九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > hr.thecarpetbaggers >



小说: hr.thecarpetbaggers 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃How can we if Riordan ain't here?〃
 〃Riordan isn't the union;〃 Tom said。 〃We are。 If we can't find him; we got to do it without him。〃 He turned to one of the men。 〃Patrick; you're on the executive board。 What does Riordan usually do in a case like this?〃
 Patrick took off his cap and scratched at his gray hair。 〃I dunno;〃 he said thoughtfully。 〃But I reckon the first thing he'd do would be to call a meetin'。〃
 〃O。K。〃 Tom nodded。 〃You take a bunch of the men back to the barns and tell the day shift to e down here to a meeting right away。〃
 The men moved around excitedly and after a few minutes; several of them left to go back to the car barns。 The others stood around; waiting。 〃If we're to have a meetin';〃 someone said; 〃we gotta have an agenda。 They don't have no meetin's without they have an agenda。〃
 〃The agenda is; can the pany lay us off like this;〃 Tom said。
 They nodded agreement。 〃We got rights。〃
 〃This meetin' business is givin' me a awful thirst;〃 another man said。 〃All this talkin' has dried out me throat somethin' terrible。〃
 〃Let's send out for a barrel of beer;〃 a voice yelled from the back。
 There was real enthusiasm in the shout of agreement and a collection was quickly taken up。 Two men were dispatched on the errand and when they returned; the keg was mounted on a table at the back of the room。
 〃Now;〃 said one of them; waving his beer glass in front of him; 〃now we can get down to business!〃
 The meeting hall was a bedlam of noise and confusion as more than a hundred men milled around; talking and shouting。 The first keg of beer had run out long ago。 Two new ones rested on the table; pouring forth their refreshment。
 Tom pounded on the table with the gavel he'd found in Riordan's desk。 〃The meeting will now e to order!〃 he shouted; for the fifth time in as many minutes。 He kept pounding on the table until he caught the attention of a few men down at the front。
 〃Quiet!〃 one of them bellowed。 〃Le's hear what good ol' Tom has to say。〃
 The noise subsided to a murmur; then all the men were watching him。 Tom waited until it was as quiet as he thought it would get; then he cleared his throat nervously。 〃We called this meetin' because today the pany laid off fifty men an' we couldn't find Riordan to tell us why。〃 He fumbled with the gavel for a moment。 〃The union; which is supposed to give us protection on our jobs; has now got to act; even if we don't know where Riordan is。 The men that were laid off today had seniority an' there's no reason why the pany shouldn't take them back。〃
 A roar burst from the crowd。
 〃While you fellers was drinkin' beer;〃 Tom said; 〃I looked up the rules in the bylaws printed in my union book; an' it says that a meetin' is entitled to call for a strike vote if more than twenty…five members is present。 There's more than twenty…five members here an' I say we should vote a strike by Monday; unless the pany takes us back right away。〃
 〃Strike! Strike!〃
 〃We've all been faithful employees of the pany for many years an' always gave them an honest count an' they got no right to kick us out like that。〃
 〃Don't let the nickels stick to your fingers; Tom;〃 a man in the back shouted。 〃There may be a spotter in the crowd。〃
 There was laughter。
 〃If there is a spotter;〃 Tom said grimly; 〃let him go back to the pany an' tell 'em what we're doin' here。 We'll show 'em they can't push us around。〃
 There was a burst of applause。
 Tom waved his hand。 〃Now we'll vote on a strike;〃 he said。 〃All in favor say aye。〃
 The men were suddenly quiet。 They looked at each other nervously。 The door at the back of the hall had opened and Riordan was standing in it。 〃What's all this loose talk about a strike; men?〃
 They turned in surprise and stared at him。 The ruddy…faced; heavy…set union organizer started down through the meeting hall。 A buzz came up as they saw him。 It was almost a sigh of relief。 Riordan was here。 He'd tell them what to do。 He'd straighten everything out。
 〃Hello; Tom;〃 Riordan said; walking around the table。 He held out his hand。 Tom shook hands with him。 It was the first time he'd done so。
