九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > hr.thecarpetbaggers >



小说: hr.thecarpetbaggers 字数: 每页4000字

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 Holding the bills in my hand; I looked at her。 〃Why did you bring me here?〃
 She shrugged her shoulders。 〃The Irish make lousy whores;〃 she said。 〃We get sentimental over drunkards。〃
 I looked down at the roll of bills in my hand。 There was about two hundred dollars there。 I took a five…dollar bill and stuck it in my pocket; the rest I put back on the bureau。
 She took the money silently and followed me to the door。
 〃She's dead; you know;〃 she said。 〃And all the whisky in the world won't be bringin' her back to life。〃
 We stared at each other for a moment; then she closed the door and I went down the dark staircase and out into the street。 I walked into a drugstore on the corner of Third Avenue and Eighty…second Street and called McAllister。
 〃Where in hell have you been?〃 he asked。
 〃Drunk;〃 I said。 〃Did you get the copy of Rina's will?〃
 〃Yes; I got it。 We've been searching the whole town for you。 Do you realize what's happening over at the picture pany? They're running around there like chickens with their heads cut off。〃
 〃Where is the will?〃
 〃On the foyer table of your apartment; where you told me to leave it。 If we don't have a meeting about the picture pany pretty soon; you won't have to worry about your investment。 There won't be any。〃
 〃O。K。; set one up;〃 I said; hanging up before he had a chance to answer。
 I got out; paid the cabby and began to walk along the sidewalk in front of the houses。 Children were playing on the grass and curious eyes followed me。 Most of the doors were open; so I couldn't read the house numbers。
 〃Who you lookin' for; mister?〃 one of the kids called。
 〃Winthrop;〃 I said。 〃Monica Winthrop。〃
 〃She's got a little girl?〃 the kid asked。 〃About five?〃
 〃I think so;〃 I said。
 〃Fourth house down。〃
 I thanked the kid and started down the street。 At the entrance of the fourth house; I looked at the name plate under the bell。 Winthrop。 There was no answer。 I pressed the bell again。
 〃She's not home from work yet;〃 a man called over to me from the next house。 〃She stops at the nursery school to pick up the kid first。〃
 〃About when does she get home?〃
 〃Any minute now;〃 he said。
 I looked at my watch。 It was a quarter to seven。 The sun was starting to go down and with it went some of the heat of the day。 I sat down on the steps and lit a cigarette。 My mouth tasted awful and I could feel the beginnings of a headache。
 The cigarette was almost finished when Monica turned the corner and started up the walk; a little girl skipping along in front of her。
 I got to my feet as the child stopped and looked up at me。 Her nose crinkled and her dark eyes squinted。 〃Mommy;〃 she piped in a high…pitched voice; 〃there's a man standing on our steps。〃
 I looked at Monica。 For a moment; we just stood there staring at one another。 She looked the same and yet changed somehow。 Maybe it was the way she wore her hair。 Or the simple business suit。 But most of all; it was her eyes。 There was a calm self…assurance in them that hadn't been there before。 Her hand reached out and she drew the child to her。 〃It's all right; Jo…Ann;〃 she said; picking the child up。 〃He's a friend of Mommy's。〃 The child smiled。 〃Hello; man。〃
 〃Hello;〃 I said。 I looked at Monica。 〃Hello; Monica。〃
 〃Hello; Jonas;〃 she said stiffly。 〃How are you?〃
 〃O。K。 I want to see you。〃
 〃About what?〃 she asked。 〃I thought everything was settled。〃
 〃It's not about us;〃 I said quickly。 〃It's about the kid。〃
 She held the child closely to her in a sudden gesture。 Something like fright came into her eyes。 〃What about Jo…Ann?〃
 〃There's nothing to worry about;〃 I said。
 〃Maybe we'd better go inside。〃
 I stepped aside while she opened the door; and followed her into a small living room。 She put the child down。 〃Go into your room and play with your dolls; Jo…Ann。〃
 The child laughed happily and ran off。 Monica turned back to me。 〃You look tired;〃 she said。 〃Were you waiting long?〃
 I shook my head。 〃Not long。〃
 〃Sit down;〃 she said quietly。 〃I'll make some coffee。〃
