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小说: hr.thecarpetbaggers 字数: 每页4000字

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 I smiled down at her。 〃It's a nice dolly。〃
 〃Say good…by; Jo…Ann。〃
 Jo…Ann held out her hand to me。 〃Good…by; man;〃 she said seriously。 〃e an' see us again。 Sometime。 Soon。〃
 I took her hand。 〃I will; Jo…Ann;〃 I said。 〃Good…by。〃
 Jo…Ann smiled and pulled her hand back quickly; then ran out of the room again。
 I straightened up。 〃Good…by; Monica;〃 I said。 〃If there's anything you need; give me a call。〃
 〃I'll be all right; Jonas;〃 she said; holding out her hand。 I took it。 She smiled tentatively。 〃Thank you; Jonas;〃 she said。 〃And I'm sure if Jo…Ann could understand; she'd thank you; too。〃
 I smiled back。 〃She's a nice little girl。〃
 〃Good…by; Jonas。〃 She took her hand from mine and stood in the open doorway while I went down the walk。
 〃Jonas;〃 she called after me。
 I turned。 〃Yes; Monica?〃
 She hesitated a moment; then laughed。 〃Nothing; Jonas;〃 she said。 〃Don't work too hard。〃
 I laughed。 〃I'll try not to。〃
 She closed the door quickly and I continued on down the sidewalk。 Forest Hills; Queens; a hell of a place to live。 I had to walk six blocks before I could get a cab。
 〃But what are we going to do about the pany?〃 Woolf asked。
 I looked across the table at him; then picked up the bottle of bourbon and refilled my glass。 I went to the window and looked out over New York。
 〃What about The Sinner?〃 Dan asked。 〃We'll have to decide what to do about that。 I'm already talking to Metro about getting Jean Harlow。〃
 I turned on him savagely。 〃I don't want Harlow;〃 I snapped。 〃That was Rina's picture。〃
 〃But my God; Jonas;〃 Dan exclaimed。 〃You can't junk that script。 It'll cost you half a million by the time you get through paying off De Mille。〃
 〃I don't care what it costs!〃 I snarled。 〃I'm junking it!〃
 A silence came over the room and I turned back to the window。 Over to my left; the lights of Broadway climbed up into the sky; on my right; I could see the East River。 On the other side of that river was Forest Hills。 I grimaced and swallowed my drink quickly。 Monica had been right about one thing。 I was working too hard。
 I had too many people on my back; too many businesses。 Cord Explosives; Cord Plastics; Cord Aircraft; Inter…Continental Airlines。 And now I owned a motion…picture pany I didn't even want。
 〃Well; Jonas;〃 McAllister said quietly。 〃What are you going to do?〃
 I walked back to the table and refilled my glass。 My mind was made up。 I knew just what I was going to do from now on。 Only what I wanted to。 Let them earn their keep and show me how good they really were。
 I stared at Dan Pierce。 〃You're always talking about how you could make better pictures than anyone in the business;〃 I said。 〃O。K。 You're in charge of production。〃
 Before he had a chance to answer; I turned to Woolf。 〃You're worried about what's going to happen to the pany。 Now you can really worry about it。 You're in charge of everything else … sales; theaters; administration。〃
 I turned and walked back to the window。
 〃That's fine; Jonas;〃 McAllister said。 〃But you haven't told us who the officers will be。〃
 〃You're chairman of the board; Mac;〃 I said。 〃Dan; president。 David; executive vice…president。〃 I took a swallow from my glass。 〃Any more questions?〃
 They looked at each other; then Mac turned back to me。 〃While you were away; David had a study made。 The pany needs about three million dollars of revolving credit to get through this year if we're to maintain the current level of production。〃
 〃You'll get a million dollars;〃 I said。 〃You'll have to make do with that。〃
 〃But Jonas;〃 Dan protested。 〃How do you expect me to make the kind of pictures I want to make if you won't let us have the money?〃
 〃If you can't do it;〃 I snarled; 〃then get the hell out and I'll get someone who can。〃
 I could see Dan's face whiten。 He closed his lips grimly and didn't answer。 I looked from him to the others。 〃The same thing goes for all of you。 From now on; I'm through playing wet nurse to the world。 Any man that doesn't deliver can get out。 From now on; nobody bothers me about anything。 If I want you; I'll get in touch with you。 If you have anything to report put it in writing and send it to my office。 That's all; gentlemen。 Good night。〃
