九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > hr.thecarpetbaggers >



小说: hr.thecarpetbaggers 字数: 每页4000字

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 Rina shut the door behind her slowly。 〃I was wondering if I could be excused from the dance Saturday night?〃
 Margaret Bradley stared at her。 For a moment; she couldn't believe her ears。 Missing the monthly dance was considered the ultimate punishment。 The girls would do anything rather than lose that privilege。 It was the only time boys were allowed within the confines of the school。 〃I don't understand;〃 she said。
 Rina looked down at the floor。 〃I just don't want to go; that's all。〃
 It wasn't because the boys didn't like her。 The teacher knew it was quite the opposite。 The slim; blond sixteen…year…old standing before her was surrounded by boys at every dance。 She came from a good family。 The Marlowes were well known in Boston。 Her father was a banker; a widower。
 〃That's a rather strange request;〃 she said。 〃You must have a reason。〃
 Rina still looked down at the floor。 She didn't answer。
 Margaret Bradley forced a smile to her lips。 〃e now;〃 she said in a friendly voice。 〃You can talk to me。 I'm not that much older than you that I wouldn't understand。〃
 Rina looked up at her and she was surprised by the deep revelation of fear in the girl's eyes。 Then it was gone and she looked down at the floor again。
 The teacher got up and walked around the desk。 She took Rina's hand and led her to a seat。 〃You're afraid of something;〃 she said gently。
 〃I can't stand them touching me;〃 she whispered。
 〃Them?〃 Margaret Bradley asked; her voice puzzled。 〃Who?〃
 〃Boys。 They all want to touch me and my skin creeps。〃 Rina looked up suddenly。 〃It would be all right if they just wanted to dance or to talk but they're always trying to get you alone someplace。〃
 〃What boys?〃 The teacher's voice was suddenly harsh。 〃We'll soon put a stop to their ing here。〃
 Rina got up suddenly。 〃I'd better go;〃 she said nervously。 〃I didn't think it would work; anyway。〃
 She started for the door。 〃Wait a minute!〃 Margaret Bradley's voice was manding。 Rina turned and looked back at her。 〃Did any of them do more than… than just touch you?〃
 Rina shook her head。
 〃How old are you?〃
 〃Sixteen;〃 Rina answered。
 〃I guess by now you know that boys are always like that。〃
 Rina nodded。
 〃I felt the same way when I was your age。〃
 〃You did?〃 Rina asked。 A note of relief came into her voice。 〃I thought I was the only one。 None of the other girls feel the way I do。〃
 'They're fools!〃 The teacher's voice was full of a harsh anger; but she checked herself sharply。 There was no sense in allowing her bitterness to expose her。 〃I was just going to make myself a cup of tea;〃 she said。 〃Would you care to join me?〃
 Rina hesitated。 〃If it wouldn't be too much trouble。〃
 〃It won't be any trouble at all;〃 Margaret Bradley said。 〃Now; you just sit down and make yourself fortable。 I'll have the tea ready in a minute。〃
 She went into the small kitchenette。 To her surprise; she found herself humming as she turned on the burner beneath the teakettle。
 〃I think a summer in Europe between now and the time she goes to Smith in the fall would be of great benefit to her;〃 Margaret Bradley said。
 Harrison Marlowe leaned back in his chair and looked at the teacher across the white expanse of the dinner table; then at Rina; seated opposite her。 What he saw inspired a kind of confidence in him。 A plain; not unattractive young woman in her late twenties; he imagined。 She wore simple; tailored clothes; almost mannish in their effect; that seemed to proclaim her profession。 She had none of the foolish mannerisms that so many of the young women had today。 There was nothing of the flapper about her。 She was very serious and businesslike。
 〃Her mother and I often spoke about Rina going to Europe;〃 he began tentatively。
 〃No girl is considered quite finished if she hasn't spent some time there;〃 the teacher said assuredly。
 Marlowe nodded slowly。 It was a great responsibility bringing up a daughter。 Somehow he had never realized it until several months ago; when he had e into the parlor and found Rina there。