 〃Don't bother。 I won't keep you long。〃
 〃That's all right;〃 she said quickly。 〃I don't mind。 It isn't often we have visitors。〃
 She went into the kitchen and I sank into a chair。 I looked around the room。 Somehow; I couldn't get used to the idea that this was where she lived。 It looked as if it was furnished from Gimbels basement。 Not that it wasn't good。 It was just that everything was neat and practical and cheap。 And Monica used to be more the Grosfeld House type。
 She came back into the room; carrying a steaming cup of black coffee; and put it down on the table next to me。 〃Two sugars; right?〃
 Quickly she put two lumps of sugar into the coffee and stirred it。 I sipped it and began to feel better。 〃That's good coffee;〃 I said。
 〃It's G。 Washington。〃
 〃What's that?〃
 〃The working girl's friend;〃 she said。 〃Instant coffee。 It's really not too bad when you get used to it。〃
 〃What will they think of next?〃
 〃Can I get you a couple of aspirins?〃 she asked。 〃You look as if you have a headache。〃
 〃How do you know?〃
 She smiled。 〃We were married for a while once; remember? You get a kind of wrinkle on your forehead when you have a headache。〃
 〃Two; then; please;〃 I said。 〃Thanks。〃
 She sat down opposite me after I'd taken them。 Her eyes watched me steadily。 〃Surprised to see me in a place like this?〃
 〃A little;〃 I said。 〃I didn't know until just a little while ago that you hadn't kept any of the money I gave you。 Why?〃
 〃I didn't want it;〃 she said simply。 〃And my father did。 So I gave it to him。 He wanted it for his business。〃
 〃What did you want?〃
 She hesitated a moment before she answered。 〃What I have now。 Jo…Ann。 And to be left alone。 I kept just enough money to e East and have the baby。 Then when she was old enough; I went out and got a job。〃 She smiled。 〃I know it won't seem like much to you but I'm an executive secretary and I make seventy dollars a week。〃
 I was silent for a moment while I finished the rest of the coffee。 〃How's Amos?〃 I asked。
 She shrugged her shoulders。 〃I don't know。 I haven't heard from him in four years。 How did you find out where I was living?〃
 〃From Rina;〃 I said。
 She didn't say anything for a moment。 Then she took a deep breath。 〃I'm sorry; Jonas。〃 I could see sympathy deep in her eyes。 〃You may not believe me but I'm truly sorry。 I read about it in the papers。 It was a terrible thing。 To have so much and go like that。〃
 〃Rina had no surviving relatives;〃 I said。 〃That's why I'm here。〃
 A puzzled look came over her face。 〃I don't understand。〃
 〃She left her entire estate in trust for your daughter;〃 I said quickly。 〃I don't know exactly how much; maybe thirty; forty thousand after taxes and debts。 She appointed me executor and made me promise to see that the child got it。〃
 She was suddenly pale and the tears came into her eyes。 〃Why did she do it? She didn't owe me anything。〃
 〃She said she blamed herself for what happened to us。〃
 〃What happened to us was your fault and mine;〃 she said vehemently。 She stopped suddenly and looked at me。 〃It's foolish to get excited about it at this late date。 It's over and done with。〃
 I looked at her for a moment; then got to my feet。 〃That's right; Monica;〃 I said。 〃It's over and done with。〃 I started for the door。 〃If you'll get in touch with McAllister; he'll have all the papers ready for you。〃
 She looked up into my face。 〃Why don't you stay and let me fix you supper;〃 she said politely。 〃You look tired。〃
 There was no point in telling her that what she saw was the beginning of a hangover。 〃No; thanks;〃 I said; equally polite。 〃I have to get back。 I have some business appointments。〃
 A wry; almost bitter look came over her face。 〃Oh; I almost forgot;〃 she said。 〃Your business。〃
 〃That's right;〃 I said。
 〃I suppose I should be thankful you took the time to e out。〃 Before I could answer; she turned and called to the child。 〃Jo…Ann; e out here and say good…by to the nice man。〃
 The little girl came into the room; clutching a small doll。 She smiled up at me。 〃This is my dolly。〃
 I smiled down at her。 〃It's a nice dolly。〃
 〃Say good…by; Jo…Ann。〃
 Jo…Ann held out her hand to me。 〃Good

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