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小说: hr.thecarpetbaggers 字数: 每页4000字

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t a frightened bone in his body。
 〃We're about ready;〃 the director said。 〃I've got cameras covering you from every angle; so you don't have to worry which way to look。 You go when I give the signal。〃
 Nevada nodded and mounted the horse。 The director stood limned against the edge of the cliff; his hand raised in the air。 Suddenly; his hand dropped and Nevada dug his spurs into the horse。 The animal leaped forward in almost a full gallop。 Nevada gave him his head and led him into the jump。
 Nevada took him high and the horse started down; his legs stiff; braced for a short fall。 Nevada felt the great beast's heart suddenly pound between his legs as his hoofs didn't meet the expected ground。
 The animal writhed in sudden panic as it began to tumble forward。 Quickly Nevada kicked free of the stirrups and threw himself over the horse's side。 He saw the water rushing up toward him and hoped he had jumped far enough so that the horse didn't land on top of him。
 He hit the water in a clean dive and let the momentum carry him deep。 He felt an explosion in the water near him。 That would be the horse。 His lungs were burning but he stayed down as long as he could。
 At last; he had to e up。 It seemed like forever till he broke the surface; gasping。 He turned his head and saw the horse floating on its side; its head twisted in a peculiar manner。 There was a look of great agony in its eyes。
 He turned and swam quickly toward the bank。 Angrily he strode toward the director。
 The director was smiling。 〃That was great。 The greatest shot ever made!〃
 〃That hoss's back is probably broke!〃 Nevada said。 He turned and looked out at the horse again。 The animal was struggling to keep its head above water。 〃Why don't somebody shoot the poor son of a bitch?〃 Nevada demanded。
 〃We already sent for the wrangler to bring a rifle。 He's back on the other hill。〃
 〃That hoss'll be drowned before he gets here;〃 Nevada snapped。 〃Hasn't anybody got a gun?〃
 〃Sure; but nobody could hit him。 A revolver's no good at that distance。〃
 Nevada stared at the director。 〃Give me a gun。〃
 Nevada took the gun and hefted it in his hand。 He spun the cylinder。 〃These are blanks;〃 he said。 Someone gave him bullets。 He reloaded the gun quickly and walked over to the side of the stream。 He fired at a piece of wood in the water。 The gun dragged a little to the left。 He waited a moment until the horse raised its head again; then shot the animal between the eyes。
 Nevada walked back and gave the director the gun。 Silently the big man took it and held out a pack of cigarettes。 Nevada took one and the director held the match for him。 Nevada let the smoke fill his lungs。
 A man came running up; gasping and short of breath。 〃I'm sorry; Mr。 Von Elster;〃 he said hoarsely。 〃I just can't locate that stunt man anywhere。 But I'll get you another one tomorrow。〃
 〃Didn't anybody tell you? He showed up already; Pierce。 We just made the shot。〃
 Pierce stared at him。 〃How could he? I just left him back at… 〃
 The director stepped to one side; revealing Nevada。 〃Here he is。 See for yourself。〃
 Pierce looked at Nevada; then at the director。 〃That's not the one。 That's Nevada Smith。 He owns the Great Southwest Rodeo and Wild…West Show。〃 He turned back to Nevada and stuck his hand out。 〃Good to see you; Nevada。〃 He smiled。 〃What brings you out here?〃
 Nevada glared at him。 The anger bubbled up again inside him。 He lashed out quickly and Pierce hit the ground in shocked surprise。 He stared up at Nevada。 〃What's got into you; Nevada?〃
 〃What I want to know is how much the Cody show got into you!〃
 Von Elster stepped between them。 〃I've been looking for someone like you a long time; Smith;〃 he said。 〃Sell your show and e to work for us。 I'll pay you two fifty a week to start。〃
 Pierce's voice came up from the ground。 〃Oh; no you don't; Von Elster。 A thousand a week or nothing!〃
 Nevada started to speak。 〃You shut up!〃 Dan Pierce told him authoritatively。 〃I'm your agent and don't you forget it!〃 He turned back to Von Elster。 〃This stunt will be all over Hollywood in an hour;〃 he said。 〃I could take him down the line to Universal or Warner's。 They'd snap him up like that。〃