 She was wearing a dark…blue dress that somehow made her seem older than her years。 Her white…blond hair shone in the semidimness。
 〃Hello; Father。〃
 〃Rina!〃 he exclaimed。 〃What are you doing home?〃
 〃I got to thinking how awful it must be for you to e into this great big empty house and find yourself all alone;〃 she said; 〃so I thought I'd take a few days off from school。〃
 〃But… but what about your studies?〃 he asked。
 〃I can make them up easily enough。〃
 〃But… 〃
 〃Aren't you glad to see me; Father?〃 she asked; interrupting。
 〃Of course I am;〃 he said quickly。
 〃Then why don't you kiss me?〃 She turned her cheek toward him。 He kissed her cheek。 As he straightened up; she held him with her arm。 〃Now I'll kiss you。〃
 She kissed him on the mouth and her lips were warm。 Then she laughed suddenly。 〃Your mustache tickles!〃
 He smiled down at her。 〃You always said that;〃 he said fondly。 〃Ever since you were a little girl。〃
 〃But I'm not a little girl any longer; am I; Father?〃
 He looked at her; beautiful; almost a woman in her dark…blue dress。 〃I guess not;〃 he said。
 She turned to the sideboard。 〃I thought you might like a drink before dinner。〃
 The bottles of liquor were all ready for him。 He walked over to the sideboard。 She even had cracked ice in the bucket。 〃What's for dinner?〃 he asked。
 〃I had Molly make your favorite。 Roast chicken; rissolé potatoes。〃
 〃Good;〃 he said; reaching for a bottle of whisky。 Her voice stopped his hand。
 〃Wouldn't you like a Martini? You haven't had one for a long time。〃
 He hesitated a moment; then reached for the bottle of gin。 It wasn't until he turned around that he realized there were two cocktails in his hand。 Habit was a strange mander。 He turned to put one of them back on the sideboard。
 〃May I; Father? I'm past sixteen。 There are many girls at school whose parents allow them a cocktail at dinner。〃
 He stared at her; then poured half of one drink back into the shaker。 He gave her the half…filled glass。 He raised his glass in a toast。
 She smiled; sipping delicately at her glass。 〃This is delicious;〃 she said; in exactly the same words and tone of voice he had so often heard his wife use。
 He felt the hot; uncontrollable tears leap into his eyes and turned away swiftly so that she would not see。 Her hand caught at his sleeve and he turned back to her。 Her eyes were deep with sympathy。 He let her draw him down slowly to the couch beside her。
 And then; for a moment; he wasn't her father。 He was just a lonely man weeping against the breast of his mother; his wife; his daughter。 He felt her young; strong arms around his shoulders; her fingers lightly brushing his hair。 He heard the rumble of her whispered voice within her chest。 〃Poor Daddy; poor Daddy。〃
 As suddenly as it had e; the moment was gone and he was aware only of the firm; taut breasts against his cheek。 Self…consciously he raised his head。 〃I guess I made a fool of myself;〃 he said awkwardly。
 〃No; Father;〃 she said quietly。 〃For the first time in my life; I didn't feel like a child any more。 I felt grown up and needed。〃
 He forced a tired smile to his lips。 〃There's time enough for you to grow up。〃
 Later that night; after dinner; she came over and sat on the arm of his chair。 〃I'm not going back to school any more;〃 she said。 〃I'm going to stay home and keep house for you。〃
 He smiled。 〃You'd get bored with that quickly enough;〃 he said。 〃You'd miss the excitement of school; of boy friends… 〃
 〃Boys!〃 she said scornfully。 〃I can do without them。 They're a bunch of grubby little animals always mooning after you。 I can't stand them。〃
 〃You can't; eh?〃 he said quizzically。 〃Just what kind of man would please your majesty?〃
 She looked down at him seriously。 〃I think an older man;〃 she said。 〃Someone like you; maybe。 Someone who makes me feel safe and secure and needed。 Boys are always trying to get something from you; show that they're stronger; more important。〃
 He laughed。 〃That's only because they're young。〃
 〃I know;〃 she answered; still serious。 〃That's why they frighten me。 They're only interested in what they want; they don't care about me。〃 She leaned over and kissed t

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