九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > hr.thecarpetbaggers >



小说: hr.thecarpetbaggers 字数: 每页4000字

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e felt the nervous perspiration breaking out on his forehead。
 〃You can smoke in the can;〃 Wagner called; pointing to the back of the warehouse。 David walked down the aisle to the back; until he found the men's room。 Suddenly he felt a need to relieve himself and stepped up to a urinal。
 The door behind him opened and he sensed a man standing beside him。 〃Khop tsech tu;〃 he said。
 David stared at him。 The man grinned back; exposing a mouth filled with gold teeth。 〃You're Chaim Woolf's boy;〃 he said in Yiddish。
 David nodded。
 〃I'm the Sheriff。 Yitzchak Margolis。 From the Prushnitzer Society; the same as your father。〃
 No wonder the word had got around so quickly。 〃You work here?〃 David asked curiously。
 〃Of course。 You think I e this far uptown just to piss?〃 He lowered his voice to a confidential whisper。 〃I think it's very smart of your uncle to put you in here。〃
 The Sheriff nodded his bald head。 〃Smart;〃 he repeated in the same stage whisper。 〃Now they got something to worry about。 Too long they been getting way with murder。 All you got to do is look at the tickets。〃
 〃Tickets?〃 David asked。
 〃Yeah; the shipping tickets。 I pack three times in a day what it takes any of them a week。 Me; I don't have to worry。 But the loafers; let them worry about their jobs。〃
 For the first time; David began to understand。 The men were afraid of him; afraid for their jobs。 〃But they don't have to worry;〃 he burst out。 〃I'm not going to take their jobs。〃
 〃You're not?〃 Margolis asked; a puzzled look in his eyes。
 〃No。 I'm here because I need the job myself。〃
 A disappointed look came over the Sheriff's face。 Suddenly a shrewd look came into his eyes。 〃Smart;〃 he said。 〃A smart boy。 Of course you won't take away anybody's job。 I'll tell 'em。〃
 He started out。 At the door; he stopped and looked back at David。 〃You remind me of your uncle;〃 he said。 〃The old fart never lets his left hand know what his right hand is doing。〃
 The door closed behind him and David flipped his cigarette into the urinal。 He was half way down the aisle when he met Wagner。
 〃You know how to work a fork lift?〃
 〃The kind they use to lift bales?〃
 The foreman nodded。 〃That's the kind I mean。〃
 〃Sure;〃 David answered。
 The anxious look left Wagner's eyes for a moment。 〃Good;〃 he said。 〃There's a shipment of five hundred thousand heralds downstairs on the platform。 Bring it up。〃
 THE ELEVATOR JARRED TO A STOP AT THE GROUND FLOOR and the heavy doors opened on the busy loading platform。 Several trucks were backed up to the platform and men were scurrying back and forth; loading and unloading。 Along the back wall of the platform were stacks of cartons and materials。
 David turned to the elevator operator。 〃Which is the stuff I'm supposed to bring up?〃
 The man shrugged his shoulders。 〃Ask the platform boss。 I jus' run the elevator。〃
 〃Which is the platform boss?〃
 The elevator operator pointed at a heavy…set man in an undershirt。 Thick black hair spilled out from his chest and sprouted furiously from his forearms。 His features were coarse and heavy and his skin had the red flush of a heavy drinker。 David walked over to him。
 〃What d'yuh want?〃 he asked。
 〃Mr。 Wagner sent me to pick up the heralds。〃
 The platform boss squinted at him。 〃Wagner; huh? Where's Sam?〃
 David stared at him。 〃Sam?〃
 〃Sam the receiving clerk; yuh dope。〃
 〃How the hell do I know?〃 David asked。 He was beginning to get angry。
 The platform boss looked over his head at the elevator operator。 〃They didn't can Sam to give this jerk a job; did they?〃 he yelled。
 〃Naw。 I seen him workin' upstairs at one of the packing tables。〃
 The platform boss turned back to David。 〃Over there。〃 He pointed。 〃Against the wall。〃
 The heralds were stacked on wooden racks in bundles of a thousand。 There were four racks; one hundred and twenty…five bundles on each。 David rolled the fork lift over to one and set the two prongs under it。 He threw his weight back against the handles; but his one hundred and thirty pounds wasn't enough to raise the rack off the floor。