 As the door closed behind them; I could feel the hard; angry knot tightening in my gut。 I looked out the window。 Forest Hills。 I wondered what kind of schools they had out there that a kid like Jo…Ann could go to。
 I swallowed the rest of my drink。 It didn't untie the knot; it only pulled it tighter。 Suddenly I wanted a woman。
 I picked up the phone and called José; the headwaiter down at the Rio Club。 〃Yes; Mr。 Cord。〃
 〃José;〃 I said。 〃That singer with the rumba band。 The one with the big… 〃
 〃Eyes;〃 he interrupted; laughing quietly。 〃Yes; Mr。 Cord。 I know。 She'll be at your place in half an hour。〃
 I put down the telephone and walked back to the table。 I took the bottle to the window with me while I filled my glass。 I'd learned something tonight。
 People would pay any price for what they really wanted。 Monica would live in Queens so she could keep her daughter。 Dan would swallow my insults so he could make pictures。 Woolf would do anything to prove he could run the pany better than his uncle Bernie。 And Mac kept on paying the price for the security I'd given him。
 When you got down to it; people all had their price。 The currency might differ。 It could be money; power; glory; sex。 Anything。 All you needed to know was what they wanted。
 A knock came on the door。 〃e in;〃 I called。
 She came into the room; her dark eyes bright; her long black hair falling down her back almost to her hips; the black gown cut way down in front showing white almost to her navel。 She smiled at me。 〃Hello; Mr。 Cord;〃 she said; without the accent she used in the café。 〃How nice of you to ask me up。〃
 〃Take off your dress and have a drink;〃 I said。
 〃I'm not that kind of girl;〃 she snapped; turning and starting for the door。
 〃I've got five hundred dollars that says you are。〃
 She turned back to me; a smile on her lips; her fingers already busy with the zipper at the back of her dress。 I turned and looked out the window while she undressed。
 There weren't as many lights in Queens as there were in Manhattan。 And what few lights there were weren't as bright。 Suddenly; I was angry and I yanked the cord releasing the Venetian blind。 It came down the window with a crash and shut out the city。 I turned back to the girl。
 She was staring at me with wide eyes。 All she had on was a pair of skin…tight black sheer panties; and her hands were crossed over her bosom; hiding only the nipples of her large breasts。 〃What did you do that for?〃 she said。 〃No one out there can see in here。〃
 〃I'm tired of looking at Queens;〃 I said and started across the room toward her。
 The Story of
 Book Six
 DAVID WOOLF WALKED INTO THE HOTEL ROOM AND THREW HIMSELF DOWN ON THE BED FULLY CLOTHED; STARING UP AT THE DARK CEILING。 The night felt as if it were a thousand years old; even though he knew it was only a little past one o'clock。 He was tired and yet he wasn't tired; he was elated and yet; somehow; depressed; triumphant and yet there was the faint bitter taste of intangible defeat stirring within him。
 This was the beginning of opportunity; the first faint dawn of his secret ambitions; hopes and dreams。 Then why this baffling mixture of emotions? It had never been like this before。 He'd always known exactly what he wanted。 It had been very simple。 A straight line reaching from himself to the ultimate。
 It must be Cord; he thought。 It had to be Cord。 There could be no other reason。 He wondered if Cord affected the others in the same way。 He still felt the shock that had gone through him when he entered the suite and saw him for the first time since the night Cord had left the board meeting to fly to the Coast。
 Fifteen days had passed; two weeks during which panic had set in and the pany had begun to disintegrate before his eyes。 The whispering of the employees in the New York office still echoed in his ears; the furtive; frightened; worried glances cast as he passed them in the corridor。 And there had been nothing he could do about it; no

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