九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > hr.thecarpetbaggers >



小说: hr.thecarpetbaggers 字数: 每页4000字

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 kissed the top of his head。 〃Your hair is so nice with that touch of gray in it。〃 A note of regret came into her voice。 〃Too bad I can't marry you。 I love you; Father。〃
 〃No!〃 he said sharply; so sharply that he surprised even himself with the inexplicable violence of his reaction。
 〃No what; Father?〃 she asked; startled。
 He got to his feet and stared down at her。 〃No; you're not staying home。 You're going back to school tomorrow。 I'll have Peters drive you up。〃
 She stared up at him and her eyes began to well with tears。 Suddenly; she was a little girl again。 〃Don't you love me; Father?〃 she cried。 〃Don't you want me to stay with you?〃
 He stared at her for a moment; then passion filled him。 〃Of course I love you; darling;〃 he said quietly。 〃But don't you see; we can't put ourselves in a shell to protect ourselves from the world around us。〃
 〃But all I want is to be with you; Daddy!〃
 〃No; child; no;〃 he said patiently。 〃I know that's the way you feel now but someday; when you're older; and maybe married with children of your own; you'll understand。〃
 She tore herself from his arms and faced him angrily。 〃No!〃 she stormed。 〃I'll never get married! I'll never have children! I'll never let some boy get his dirty hands on me!〃
 〃Rina!〃 he exclaimed in a shocked voice。
 She stared at him dumbly; then her face dissolved into tears again。 〃Oh; Father!〃 she cried in a hurt; broken voice。 〃Can't you see? It's not I; it's you who don't understand!〃
 〃Rina; darling;〃 he said; reaching for her。 But she had already fled the room。 He heard her running footsteps on the staircase; then her door slammed。
 He came back to the present slowly; looking down the long dining table at the teacher; then at Rina。 Her eyes were shining; brightly expectant。
 〃I am sure that if Rina's mother were alive; Miss Bradley;〃 Marlowe said in his oddly formal manner; 〃she would be as happy as I am to entrust our daughter to your very capable hands。〃
 Margaret Bradley looked quickly down at her soup; so that he could not see the sudden triumph in her eyes。 〃Thank you; Mr。 Marlowe;〃 she said demurely。
 THEY STAYED ON DECK UNTIL THEY HAD PASSED the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island; until the water was a bottle green beneath the ship and they could no longer see the shore。
 〃Excited?〃 Margaret Bradley asked。
 Rina's eyes were sparkling。 〃It's like a dream。〃
 Margaret smiled。 〃It will get better and better。 Right now we'd best go down to our cabin and rest up a bit before dinner。〃
 〃But I'm not the least bit tired;〃 Rina protested。
 〃You will be;〃 Margaret said firmly but pleasantly。 〃We'll be aboard the Leviathan for six days。 You'll have plenty of time to see everything。〃
 She nodded in silent approval as they entered their cabin。 Harrison Marlowe wasn't cheap when he did something for his daughter。 It was a first…class cabin; with twin beds and private bath。 He hadn't hesitated; either; when she'd suggested that Rina would need a new wardrobe。 Instead; he'd simply written a check for a thousand dollars and told her that if it wasn't sufficient; she should let him know。
 They had got only a few things in New York; the rest they would get in Paris。 But without saying anything to Rina; she had ordered several things and had them sent directly to the ship。 She couldn't wait to see the expression on Rina's face when she saw them。
 The boxes were on the bed but she did not call attention to them。 She wanted the moment to be just right。 She took off her light spring coat and sank into a deep; fortable chair。 Opening her purse; she took out a package of cigarettes。 It wasn't until after she had lit one that she became aware that Rina was staring at her。 Then she realized that Rina had never seen her smoke。
 She held out the package。 〃Have one?〃
 Rina hesitated。
 〃Go ahead;〃 she urged。 〃It's all right。 You'll find most European women smoke; they're not so provincial as we are。〃
 She watched Rina light a cigarette and laughed as she coughed。 〃Don't swallow the smoke。〃
