servant moved away。 Quickly Jennie made a neat pile of the bills and put them in a drawer。 She turned in her chair just as the Mexican returned with a young man。
 She looked coldly at him; rising from her chair。 〃Bonner sent you?〃
 〃No;〃 he said。 〃As a matter of fact; Bonner doesn't even know I'm here。〃
 〃Oh。〃 She knew now why he had e。 〃You saw the test?〃
 He nodded。
 Her voice grew even colder。 〃Then you might as well go;〃 she said。 〃I see no one except by appointment。〃
 A faint smile tugged at his lips。 She grew even angrier。 〃And you can tell Bonner for me that he'd better stop showing that test around town or he'll regret it。〃
 He laughed; then his face grew serious。 〃I've already done that; Miss Denton。〃
 〃You have?〃 She felt her anger dissipating。 〃A thing like that could ruin my business。〃
 〃I think you're out of that business;〃 he said quietly。
 She stared at him; her eyes large。 〃What do you mean?〃
 〃I'm afraid you don't understand;〃 he said; taking a card from his pocket and handing it to her。 She looked down at it。 It was an expensive engraved card。 DAVID WOOLF; it read simply; and down in one corner; the words: EXECUTIVE VICE…PRESIDENT。 Below that was the name of the motion…picture pany Bonner was connected with。 Now she remembered who he was。 She'd read about him in the papers。 The bright young man。 Cord's boy wonder。 She looked up at him。
 The faint smile was playing around his lips again。 〃Would you like to play Mary Magdalene?〃
 Suddenly; she was nervous。 〃I don't know;〃 she said hesitantly。 〃I thought … it was all a kind of joke to Bonner。〃
 〃Perhaps it was;〃 David Woolf said quickly。 〃I don't know what he thought。 But it's no joke to me。 I think you can be a great star。〃 He was silent for a moment。 〃And my wife does; too。〃
 She looked at him questioningly。
 〃Rosa Strassmer。 She knew you at the hospital four years ago。〃
 A light came into her eyes。 〃You mean Dr。 Strassmer? The one who performed the skin graft on Linda Davis' face?〃
 He nodded again; smiling。 〃I was chief nurse in surgery that day;〃 she said。 〃She was great。〃
 〃Thank you。 Now; would you like to play Mary Magdalene?〃
 Suddenly; she wanted to more than anything else in the world。 〃Yes。〃
 〃I hoped that would be your answer;〃 he said; taking a folded sheet of paper from his inside pocket。 〃How much did Bonner say he would pay you?〃
 〃Two thousand a week。〃
 He already had the pen in his hand and was writing on the sheet of paper。 〃Wait a minute; Mr。 Woolf;〃 she said quickly。 〃I know Bonner only meant it as a gag。 You don't have to pay me that much。〃
 〃Perhaps he did。 But I don't。 He said two thousand; that's what you'll get。〃 He finished writing and handed the contract to her。 〃You'd better read that carefully。〃
 She looked down at the printed form。 The only thing written on it was her name and the salary figure。 〃Do I have to?〃
 David nodded。 〃I think you should;〃 he said。 〃Contracts are easy to sign but not that easy to get out of。〃
 Jennie sank back into the chair and began to read the contract。 〃I notice it's with Cord Explosives。〃
 〃That's standard practice with us。 Cord owns the pany。〃
 〃Oh。〃 She finished reading and reached for a pen。 Quickly she signed her name and handed the contract back to him。 〃Now what do we do?〃 she asked; smiling。
 He put the contract into his pocket。 〃The first thing we do is change your name。〃
 〃What's the matter with it?〃
 〃Too many people will recognize it;〃 he said。 〃It might prove embarrassing later。〃
 Jennie thought for a moment; then laughed。 〃I don't give a damn;〃 she said。 〃Do you?〃
 David shook his head。 〃Not if you don't。〃
 She laughed again。 Let the Johns eat their hearts out over what they were missing。
 He looked around the room。 〃Do you own or rent this?〃 he asked。
 〃Good;〃 he said。 〃Close down and go away for a while。 Out on the desert。 Palm Springs; maybe。 Don't let anyone know where you are except me。〃
 〃O。K。;〃 she said。 〃What do I do then?〃
 〃You wait;〃 he said。 〃You wait until we discover you!〃

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