 Von Elster stared at the agent。 〃Five hundred;〃 he snapped。 〃And that's my last offer。〃
 Pierce grabbed Nevada's arm。 〃e on; Nevada。 We'll go over to Warner's。 Every studio's looking for somebody to give Tom Mix a little petition。〃
 〃Seven fifty;〃 Von Elster said。
 〃For six months; then a thousand a week and corresponding increases semiannually thereafter。〃
 〃It's a deal;〃 Von Elster said。 He shook hands with Pierce and then turned to Nevada。 He smiled and held out his hand。 〃What did you say your name was?〃
 〃Smith; Nevada Smith。〃
 They shook hands。 〃And how old are you; young fellow?〃
 Pierce answered before Nevada could speak。 〃He's thirty; Mr。 Von Elster。〃
 Nevada started to open his mouth in protest but the pressure of Pierce's hand on his arm kept him silent。
 〃We'll make that twenty…nine for publicity。〃 Von Elster smiled。 〃Now; you two e on with me down to the front office。 I want to tell Norman we finally found the Sheriff of Peaceful Village!〃
 Nevada turned away to hide a smile。 He wondered what the men down on the prison farm so many years ago would have said had they known he'd finally turned up wearing a badge。 Even if it was only in the movies。
 〃MY GOD!〃 THE WARDEN HAD SAID WHEN THEY brought Max into his office。 〃What do they think they're doin' down there? This is a prison; not a reform school!〃
 〃Don't let his looks fool you none; Warden;〃 the tobacco…chewing deputy said; throwing the papers on the desk for the warden to sign。 〃He's a mean one; all right。 He killed a man down in New Orleans。〃
 The warden picked up the papers。 〃What's he up for? Murder?〃
 〃Nope;〃 the deputy replied。 〃Unlawful use of a weapon。 He beat the murder rap … self…defense。〃 He let go a wad into the spittoon。 〃This guy caught him in some fancy lady's bedroom。〃 
 〃I was the lady's bodyguard; Warden;〃 Max said。 
 The warden looked up at him shrewdly。 〃That didn't give you the right to kill a man。〃
 〃I had to; Warden;〃 Max said。 〃He was in' at me with a knife an' I had to defend myself。 I had no clothes on。〃
 〃That's right; Warden。〃 The deputy cackled lewdly。 〃Naked as a jaybird he was。〃
 〃Sounds like a genuine case of self…defense to me;〃 the warden said。 〃How e they hang a bum one like this on him?〃
 〃It was a cousin of the Darcys he croaked;〃 the deputy said quickly。
 〃Oh;〃 the warden said。 That explained everything。 The Darcys were pretty important people in New Orleans。 〃In that case; you're lucky you didn't get the book。〃 He signed the papers and pushed them across the desk。 〃Here y'are; Deputy。〃
 The deputy picked up the papers and unlocked Max's handcuffs。 〃So long; rooster。〃
 The warden got to his feet heavily。 〃How old are you; boy?〃
 〃 'Bout nineteen; I reckon;〃 Max answered。
 〃That's kinda young to be bodyguardin' one of them fancy women down in New Orleans;〃 the warden said。 〃How'd you e to that?〃
 〃I needed a job when I got out of the Army;〃 Max answered。 〃An' she wanted someone who was fast with a gun。 I was fast enough; I reckon。〃
 〃Too fast;〃 the warden said。 He walked around the desk。 〃I'm a fair man but I don't hold with no trouble…makers。 You…all just get up every mornin'; do your work like you're tol' an' you'll have no trouble with me。〃
 〃I understand; Warden;〃 Max said。
 The warden walked to the door of his office。 〃Mike!〃 he roared。
 A giant Negro trusty stuck his head in the door。 〃Yassuh; Warden。〃
 〃Take this new man out and give him ten lashes。〃
 The surprise showed on Max's face。
 〃There's nothin' personal in it;〃 the warden said quickly。 〃An ounce of prevention; I always say。 It kinda sticks in your mind if you ever think about makin' any trouble。〃 He walked back around his desk。
 〃C'mon; boy;〃 the Negro said。
 The door closed behind them and they started down the corridor。 The trusty's voice was warm and forting。 〃Don' you worry none about them lashes; boy;〃 he said。 〃I knocks you out with the first one an' you never feels the other nine!〃
 Max had reached New Orleans about Mardi Gras tim

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