九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > hr.thecarpetbaggers >



小说: hr.thecarpetbaggers 字数: 每页4000字

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 And lurking all the while in the deep recesses of his mind was the fear … the fear of discovery; the fear of seeing the hurt and shock and loathing e to the faces of his parents once they knew。
 But when she looked at him; smiled at him; touched him; all that was suddenly gone and he would do anything in the world to please her。 He abased himself; groveled before her; wept with the agony of his self…flagellation。 Then the fear would return。 Because there was no escaping the fact。 She was his sister。 It was wrong。
 It was with a feeling of relief that he saw the crazy summer e to an end。 It was over; he thought。 Away from her; he would be able to find himself again; to control the fevers that she set raging in his blood。 When they would e again to the beach next summer; it would be different。 He would be different; she would be different。
 No more; he would say to her。 No more。 It's wrong。
 That was what he believed when he returned to school at the end of that summer。
 Laddie felt a dull ache spread over him。 Somehow; this was the way he'd always known it would turn out。 Ever since that first summer two years ago。 He looked up at her; squinting his eyes against the sun。 〃How do you know?〃
 She spoke quietly; as if she were just talking about the weather。 〃I'm late;〃 she said simply。 〃I've never been late before。〃
 He looked down at his hands。 They were sun…darkened against the white sand。 〃What are you going to do?〃
 〃I don't know;〃 she answered。 Her white…blond hair glittered in the sunlight as she turned and looked out at the ocean。 〃If nothing happens by tomorrow; I guess I'll have to tell Mother。〃
 〃Will you… will you tell her about us?〃
 〃No;〃 she said swiftly; in a low voice。 She picked the next question from his lips。 〃I'll tell her it was Tommy; or Bill; or Joe;〃 she answered; still not looking at him。
 Despite himself; he felt a twinge of jealousy。 〃Did you… with all of them?〃 he asked hesitantly。
 Her dark eyes fixed on his own now。 〃No;〃 she said emphatically。 〃Of course not。 Only with you。〃
 〃What if she talks to them? Then she'll know you're lying。〃
 〃She won't;〃 Rina said positively。 〃Especially when I tell her I don't know which one it was。〃
 He stared at her。 In so many ways; she was older than he。 〃What do you think she'll do?〃
 Rina shrugged her shoulders。 〃I don't know。 There's not very much she can do; I guess。〃
 He watched her walk down the beach to meet some friends; then rolled over in the sand and placed his head on his arms。 He groaned aloud。 It had happened。 Somewhere in the back of his mind he had always known it would。 He remembered the night just a few short weeks ago。
 They had e down to the beach that summer as they did every year。 But this time; it was going to be different。 He had sworn it to himself。 And he had told her; too。
 〃No more;〃 he said。 〃It's stupid; it's kid stuff。 You stick to your friends and I'll stick to mine。 We'll only get in trouble if we keep it up。〃
 She had agreed。 Even promised。 And he had to admit she had kept her word。 It was he who had broken his vow。 And all because of that damned bottle of orange pop。
 It had been a rainy afternoon and they were alone in the cottage。 It was hot and humid and the air clung heavily to his body; sheathing it in an invisible choking blanket。 His shirt and trousers were wringing with perspiration when he went into the kitchen。 He opened the icebox but the usual bottle of orange pop he kept there was gone。 He closed the icebox door angrily。
 He went upstairs and past her open door before his mind absorbed what his eyes had seen。 He walked back and stood in the open doorway。 She was naked on the bed; half reclining; the bottle of orange pop in her hand。 She was staring at it intently。
 He felt the pulse begin to hammer in his head; the perspiration break out anew beneath his clothing。 〃What are you doing with my orange pop?〃 he asked。 He knew he sounded stupid; even as he spoke。
