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小说: hr.thecarpetbaggers 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃I haven't thought much about it。〃
 〃You better start;〃 he said。 〃It won't be long now。〃
 She smiled at him。 〃Anxious to get rid of me?〃
 〃Don't be silly;〃 he said。 〃The only reason I've stayed alive this long is because I didn't want to leave you。〃
 Something in his voice made her look searchingly at him。 〃You know; Charlie; I believe you really mean that。〃
 〃Of course I do;〃 he snapped。
 Suddenly touched; she came over to the side of his chair and kissed his cheek。 〃Hey; Nurse Denton;〃 he said。 〃I think you're breaking down。 I'll get you in the sack yet。〃
 〃You got me a long time ago; Charlie。 The only trouble is; we didn't meet soon enough。〃
 When she thought about it; that was true。 The very first time she'd e down to have lunch with him in the hospital; the day after the operation; she'd liked him。 She knew he was dying and after a moment; she knew that he knew it。 But it didn't stop him from playing the gallant。 None of that bland; tasteless hospital food for him; even if he couldn't eat。
 Instead; the food was rushed by motorcar from Romanoff's with a police escort out in front and the siren blaring all the way。 And along with the food came a ma?tre d' and two waiters to serve it。
 He sat up in his bed; sipping champagne and watching her eat。 He liked the way she ate。 Picky eaters were usually selfish lovers。 They gave you nothing; demanding the same sort of unattainable satisfaction in bed that they demanded from the table。 He made up his mind instantly; as he always did。 〃I'm going to be sick for a while;〃 he said。 〃I'm going to need a nurse。 How would you like the job?〃
 She'd looked up from her coffee; her gray eyes quizzical。 〃There are nurses who specialize in home care; Mr。 Standhurst。 They'd probably be better at it than I am。〃
 〃I asked you。〃
 〃I have a job at Los Angeles General;〃 she said。 〃A good job。 Then sometimes I get special calls to help out here; like this one。 It's the kind of work I'm good at。〃
 〃How much do you make?〃
 〃Eighty…five a month; room and board。〃
 〃I'll pay you a thousand a week; room and board;〃 he said。
 〃But that's ridiculous!〃
 〃Is it?〃 he asked; watching her steadily。 〃I can afford it。 When the doctor left here this morning; he told me I've only got three months to go。 I always expect to pay a little bit more when I can't offer a steady job。〃
 She looked down as the waiter refilled her coffee cup。 〃You'd be here for about three weeks;〃 she said。 〃That will give me time to give notice。 When do you want me to start?〃
 〃Right now。 And don't worry about the notice。 I already told Colton and Los Angeles General that you were ing to work for me。〃
 She stared at him for a moment then put down her cup and got to her feet。 She gestured to the ma?tre d' and immediately the waiters began to wheel the table out。 〃Hey; what's the idea?〃 Standhurst asked。
 Jennie didn't answer as she walked to the foot of the table and picked up the chart。 She studied it for a moment and then came over and took the glass of champagne out of his hand。 〃If I'm working for you now;〃 she said; 〃it's time you got some rest。〃
 Time never passes as quickly as when it's running out; he thought。 Somehow; everything seems sharper; clearer to the mind; even decisions are arrived at more easily。 Perhaps it was because the responsibility for them couldn't e home to roost。 No one can win an argument with a grave。
 He felt the pain race through him like a knife。 He didn't flinch but from her face; he knew that she knew。 A strange kind of munication had grown between them。 Words weren't necessary。 There were times he thought she felt the pain; too。
 〃Maybe you'd better go to bed;〃 she said。
 〃Not just yet。 I want to talk to you。〃
 〃O。K。;〃 she said。 〃Go ahead。〃
 〃You're not going back to the hospital; are you?〃
 〃I don't know。 I haven't really thought about it。〃
 〃You'll never be happy in a job like that again。 I've spoiled you。 There's nothing like a lot of money。〃
 She laughed。 〃You're so right; Charlie。 I've been thinking about that。 Nothing's going to seem right ever again。〃