 〃We came down here because we thought the union should be doin' somethin' for us。〃
 Riordan gave him a shrewd look。 〃Of course; Tom;〃 he said soothingly。 〃And it's the right thing ye did; too。〃
 Tom sighed in relief。 For a moment; he had thought Riordan would be angry at the way they'd e in and taken over the hall。 He watched as Riordan turned toward the men and held up his hand。 A silence came over the hall。
 〃Men;〃 Riordan said in his deep voice; 〃the reason you couldn't find me was I beat it up to the pany office the minute I learned about the layoffs。 There was no time to call a meeting but I want you to know that the union was right on the job。〃
 A cheer went up from the men。 They looked at each other embarrassedly。
 〃And I want to express my appreciation to Brother Tom Denton here for his prompt action in bringing you all down here to the union hall。 It shows that Tom Denton; like every one of you; knows that the union is his friend。〃
 Tom blushed as the men cheered again。 Riordan turned back to the crowd。 〃I've been working all afternoon; fighting with the management; and finally I got them to back down a little。〃
 A loud cheer shook the ceiling。
 Riordan raised his hand; smiling。 〃Don't cheer yet; boys。 Like I say; I only got them to back down a little bit; but it's a start。 They promised to have more meetings with me next month。〃
 〃Are they takin' us back?〃 Tom asked。
 Riordan looked at him; then turned back to the men。 〃The management agreed to take back ten of the men who were laid off this week。 They also agreed to take back ten more men next month。〃
 A strange silence came over the room。 The men eyed each other nervously。 〃But more than fifty of us were laid off;〃 Tom said loudly。 〃What's ten men out of that many?〃
 〃It's a start; Tom;〃 he said。 〃You can't do it all at once。〃
 〃Why not?〃 Tom demanded hotly。 〃They laid us all off at once。〃
 〃That's different;〃 Riordan said。 〃The pany has the right to lay off if business is bad。〃
 〃We know that。 What we're sore about is the way they did it。 They paid no attention to the seniority they agreed to in the union agreement。 They laid off all the sixty…five…cent men and kept the fifty…five…centers。〃
 〃I know;〃 Riordan said。 A harsh edge had e into his voice。 〃But their taking back ten men is a start。 It's better than having all fifty of ye out on the street。〃 He turned back to the men。 〃Ten of you will go back to work。 Maybe next month; ten more will go back。 That's better than nothing。 The pany doesn't care if you go on strike。 They claim they'll save money by not running。〃
 〃I say we take it;〃 one of the men shouted。 〃Ten of us workin' is better than none workin'; like Riordan says。〃
 〃No;〃 Tom said angrily; getting to his feet。 〃The pany should take us all back。 Each of us has as much right to work as the next one。 If all us sixty…five…cent men would accept a cut to fifty…five cents; the pany could keep us all on。〃
 Riordan laughed hoarsely。 〃You hear that; men?〃 he shouted。 〃Would you like to take another pay cut?〃
 There was a murmur from the crowd。 They shifted uneasily。 〃I'd rather take a pay cut than have us all laid off;〃 Tom said。
 Riordan glared at him。 There was no friendliness in his eyes now。 He had been angry ever since he got a call from the pany personnel manager; advising him he'd better get down to the union hall。 The call had caught him at a very embarrassing time。 He got out of bed; cursing as he struggled into his clothing。 〃What is it; honey?〃
 〃Some jerky conductor has taken over the hall and is talking strike to the boys。〃
 〃But he can't do that;〃 his paramour answered in a shocked voice。 〃You promised the pany they'd have no trouble。〃
 〃They won't;〃 he said harshly。 〃Nobody can make Riordan break his word!〃
 By the time he'd driven down to the union hall; he'd simmered down。 But now he was getting angry again。 He had a hard enough job explaining to his wife where he was spending his Saturday nights; without having it loused up by a bunch of stupid trolley men。
 He turned back to the crowd。 〃I propose we settle this 

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