 She moved her head slightly on the pillow and looked at him。 Her eyes were heavy…lidded and hazy。 〃Drinking it;〃 she answered huskily; putting it to her mouth。 〃What do you think?〃
 The soda overflowed her mouth and ran in orange driblets down her cheeks; across her breasts to the convex of her belly and onto the white sheet。 She smiled at him and held out the bottle。 〃Want some?〃
 As if he were someone else; he saw himself cross the room and lift the bottle to his lips。 It was warm from her touch。 He felt the sweetness of the liquid spill into his mouth。 He looked down at her。
 She was smiling up at him。 'You're excited;〃 she said softly。 〃And you said you wouldn't be any more。 But you are。〃
 Some of the orange soda spilled down across his shirt as he suddenly realized he had betrayed himself。 He turned to go but her hand caught him around the thigh。 He almost screamed with the sudden inflaming agony of her touch。 
 〃Just this once more;〃 she whispered。 〃And then never again。〃
 He stood frozen; afraid to move; afraid he would stumble and fall because of the trembling within him。 〃No;〃 he said hoarsely。
 〃Please;〃 she whispered; her fingers opening; searching。
 He stood there as if paralyzed。 An anguished moan came from deep within him。 There would be no more of this; no more humiliation; no more groveling before her。 This time she would learn to leave him alone。
 With one hand; he seized her wrists and bent her back to the bed。 Her eyes were still confident; still unafraid as they watched him。 Suddenly; he pressed his lips to hers。 Her mouth was warm and moist and still tasted of the orange soda。 Then he moved his head and his lips were traveling down her body; across her throat; over her breasts。
 It was then she began to fight him。 〃No!〃 she whispered; writhing away from him。 〃No! Don't touch me!〃
 But he didn't even hear her。 He could feel the red rage pumping in his temples; there was a congestion in his chest。 He felt her hand pull loose and rake his chest; leaving a clean; hot path of pain in its wake。 Bewildered; he looked down at himself and saw the bloody traces of her fingernails on his flesh。 A terrible anger rose up in him。
 〃You cock…teaser!〃 he yelled; swinging his free hand。 The blow caught her on the side of her face。 knocking her back against the bed。 She stared up at him with frightened eyes。
 〃You bitch!〃 he said; tearing his belt from his trousers。 He raised her arms over her head and lashed her wrists to the iron bedpost。 He picked up the half…empty bottle from the bed where it had fallen。 〃Still thirsty?〃
 She shook her head。
 He tilted the bottle and began to laugh as the orange soda ran down over her。 〃Drink!〃 he said。 〃Drink all you can!〃
 The bottle flew from his hands as she kicked it away。 He caught at her legs and pinned them against the bed with his knees。 He laughed wildly。 〃Now; my darling little sister; there'll be no more games。〃
 〃No more games;〃 she gasped; staring up into his eyes。 His face came down and his mouth covered hers。 She felt herself begin to relax。
 Then the fierce; sharp pain penetrated her body。 She screamed。 His hand came down heavily over her mouth; as again and again the pain ripped through her。
 And all that was left was the sound of her voice; screaming silently in the confines of her throat; and the ugliness and horror of his body on her own。
 Laddie rolled over on the sand。 It was all over now。 Tomorrow his mother would know。 And it would be his fault。 They would blame him and they would be right。 No matter what; he shouldn't have let it happen。 A shadow fell across him and he looked up。
 Rina was standing there。 She dropped to the sand beside him。 〃What are we going to do?〃
 〃I don't know;〃 he said dully。
 She reached a hand out to his。 〃I shouldn't have let you do it;〃 she whispered。
 〃You couldn't have stopped me;〃 he said。 〃I must have been crazy。〃 He looked at her。 〃If we were anybody else; we could run away and get married。〃
 〃I know。〃
 His voice turned bitter。 〃It isn't as if we were really brother and sister。 If only they hadn't adopted… 〃
 〃But they did;〃 Rina said quickly; and with a sure knowledge。 〃Besides; we can't blame it on 

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