 Rina held the smoke in her mouth and let it out slowly。 〃How's that?〃
 Margaret smiled。 〃Fine。〃
 〃This is fun; Miss Bradley。〃
 Margaret looked at her。 〃Now that we're really on our way; I think we can dispense with formalities。 From now on; you may call me Peggy。〃 She got to her feet。 〃Would you like to bathe first; Rina?〃
 Rina shook her head。 〃No; Miss Bradley; you can go first if you like。〃
 Margaret shook her head; smiling。 〃Peggy。〃
 〃I mean Peggy。〃
 'That's better;〃 Margaret said。
 She looked up as Rina came out of the bathroom; tying the belt of her robe。 Her long blond hair fell to her shoulders; looking even more silvery against her dark tan。 There was a low knock at the door。 Rina looked at her questioningly。
 〃I ordered sherry;〃 she explained。 〃It's good for your appetite the first day at sea。 I find it helps prevent mal de mer。〃
 She took the tray from the steward and gave one glass to Rina。 〃Cheers;〃 she said; smiling and sipping the wine slowly。
 〃It's nice;〃 Rina said。
 〃I'm glad you like it。〃
 Rina put the glass down。 〃Shall I wear my new blue suit tonight?〃
 Margaret assumed a shocked expression。 〃First…class dining is formal; Rina。〃
 〃I have a few of my party dresses;〃 Rina said。 〃I can wear one of them。〃
 〃Not those horrible dresses they wear at the school dances?〃
 A hurt expression appeared on Rina's face。 〃I thought they were very pretty。〃
 Margaret laughed。 〃For children; perhaps。 But not for a young lady going to Europe。〃
 〃I don't know what to wear; then;〃 Rina said helplessly。
 She had teased Rina enough。 〃Those boxes on the bed are yours;〃 she said casually。 〃I think you might find something to wear in one of them。〃
 The expression on Rina's face as she opened the boxes was all that Margaret had hoped for。 Rina put on a stark black cocktail gown that clung to her figure; revealing her naked shoulders。 As they walked into the dining salon; an hour later; every male eye followed them。
 Possessively Margaret reached across the table and patted Rina's hand。 〃You look lovely; my dear。〃
 Margaret put down the towel and turned to look at herself in the full…length mirror。 Pleased with her reflection; she ran her hands down along her sides; then stretched luxuriously。 Her small breasts with their tiny nipples were no larger than many men's; and her hips were flat and her legs straight。
 She slipped into the silk pajamas; quickly buttoning the fly front of the long; man…tailored trousers; then fastening the tightly fitting bolero jacket。 She brushed her dark hair straight back and pinned it。 Once more; she glanced at the mirror。 At a quick glance; few could tell her from a male。
 Pleased; she left the bathroom and entered the stateroom。 〃You can go in now; Rina。〃
 Rina stared at her in amazement。 〃Miss Bradley … Peggy; I mean … those pajamas!〃
 Margaret smiled at her。 〃Like them?〃
 Rina nodded。
 Margaret was pleased。 〃They're made of genuine Chinese brocade。 A friend sent me the material from San Francisco。 I designed them myself。〃 One thing she could always say for Sally … she had good taste。 Of all the things she had ever given her; these pajamas were her favorite。
 Rina got out of her chair and took a cotton nightgown from the bureau。 She started for the bathroom。
 〃Wait a minute;〃 Margaret said。 She went to her bureau and took out a small box。 〃While I was at it;〃 she said; 〃I also bought you a few nightgowns。〃
 She watched Rina's face as she opened the box。 〃They're real silk!〃
 〃I was afraid that all you had were those horrible school shifts。〃
 Rina looked down at the box。 〃There's a different color for every night in the week;〃 she said。 〃They're all so beautiful; I don't know which to wear first。〃
 Margaret smiled again。 〃Why don't you wear the white one tonight?〃
 〃O。K。;〃 Rina said。 She picked it up and started again for the bathroom。 She stopped at the door。 〃I don't know how to thank you; Peggy;〃 she said gratefully。 〃You make everything seem so wonderful。〃
 Margaret laughed happily。 〃That's just the way I want it to be for you;〃 she said。 She looked at Rina as if the idea had just e to her。 〃What do you say we celebrate tonight? While y

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