 David turned around。 The platform boss was grinning。 〃Can't you give me a lift with this?〃
 The man laughed。 〃I got my own work to do;〃 he said derisively。 〃Tell ol' man Norman he hired a boy to do a man's job。〃
 David was suddenly aware of the silence that had e over the platform。 He looked around。 The elevator operator had a peculiar smirk on his face; even the truck drivers were grinning。 Angrily he felt the red flush creep up into his face。 They were all in on it。 They were waiting for the boss's nephew to fall flat on his face。 He pulled a cigarette absently from his pocket and started to light it。
 〃No smoking on the platform;〃 the boss said。 〃Down in the street if yuh want to smoke。〃
 David looked at him a moment; then silently walked down the ramp to the street。 He heard a burst of laughter behind him。 The platform boss's voice carried。 〃I guess we showed the little Jew bastard where to get off!〃
 He walked around the side of the building and lit his cigarette。 He wondered if they were all in on it。 Even the foreman upstairs; Wagner; hadn't been exactly happy to see him。 He must have given him the job knowing he didn't have the weight to swing a fork lift。
 He looked across the street。 There was a garage directly opposite and it gave him an idea。
 Fifty cents to the mechanic and he came back; pushing the big hydraulic jack the garage used for trucks。 Silence came over the platform again as he jockeyed the jack under the wooden rack。 Quickly he pumped the handle and the rack lifted into the air。
 In less than five minutes; David had the four racks loaded on the elevator。 〃O。K。;〃 he said to the operator。 〃Let's take her up。〃 He was smiling as the doors clanged shut on the scowling face of the platform boss。
 The men looked up from their packing tables as the elevator door swung open。 〃Wait a minute;〃 he said to the elevator operator。 〃I'll go ask Wagner where he wants these。〃
 He walked down the aisle to the foreman's empty desk。 He turned and saw the men watching from their tables。 〃Where's Wagner?〃
 They looked at each other awkwardly for a moment。 Finally; the Sheriff answered him。 〃He's in the can; sneaking a smoke。〃
 David thanked him and walked down the back aisle to the washroom。 The foreman was talking to another man; a cigarette in his hand。 David came up behind him。 〃Mr。 Wagner?〃
 Wagner jumped。 He turned around; a strange expression on his face。 〃What's the matter; David?〃 he asked angrily。 〃Can't you get those heralds up?〃
 David stared at him。 The foreman was in on it; all right。 They were all in on it。 He laughed bitterly to himself。 And Uncle Bernie had said it was going to be a secret。
 〃Well;〃 the foreman said irritably; 〃if you can't do it; let me know。〃
 〃They're up here now。 I just want to know where to put them。〃
 〃You got them up here already?〃 Wagner said。 His voice lost the faint note of sureness it had contained a moment before。
 〃Yes; sir。〃
 Wagner threw his cigarette in the urinal。 〃Good;〃 he said; a faintly puzzled look on his face。 〃They go over on Aisle Five。 I'll show you which bins。〃
 It was almost ten thirty by the time David had the racks empty and the bins filled。 He pushed the last package of heralds into place and straightened up。 He felt the sweat streaming through his shirt and looked down at himself。 The clean white shirt that his mother had made him wear was grimy with dust。 He wiped his forehead on his sleeve and walked down to the foreman's desk。 〃What do you want me to do next?〃
 〃Were there five hundred bundles?〃 the foreman asked。
 David nodded。
 The foreman pushed a sheet of paper toward him。 〃Initial the receipt slip; then。〃
 David looked over the paper as he picked up a pencil。 It was the bill for the heralds: 〃500 M Heralds @ 1。00 per M…500。00。〃 Expensive paper; he thought; as he scribbled his initials across the bottom。
 The telephone on the desk rang and the foreman picked it up。 〃Warehouse。〃
 David could hear a voice crackling at the other end; though he could not distinguish the words。 Wagner was nodding his head。 〃Yes; Mr。 Bond。 They just came in。〃
 Wagner looked o

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