 He studied her thoughtfully。 〃I could leave you something in my will; or even marry you。 But my children would probably make a federal case out of it and say you influenced me。 All you'd get is a lot of grief。〃
 She met his gaze。 〃Thanks for thinking about it; anyway; Charlie。〃
 〃You need to make a lot of money;〃 he said。 〃Why did you decide to be a nurse? You always wanted to be one?〃
 〃No。〃 She shrugged her shoulders。 〃What I really wanted to be was another Helen Wills。 But I got a scholarship to St。 Mary's; so I went。〃
 〃Even being a tennis bum takes money。〃
 〃I know。 Anyway; it's too late now。 I'd be satisfied if I could just make enough to hire the best pro around and play two hours every day。〃
 〃See!〃 he said triumphantly。 〃That's a hundred bucks a day; right there。〃
 〃Yeah。 I'll probably end up back at the hospital。〃
 〃You don't have to。〃
 〃What do you mean?〃 she asked; looking at him。 〃That's all I ever trained for。〃
 〃You started training for something else long before you studied nursing。 Being a woman。〃
 〃Well; I couldn't have trained so well; then;〃 she said wryly。 〃The first time I ever acted like a woman; I got my head knocked off。〃
 〃You mean Dr。 Grant in Frisco?〃
 〃How do you know about that?〃
 〃Mostly a guess;〃 he said。 〃But the paper automatically checks up on everyone who es near me。 Grant's got that reputation and the fact that you worked for him and left in such a hurry led me to that surmise。 What happened? His wife catch you?〃
 She nodded slowly。 〃It was horrible。〃
 〃It always is when you're emotionally involved;〃 he said。 〃It's happened to me more than once。〃 He refilled his glass with champagne。 〃The trick is not to bee emotionally involved。〃
 〃How do you do that?〃
 〃By making it pay;〃 he said。
 〃What you're saying; then; in effect; is that I should bee a whore?〃 she said in a shocked voice。
 He smiled。 〃That's only the Catholic in you that's talking。 In the back of your mind; even you have to admit that it makes sense。〃
 〃But a whore?〃 she said; her voice still shocked。
 〃Not a whore; a courtesan or its modern equivalent; the call girl。 In ancient civilizations; being a courtesan was a highly respected profession。 Statesmen and philosophers alike sought their favors。 And it isn't only the money that made it attractive。 It's a way of life that's most plete。 Luxurious and satisfying。〃
 She began to laugh。 〃You're nothing but a dirty old man; Charlie。 When do you bring out the French postcards?〃
 He laughed with her。 〃Why shouldn't I be? I was a dirty young man; too。 But I was never stupid。 You have all the equipment necessary to bee a great courtesan。 The body; the mind … even your nurse's training won't be wasted。 True sex demands a greater intellectualism than simple animal rutting。〃
 〃Now I know it's time for you to go to bed。〃 She laughed。 〃Next thing I know; you'll be suggesting I go to a school to learn all about it。〃
 〃That's an idea。〃 He chuckled。 〃They're always after me to endow one college or another。 Why didn't I think of it? The Standhurst College of Sex。 Otherwise known as the Old Fucking School。〃 He began to laugh heartily; then suddenly he grimaced in pain。 His face whitened and beads of perspiration broke out on his forehead。 He hunched over in his wheel chair。
 In a moment; she was at his side; pushing up the sleeve of his robe; exposing his arm。 Quickly she shot the syrette of morphine into his vein。 His bony fingers gripped her arm; trying to push it away; as he stared at her with agony…laden eyes。
 〃For Christ's sake; Charlie;〃 she said angrily。 〃Give yourself a break。 Stop fighting it!〃 His grip relaxed for a moment and she emptied another syrette into him。 She looked into his eyes and saw him fighting the fort the drug would bring him。 She took his fragile; thin hand and raised it swiftly to her lips。
 He smiled as the drug began to cloud his eyes。 〃Poor little Jennie;〃 he said softly。 〃Any other time and I'd have made you my queen!〃 His fingers brushed her cheek gently。 〃But I won't forget what we were talking about。 I'm not going to let you go to waste just because I'm not going to be aro

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