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小说: hr.thecarpetbaggers 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃No;〃 she said flatly。 She knew what she had to do。 She turned and walked into the living room; switching on the light。 He followed her curiously。
 She turned; slipping the ring from her finger; and held it out to him。 He looked at it; then at her。 〃Why?〃 he asked。 〃Is it because of anything I did tonight?〃
 She shook her head。 〃No;〃 she said quickly。 〃It has nothing to do with you at all。 Just take the ring; please。〃
 〃I'm entitled to know why; Jennie。〃
 〃I don't love you;〃 she said。 〃Is that reason enough?〃
 〃Not now it isn't。〃
 〃Then I have a better reason;〃 she said tightly。 〃Before I made that screen test; I was the highest…priced whore in Hollywood。〃
 He stared at her for a moment。 〃I don't believe you;〃 he said slowly。 〃You couldn't have fooled me。〃
 〃You're a fool;〃 she said sharply。 〃If you don't believe me; ask Bonner or any of the other four men at the table who laid me。 Or any of a dozen other men I saw in the restaurant tonight。〃
 〃I still don't believe you;〃 he said in a low voice。
 She laughed。 〃Then ask Bonner why Pierce gave me that present。 There wasn't any mix…up; he meant the razors for me。 The story was all over Hollywood; the morning after Bonner left here。 How I shaved all the hair off his body; then blew him in a bathtub filled with champagne。〃
 He began to look sick。
 〃And why do you think I asked you to let me do Aphrodite?〃 she continued。 〃Not because I thought it was any good。 It was to pay Pierce off for this。〃 She walked quickly to the desk and took out two small reels of film。 She spun one out at him; the film unwinding from the reel like a roll of confetti。 〃My first starring role;〃 she said sarcastically。 〃A pornographic picture。〃
 She took a cigarette from the box on the desk and lit it。 She turned back to him。 Her voice was quieter now。 〃Or maybe you're the kind of man who enjoys being married to that kind of woman; so that every time you meet another man; you can wonder。 Did he or didn't he? When; where and how?〃
 He took a step toward her。 〃That's over now。 It doesn't matter。〃
 〃It doesn't? Just because I was a fool for a moment; you don't have to be。 How much of tonight do you think you'd have been able to take if you'd known what you know now?〃
 〃But I love you!〃
 〃You even kid yourself about that。 You don't love me。 You never have。 You're in love with a memory。 The memory of a girl who preferred your father to you。 The first chance you had; you tried to make me over in her image。 Even in bed … the things you wanted me to do。 Did you really think I was so naive I didn't know those were the things she did to you?〃
 The ring was still in her hand。 She put it on the table in front of him。 〃Here;〃 she said。
 He stared down at the ring。 The diamond seemed to shoot angry sparks at him。 He looked up at her; his face lined and drawn。 〃Keep it;〃 he said curtly and walked out。
 She stood there until she heard his car pull out of the driveway。 Then she turned out the light and walked upstairs; leaving the ring on the table and the film; like confetti after a party; on the floor。
 She lay wide…eyed on her bed staring up into the night。 If she could only cry she would feel better。 But she was empty inside; eaten away by her sins。 There was nothing left for her to give anyone。 She had used up her ration of love。
 Once; long ago; she had loved and been loved。 But Tom Denton was dead; lost forever; beyond recall。
 She cried out into the darkness; 〃Daddy; help me! Please! I don't know what to do。〃
 If she could only go back and begin again。 Back to the familiar Sunday smell of corned beef and cabbage; to the gentle sound of a whispered morning Mass in her ears; to the sisters and the hospital; to the inner satisfaction of being a part of God's work。
 Then her father's voice came whispering to her out of the gray light of the morning; 〃Do you really want to go; Jennie Bear?〃
 She lay very still for a moment thinking; remembering。 Was that time forever gone? If she were to withhold from confession that part of her life which no longer seemed to belong to her it need not be。 They would not know。 It was her one real transgression。 The rest of her life they already knew about。
 To do so would be a sin。 A sin of omission。 It would invalidate any future confession that she might make。 But she had so much to give and without giving it she was denying not only herself but others who would have need of her help。 Which was the greater sin? For a moment she was frightened; then decided that this was a matter between her and her Maker。 The decision was hers; and she alone could be held responsible; both now and at any future time。
 Suddenly she made her mind up and she was no longer afraid。
 〃Yes; Daddy;〃 she whispered。
 His soft voice came echoing back on the wind。 〃Then get dressed; Jennie; and I'll go with you。〃
 IT WAS ALMOST TWO YEARS FROM THE NIGHT OF THE PARTY BEFORE ROSA HEARD FROM JENNIE AGAIN。 It was almost six months from the time she received the dreaded impersonal message from the War Department that David had been killed at the Anzio beachhead in May of 1944。
 No more dreams; no more big deals; no more struggles and plans to build a giant monument of incorporation that would span the earth; linked by thin and gossamer strands of celluloid。 They had e to a final stop for him; just as they had for a thousand others; in the crashing; thundering fire of an early Italian morning。
 The dreams had stopped for her; too。 The whisper of love in the night; the creaking of the floor beneath the footsteps on the other side of the bed; the excitement and warmth of shared confidences and plans for tomorrow。
 For once; Rosa was grateful for her work。 It used her mind and taxed her energy and consumed her with the day…to…day responsibilities。 In  time; the hurt was pushed back into the corner recesses of her mind; to be felt only when she was alone。
 Then; bit by bit; the understanding came to her; as it always must to the survivors; that only a part of the dreams had been buried with him。 His son was growing and one day; as she saw him running across the green lawn in the front of their home; she heard the birds begin to sing again。 She looked up at the blue sky; at the white sun above her head; and knew that once again she was a living; breathing human being with the full; rich blood of life in her body。 And the guilt that had been in her; because she had remained while he had gone; disappeared。
 It all happened that day after she read Jennie's letter。 It was addressed to her in a small; feminine script that she did not recognize。 At first; she thought it another solicitation when she saw the imprimatur on the letterhead。
 Sisters of Mercy
Burlingame; California
 October 10; 1944
 It is with some trepidation and yet with the knowledge that you will respect my confidence that I take my pen in hand to write。 I do not seek to reopen wounds which by this time have already partly healed but it is only a few days ago that I learned of your loss and wanted to extend to you and little Bernie my sympathy and prayers。
 David was a fine man and a genuinely kind human being。 All of us who knew him will miss him。 I mention him in my prayers each day and I am forted by the words of Our Lord and Saviour: 〃I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me; even if he die; shall live; and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die。〃
 Sincerely yours in J。 C。
 It was then; when Rosa went outside to call her son in from his play; that she heard the birds singing。 The next weekend; she drove to Burlingame to visit Jennie。
 There were tiny white puffballs of clouds in the blue sky as Rosa turned her car into the wide driveway that led to the Mother House。 It was a Saturday afternoon and there were many automobiles parked there already。 She pulled into an open space some distance from the sprawling building。
 She sat in the car and lit a cigarette。 She felt a doubt creeping through her。 Perhaps she shouldn't have e。 Jennie might not want to see her; wouldn't want to be reminded of that world she'd left behind。 It was pure impulse that she had followed in driv

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